O papel da confiança e do controle nas relações inter-organizacionais colaborativas: um estudo de contexto na estrutura organizacional
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Hoelz, J. C.
Kirschbaum, C.
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HOELZ, J. C. O papel da confiança e do controle nas relações inter-organizacionais colaborativas: um estudo de contexto na estrutura organizacional. 2009. 128 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração de Empresas) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Paulo, 2009 Disponível em: <http://sofia.fei.edu.br:8080/pergamumweb/vinculos/000035/0000352f.pdf>. Acesso em: 13 ago. 2018.
Texto completo (DOI)
Relações interorganizacionais,Confiança
Esta dissertação representa uma proposta de trabalho que tem por objetivo aprofundar o esforço teórico de estabelecer relações entre "controle" e "confiança" por meio de um estudo de caso onde as relações inter-organizacionais de controle e confiança estejam contextualizados organizacionalmente. Em outras palavras ela procura responder ao seguinte problema: Como os mecanismos de sustentação da confiança e do controle se relacionam e são explicados em uma perspectiva mais subjetiva, no âmbito da construção das relações sociais no escopo de uma estrutura organizacional? Com o objetivo de responder a essa questão a estratégia de pesquisa selecionada é mista (CRESWELL, 1987), de natureza exploratória e está baseada no pressuposto qualitativo de construção de significados segundo a perspectiva da pesquisa etnometodológica, ou seja, parte-se do pressuposto que os significados múltiplos das experiências individuais são construídos e reconstruídos por meio da prática no dia-a-dia pelos atores sociais em interação (COULON, 2005), com ênfase na relação controle/confiança, complementarmente foi realizada a análise da rede social da organização, por meio do estudo do sociograma resultante do mapeamento das relações interpessoais desenvolvidas pelo grupo estudado, partindo-se do pressuposto que as relações sociais são a base da dinâmica de funcionamento de qualquer interação humana, seja no contexto de trabalho seja em um ambiente social (MOSCOVICI, 1998). Concluindo esse estudo a análise dos dados foi bem sucedida em explicar como, de uma maneira mais subjetiva, os mecanismos de sustentação de confiança e do controle se relacionam e são explicados no âmbito da construção das relações sociais no escopo de uma estrutura organizacional. A análise dos dados encontrou muito indícios que reforçam a idéia que em sua dimensão mais subjetiva a confiança e o controle estão intrinsecamente ligados, e ainda, que as fronteiras existem na medida em que os indivíduos que ocupam essas posições experimentam, realizam, refletem e reconsideram o binômio confiança e controle, passando assim, também, a reconstruir as fronteiras organizacionais, sua permeabilidade e significância para os envolvidos
This dissertation is a proposal for work that aims to deepen the theoretical effort to establish relations between "control" and "trust" through a case study where the inter-organizational relationships of control and trust contextualized in organization. In other words it attempts to answer the following problem: How the mechanisms to sustain the trust and control are related and are explained in a more subkjective, as part of the construction of social relations in the scope of an organization structure? Aiming to answer this question the strategy of search is selected mixed (CRESWELL, 1987), exploratory in nature and is based on the quality of construction of meanings from the perspective of ethnomethodology search, it is assumed that the multiple meanings of individual experiences are constructed and reconstructed through practice the day-by-day by the actors in social interaction (COULON, 2005), with emphasis on relationship control / trust, in addition was made to analyze the social network of the organization, through the study of the resulting mapping of interpersonal relations developed by the group, based on the assumption that social relations are the basis of the dynamics of functioning of any human interction, whether in the context of work is in a social environment (MOSCOVICI, 1998). Completing this study data analysis was successful in explaining how, in a more subjective, the mechanisms to sustain the confidence and control are related and are explained in the context of the construction of social relations in the scope of an organizational structure. Data analysis found much evidence that reinforce the idea that in its more subjective confidence and control are inestricably linked, and that the boundaries exist to the extent that individuals who occupy these positions have, do, reflect and reconsider the binomial confodence and control, passing well, too, to rebuild the organizational boundaries, permeability and its signifance for those involved
This dissertation is a proposal for work that aims to deepen the theoretical effort to establish relations between "control" and "trust" through a case study where the inter-organizational relationships of control and trust contextualized in organization. In other words it attempts to answer the following problem: How the mechanisms to sustain the trust and control are related and are explained in a more subkjective, as part of the construction of social relations in the scope of an organization structure? Aiming to answer this question the strategy of search is selected mixed (CRESWELL, 1987), exploratory in nature and is based on the quality of construction of meanings from the perspective of ethnomethodology search, it is assumed that the multiple meanings of individual experiences are constructed and reconstructed through practice the day-by-day by the actors in social interaction (COULON, 2005), with emphasis on relationship control / trust, in addition was made to analyze the social network of the organization, through the study of the resulting mapping of interpersonal relations developed by the group, based on the assumption that social relations are the basis of the dynamics of functioning of any human interction, whether in the context of work is in a social environment (MOSCOVICI, 1998). Completing this study data analysis was successful in explaining how, in a more subjective, the mechanisms to sustain the confidence and control are related and are explained in the context of the construction of social relations in the scope of an organizational structure. Data analysis found much evidence that reinforce the idea that in its more subjective confidence and control are inestricably linked, and that the boundaries exist to the extent that individuals who occupy these positions have, do, reflect and reconsider the binomial confodence and control, passing well, too, to rebuild the organizational boundaries, permeability and its signifance for those involved