Improved operation of graded-channel SOI nMOSFETs down to liquid helium temperature
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Pavanello M.A.
De Souza M.
Ribeiro T.A.
Martino J.A.
Flandre D.
De Souza M.
Ribeiro T.A.
Martino J.A.
Flandre D.
Semiconductor Science and Technology
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Pavanello, Marcelo Antonio; SOUZA, Michelly de; RIBEIRO, Thales Augusto; MARTINO, João Antonio; FLANDRE, D.. Improved operation of graded-channel SOI nMOSFETs down to liquid helium temperature. Semiconductor Science and Technology (Print), v. 31, p. 114005, 2016.
Texto completo (DOI)
© 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd.This paper presents the operation of Graded-Channel (GC) Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) nMOSFETs at low temperatures down to liquid helium temperature in comparison to standard uniformly doped transistors. Devices from two different technologies have been measured and show that the mobility increase rate with temperature for GC SOI transistors is similar to uniformly doped devices for temperatures down to 90 K. However, at liquid helium temperature the rate of mobility increase is larger in GC SOI than in standard devices because of the different mobility scattering mechanisms. The analog properties of GC SOI devices have been investigated down to 4.16 K and show that because of its better transconductance and output conductance, an intrinsic voltage gain improvement with temperature is also obtained for devices in the whole studied temperature range. GC devices are also capable of reducing the impact ionization due to the high electric field in the drain region, increasing the drain breakdown voltage of fully-depleted SOI MOSFETs at any studied temperature and the kink voltage at 4.16 K.