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  • Artigo
    Keeping the ball rolling: using the S-O-R framework to investigate the determinants of football fan loyalty
    © 2023, Emerald Publishing Limited.Purpose: Insights into how fan experience can be used to cultivate football (soccer) fan loyalty are limited. Based on the stimulus–organism–response (S-O-R) paradigm, this study develops and tests a theoretical model investigating the effects of football-game socialisation, team interest, football interest and transaction satisfaction (stimuli) on fanship and cumulative satisfaction (organism), and subsequently, attitudinal loyalty and behavioural loyalty (response). National culture was a moderator. Design/methodology/approach: A self-administered online survey collected data from a convenience sample of 762 football fans from Brazil, China and Germany. Findings: The PLS-SEM results support the S-O-R based model, indicating that football fan-loyalty behaviours are determined by fanship and cumulative satisfaction with the team. Fan experiences, in turn, are also found to be influenced by fan perceptions relating to socialisation, team interest, football interest and transaction satisfaction—elements over which the football team's management may exert some degree of control. Some national cultural differences were found, with three of the model's 12 structural paths significantly different for Germany vis-à-vis Brazil. Originality/value: This study advances the authors’ understanding of the significance of socialisation and fan-interest factors for football, providing evidence supporting the role of the fan experience and service-consumption stimuli related to those game experiences as significant drivers (stimuli) of the fan's affective (fanship) and cognitive states (cumulative satisfaction). This study enriches the limited body of evidence on fanship's role as a driver of attitudinal and behavioural loyalty. Finally, the multi-country study partially supports the moderation effect of national culture.
  • Artigo
    Tropicalism: Strategic maneuvers in musicians' networks Tropicália: Manobras estratégicas em redes de músicos
    (2007-01-05) Charles Kirschbaum; VASCONCELOS, F. C. DE
    This article aims to build bridges between three theoretical fields: Organizational Strategy, Social Networks, and Social Identities. By analyzing the networks of Brazilian musicians (interpreters and composers), we monitor the emergence of new styles, along with the structural changes in the network. Within the period in analysis, from 1958 to 1969, four musical styles emerge and consolidate: Bossa Nova, Jovem Guarda, MPB and Tropicália. We utilized Social Networks Analysis in order to grasp three dimensions of the field evolution: network evolution, creation of structural holes and transformation of actors' centrality. Internal confl icts in a field generate brokerage opportunities among groups separated by structural holes. These holes might be gradually bridged through incremental transformations in the artists' networks. As the emerging artists' infl uence increases, there is higher potential for the introduction of a new style and change of the field's classificatory system.
  • Artigo
    Impact of product development on subsidiary strategy: A case in the brazilian automotive sector
    (2012-01-05) AMATUCI, M.; Roberto Carlos Bernardes
    This paper resumes the discussion concerning subsidiary strategy in the literature, from its conceptual subordination to the Multinational Corporation's (MNC) strategy to the conceptualisation of Centres of Excellence (CE), as well as an analysis of the impact of Product Development (PD) in Brazilian subsidiaries of MNCs in the automotive sector. The study was performed on two automakers that developed vehicles in Brazil, General Motors do Brasil (GMB) and Volkswagen do Brasil (VWB), using Grounded Theory techniques. Results indicate that subsidiaries earned specialised global mandates in the engineering area and became Specialised CEs. Evidence suggests that the maturity level reached by these subsidiaries has eliminated the technological gap between the subsidiary and its headquarters, indicating the end of the international product life-cycle in these subsidiaries. Evidence also suggests that the path to evolution for the subsidiary and the subsidiary-headquarters relationship is relevant to the final extent of the subsidiary's new role.
  • Artigo
    Effects of set size, scarcity, packaging, and taste on the marketing placebo effect
    (2012-01-05) WRIGHT, S.; Jose Mauro Hernandez; SUNDAR, A.; DINSMORE, J.; KARDES, F.
    The marketing placebo effect is defined as "the influence of consumers' beliefs and expectations, shaped by experiences in their daily lives, on product judgments and services" (Shiv, Carmon, and Ariely 2005). Shiv, Carmon, and Ariely (2005) demonstrated that consumer expectations mediate the relationship between product beliefs and product efficacy. In three studies, participants consumed an energy drink purported to increase mental acuity followed by a series of word-jumble puzzles. Participants were told either they would be charged $1.89 for the energy drink (i.e., the regular priced condition) or 89 cents (i.e., the discounted priced condition). Not only did participants anticipate that the full priced (vs. discounted priced) energy drink would be more (vs. less) effective, but they also completed more (vs. fewer) puzzles subsequent to consuming the drink. Participants completed more puzzles because the naïve theory associating price with quality increased nonconscious performance expectancies that the energy drink would improve mental acuity (see Rao and Monroe 1989). Within this stream of research, we investigate how other elements of the marketing mix (beyond price) affect product efficacy. In doing so, we extend theory on the marketing placebo effect and related naïve theories. © 2012.
  • Artigo
    Employability and the antecedents of college students applying for an apprenticeship position Empregabilidade e seus antecedentes para conquista da vaga de estágio por universitários
    The objective of this study was to identify the employability factors which facilitate college students obtaining an apprenticeship position. In the quantitative phase of the research, applicants for apprenticeship in a recruiting company answered a questionnaire and, two months later, at the end of the selection process, we got the names of those who had been selected (or not) (N = 302). In the qualitative phase, a focus group was organized with 10 undergraduates, which clarifi ed their views on employability and corroborated the results of the previous phase. The results show that satisfaction with the educational institution and the course itself were crucial to obtain the apprenticeship position applied for. The factors that infl uenced their satisfaction were: the reputation of the school and the career opportunities offered by the course.
  • Artigo
    R,D&I in electric sector: A management model
    (2013-01-05) Edmilson Moraes; AUGUSTA VARELA, C.
    This study was carried out with the support of the companies of Eletrobras (Chesf, Furnas, Eletronorte and Eletrosul) and seeks to develop an integrated management model that incorporates technology and innovation. The model should be concerned with the performance of companies, aligning R, D&I [Research, Development and Innovation] projects with business strategies. The project was undertaken by an in-depth bibliographical review of the subject and a series of guided interviews. These interviews were conducted in both national and international companies that were regarded as innovative in several different sectors, in an attempt to identify practices that could be employed by companies in the electric sector. The findings of this research allowed the development of an integrated R,D&I Management model which is formally set out here as the results of this study. © Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios.
  • Artigo
    Aspects that determine loyalty to the supplier in online shopping and in-store
    (2014-01-05) NAKAGAWA, S. S. Y.; GOUVEA, M. A.; OLIVEIRA, B.
    Loyalty may lead to lasting and profitable relationships between clients and companies. The knowledge of the issues underlying the loyalty of customers to the supplier can help companies optimize their efforts. However, despite the steep increase in purchases through the Internet, little is known about customer behavior online. This study aimed to identify the aspects related to the loyalty of buyers to suppliers in the online and offline environments and characterization of several profiles of loyalty. Through a descriptive field research investigated were the buyers of books, CDs and DVDs in the offline and online environments based on the model of Coyle and Gokey (2002). In the offline context, the most important aspects are location, service and testing; whereas in the online context, the motivating factors are price competitiveness, the reputation of the store and delivery time. The study emphasized, though, the complexity of the formation process of loyalty, both online and offline environment.
  • Artigo
    The structure of the collaboration network of researchers and performance: Evidences in agricultural production costs
    (2015-07-05) GATTAZ, C. C.; MENDES-DA-SILVA, W.; CRUVINEL, P. E.
    © 2015, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. All rights reserved.Commodities are primary goods, with low levels of industrialization, include the agricultural, metal and energy sectors. The agricultural commodities have an important role in Brazil's economy, accounted by 46.7% of total exports in 2013. Given the economic relevance to productive matrix of Brazilian agribusiness, investment in commodity assets can be an alternative to reduce portfolio risk. This paper intends to measure the systematic risk of price for Brazilian and International commodities to changes in the portfolio of commodities market (Brazilian and International) and financial market (IBOVESPA and S&P 500). We use monthly data from January 1998 to March 2014. The results indicate that Brazilian commodities have a high sensitivity to the domestic commodities market and the local financial market. These results suggest the existence of a common risk factor in the commodities market, which differs from the results of many previous studies. Therefore, the effect of Brazilian commodities in portfolio diversification is very limited.
  • Artigo
    Target costing: Exploring the concept and its relation to competitiveness in agribusiness
    (2016-07-05) LIMA, A. C.; SILVEIRA, J. A.; FERRO, S. H.; Hong Ching
    © 2016, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. All rights reserved.How can the practice of Target Costing enhance agribusiness competitiveness? Though the management accounting literature has been enriched by various artifacts such as ABC Costing, Product Life Cycle Costing, Total Cost of Ownership and Target Costing, there is still need for managers to understand how these artifacts may increase the ability of agribusinesses to compete in a hypercompetitive environment. In this essay, the concept of Target Costing is explored as a managerial accounting artifact as its various definitions, distinctiveness and applicability as an organizational and managerial process are discussed. Then, it is argued how it should contribute to building competitive advantage in an uncertain and increasing competitive environment, specifically but not restricted to the agribusiness industry. It is concluded that Target Costing should be of great importance in aiding the development and marketing of innovative food products by small agribusinesses.
  • Artigo
    Manipulating Disclosure to Repair Corporate Image After an Environmental Disaster: A Study of the Impact of the Dam Failure on Samarco’s Sustainability Reports
    (2022-07-14) AMORIM, F. C. B DE; Maria Tereza Saraiva de Souza
    © 2022 FUCAPE Business School. All rights reserved.The objective of this paper is to analyze how Sustainability Reports (SR) are strategically manipulated after the occurrence of an environmental accident, aiming at neutralizing damages and repairing the company’s image. This is a qualitative study, having collected data through a documental research technique, from consultations with the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources IBAMA’s reports, news published in the press, and SR published by Samarco S. A., involved in a major environmental disaster that occurred in November 2015. The analysis of the environmental disclosure of texts and images exposed the contradictions and inconsistency of the SRs in relation to the reports from official agencies and the news published in the media. We found that the environmental accident severely impacted the company’s environmental disclosure, modifying reporting patterns based on deterrence strategies with a view to omitting, and at the same time repairing the objective reality. Thus, the company resorted to defensive arguments through which it sought to evade responsibility, with the manipulation of negative environmental disclosure, in order to divert the outside public’s attention from adverse information.
  • Artigo
    The Brazilian National Solid Waste Policy: perspectives of the waste pickers’ cooperative networks
    (2022-12-16) PISANO, V.; Jacques Demajorovic; BESEN, G. R.
    © 2022,Ambiente e Sociedade.All Rights Reserved.Despite the advances in the implementation of the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), waste pickers’ organizations (WPOs) continue to face structural problems that challenge their viability. Facing the challenges, cooperative networks (CNs) emerged as an alternative to expand their role in the recycling chain. This research aims to identify the challenges and perspectives of the actions of waste pickers’ networks in the recycling chain and discuss how this new organizational arrangement can contribute to the expected advances of the PNRS. The methodological procedures included the selection of 3 case studies on CNs, interviews, documental and content analysis. The results show the importance of public policies and the breadth of the partnerships to the consolidation of the CNs analyzed. Thus, an adaptation of the PNRS to the new dynamics of the recycling market, considering the multiple benefits of CN, can contribute to overcome the structural problems faced by WPOs.
  • Artigo
    From "" to "": Professional Crossings in the Brazilian National Policy on HIV/AIDS
    (2012) CAMPOS, L. C. M.; MENDONÇA, P. M.; ALVES, M. A.
    This article reflects on the importance of the relations between state and society in policy-making in the area of public health. Several studies in various sectors such as health, education, and social services have made similar observations on organizational dynamics and the institutionalization of different models of partnerships or contracts, often based on the analytical model of three sectors. Individuals and their networks of relationships, however, remain an almost unexplored dimension in these types of research. Against this backdrop, this study seeks to analyze the movement of HIV/AIDS activists to governmental organizations working in this same field. The analysis raises questions concerning the forms of individual and institutional learning that help to maintain the distinct character of innovation of the Brazilian policy. Professionals who cross the borders hold a different profile once they have accumulated experience working with grassroots and local NGOs, and have also had the chance to be trained and enhance their technical and managerial capacities, since the government has supported NGOs for a long period. When combined, these experiences allow them to maintain relationships with social movements and give them the ability to navigate through the government bureaucracy and handle technical information about fighting AIDS epidemics, making it possible for them to negotiate strategic collaborations reflecting the interests of different groups. Hence, they constantly reflect on the differences between government and social spaces, and keep questioning and modifying their roles in the light of potential and existing complementarities. © 2011 International Society for Third-Sector Research and The John's Hopkins University.
  • Artigo
    Reverse open innovation: Open innovation as a relevant factor for reverse innovation
    (2019-01-05) CORTONESI, P.; Fernanda Ribeiro Cahen; BORINI, F. M.
    Copyright © 2019 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.We investigated the role of open innovation in the reverse innovation process. Reverse innovation is an innovation initially launched in a developing country and later introduced to an advanced country. Von Zedtwitz et al. (2015) developed a typology of global innovation with sixteen innovation flows between advanced and emerging countries, ten of which are reverse innovation flows. We argue that their typology can be expanded. By adopting an inductive case study, we provided a nuanced analysis of open innovation as a trigger for reverse innovation based on an in-depth case analysis of a foreign subsidiary and its network of local partners in an emerging market. Our research extended the typology of Von Zedtwitz et al. (2015) by identifying open innovation occurring in emerging markets and influencing the process of reverse innovation in multinational companies. By adding analyses of open innovation, we theorised that new reverse innovation configurations emerge. The managerial contributions are related to how multinational companies can benefit from open innovation and leverage the potential of reverse innovation to increase innovation performance and competiveness in the global setting.
  • Artigo
    General enterprising tendency (Get) in brazilian taxi drivers: Alternative to unemployment or form of action? La tendance générale des affaires chez les chauffeurs de taxi brésiliens. Une alternative au chômage ou une forme d’action? Tendência empresarial geral nos taxistas brasileiros: Alternativa para o desemprego ou forma de ação? Tendencia empresarial general en los taxistas brasileños ¿alternativa al desempleo o forma de acción?
    © 2019, Centro de Estudos de Historia Religiosa. All rights reserved.Advances in information technologies are revolutionizing social relations, including taxi drivers, through software programs. These programs are allowing any driver to transport people, putting taxi drivers in a new position in society and giving them new strategies for making a living. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the degree of entrepreneurship by means of the General Enterprising Tendency model (get) proposed by Caird (1991). The methodology used was quantitative and exploratory, and included the participation of 147 taxi drivers from a taxi cooperative. The results indicate that in none of the constructs analyzed did taxi drivers get the average score to be classified as entrepreneurs; the “need for achievement” construct was the only item that scored farthest from average; and the “autonomy” construct was the closest to the average score. These results suggest that taxi drivers are dedicated to this profession only as an alternative to unemployment. At the same time, it suggests that a public policy for supporting this important actor is required.
  • Artigo
    Educational innovation in the business field: A systematic review according to Brazilian's coordination of higher education improvement stratum classification
    (2020-09-05) RICCOMINI, F. E.; CIRANI, C. B. S.; PEDRO, S. DE C.; KEVIN, K. S.
    Copyright © 2020 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.This paper aims to bring a better understanding of educational innovation related to business and economics by presenting systematic review on educational innovation, from papers indexed in Web of Science, without temporal delimitation, until 2017. Among the studies found, 18 papers were published in journals with A1 and A2 stratum in the Brazilian coordination of higher education improvement, categorised according to educational innovation dimensions proposed by OECD (2014). It seeks to offer a qualitative analysis of how these researches are being directed, observing the gaps related to the research object, as well as to understand how the field envisions the theme of educational innovation. The results reveal the predominance of empirical studies towards school, considering more global studies on the market and theoretical research. There is need for more studies focused on other dimensions such as innovation in resources availability for classroom's teaching and educational marketing.
  • Artigo de revisão
    In the right place at the right time: A review of mobile location-based marketing and a research agenda
    (2021-06-05) KAMIYA, A. S. M.; BRANISSO, D. S. P.
    Copyright © 2021 Korean College of Helicobacter and Upper Gastrointestinal Research.Objective: Based on the increasingly pervasive mobile presence in the retail context, the purpose of this study is to examine the potential effects of the mobile message content and geolocation data as drivers of store visits, connecting online efforts to offline behavior. Method: This article provides a review of the literature of what is known about mobile marketing, location-based communication, and push-notification effects on customer attitudes and behavior. Results: The study synthesize arguments for location-based push notifications related to visits to offline sites, coupon offers, and personalized and high-engagement content. Based on numerous findings from marketing and customer research, it identifies a set of general propositions. Theoretical/methodological contributions: This review intends to contribute to theories of mobile marketing, omnichannel customer behavior as well as the understanding of geolocation promotions. By identifying strategies that marketers employ for more effective geolocation promotions, this review provides an overarching framework to synthesize current findings in mobile location-based marketing and identifies gaps in our current knowledge in order to stimulate additional work in this field. Managerial implications: The main assumption behind the article is that the content and the timing of the message (considering the customer’s geolocation) increase visits to offline sites. Context and convenience as the primary drivers of the effect (visits to offline POS generated by mobile notifications), considering that context and convenience are represented by geolocation and message content. This provides the base for a mobile model for companies to attract customers to physical locations This review contributes by shedding light on the path to mobile activation in a cross-channel retail strategy.
  • Artigo
    Inhospitable accessibility and blurred liability: Institutional voids in an emerging economy preventing supply network transparency
    (2021-05-28) MARQUES, L.; ERTHAL, A.; SCHOTT, C. S. D. C. M.; MORAIS, D.
    © 2021, ANPAD - Associacao Nacional de Pos-Graduacao e Pesquisa em Administracao. All rights reserved.Research on supply network transparency is incipient and focused on how focal firms can improve monitoring of supplier misbehavior. This narrow focus has restricted advancements in the topic. Our research, firstly, shifts the focus from supplier to focal firm misbehavior, and secondly, focuses on Brazil as an exemplar of an emerging economy. We explore how institutional voids influence supply network transparency. We focus on how voids in regulation, labor market, and contracting systems provide fruitful land for buyer misconduct and undermine supply network transparency. We review legislation in five developed countries to contrast with legislation in Brazil and we synthesize six years of Brazilian law suits regarding outsourcing issues in the apparel sector. This study exposes that voids can ease pressures allowing firms to navigate ‘below the radar’ and sustain poor working conditions along the supply network. Within this context, society has limited information availability and accessibility — what we label inhospitable accessibility (due to the regulatory void), as well as limited proportionality between real risks in the supply network and traceability of those risks back to the buying firm — what we label blurred liability (due to voids in labor market and contracting systems), thus preventing supply network transparency.
  • Artigo
    Does ecological sustainability really matter? Evaluation of its mediating role in the relationship between innovation and competitiveness
    (2021-08-05) JACOMOSSI, R. R.; FELDMANN, P. R.; BARRICHELLO, A.; MORANO, R. S.
    © 2021, ANPAD - Associacao Nacional de Pos-Graduacao e Pesquisa em Administracao. All rights reserved.Organizational studies highlight the role of innovation for competitiveness, but few of them address ecological sustainability as one of the variables in this relationship. The traditional model only considers economic growth to be anchored in the dimension of innovation, disregarding the environment. Thus, the purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of ecological sustainability on the relationship between innovation and global competitiveness. To reach the goal of the manuscript, a database was used that included indicators from 119 countries present in the Global Competitiveness Report of WEF and the Global Innovation Index. The data were treated using regression analysis with mediation techniques. The results suggest significant mediation of ecological sustainability in the relationship between innovation and global competitiveness. This work shows the importance of ecological sustainability to increase country’s innovative activity and consequently its competitiveness. Additionally, it draws attention to the gap in studies that present these relationships at the country level. In terms of practical contributions, the findings support the recommendation for companies to focus on actions to environmental and innovation management improving sustainability and increasing organizational performance and long-term survival. Finally, this research also draws attention to the lack of an important indicator of ecological sustainability in a report addressing countries’ competitiveness.
  • Artigo
    Alavancando a eficácia de serviços intensivos em conhecimento: O papel dos clientes e dos prestadores de serviço
    (2021-03-08) SILVA, S. S. DA; SANTOS, J. B.
    © 2021. All Rights Reserved.This study develops a theoretical model that relates customer participation in knowledge-intensive services (KIS), the actions of service providers to encourage customer engagement and the effectiveness of services. Five hypotheses were tested using structural equations, and data were collected by surveying a sample of 106 users of physical therapy, personal training, Pilates and global postural reeducation services. The results show that educating customers is not enough; service providers need to empathize and create an emotional bond with them. Additionally, customer education and emotional empathy have different effects on customer feedback and the extent to which customers follow instructions. This study contributes to the literature by promoting a holistic view of the factors that influence customer participation and its effectiveness in KIS.
  • Artigo
    Donations, who are involved: A study on donations in virtual live presentations using QRcode in a COVID-19 pandemic context
    (2021-10-05) COSTA, T. C.; PEDRO, S. C.; GARZARO, D. M.; CARVALHO, M.; VILS, L.
    © 2021 Universidade Nove de Julho-UNINOVE. All Rights Reserved.Study objective: To know the importance of donations during the pandemic period with the aid of virtual live events and understanding what factors influence individuals to make donations during this crisis. Thus, we aim to verify how the involvement in virtual live streams, presentations, the attitude in helping others, and the use of new technology (QR Code), affect this new donation process. Method: We collected data from 291 individuals, and with validated scales, developed the data collection instrument. For the analysis of the model, we used the structural equation modeling (SEM) technique and Partial Least Squares (PLS). Main results: The analysis of the structural model confirmed that the attitude of helping others mediates the relationship between involvement with virtual live presentations and the intention to donate. However, the attitude towards using the QR Code was not significantly related to the intention to donate. Theoretical contributions: Our study contributes to the theories related to consumer behavior, particularly in situations related to engaging in fundraising actions for charity. Relevance / originality: The originality of our study is evident in the investigation of the behavioral intention of donation to charity in an atypical context (COVID-19 pandemic) through new tools and scenarios (use of QR Code). Management or social implications: Our study discusses the impact of technology on making donations possible and how event organizers can contribute to charities.