Os fatores críticos que impactam na satisfação e na percepção dos resultados da aprendizagem dos alunos em cursos online
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Moraes, Edmilson Alves de
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LIMA, K. M. R. Os fatores críticos que impactam na satisfação e na percepção dos resultados da aprendizagem dos alunos em cursos online. 2015. 106 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração de Empresas) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Paulo, 2015 Disponível em: <http://sofia.fei.edu.br:8080/pergamumweb/vinculos/000035/00003533.pdf>. Acesso em: 13 ago. 2018.
Texto completo (DOI)
Ensino à distância,Satisfação do aluno,Percepção dos resultados de aprendizagem
Considerando que a educação a distância está emergindo como o novo paradigma da educação moderna em todo mundo, e pesquisas realizadas anteriormente sobre essa modalidade educacional sugeriram uma variedade de fatores que afetam a percepção dos resultados de aprendizagem e a satisfação do aluno com essa temática, neste trabalho desenvolveu-se um modelo integrado, com quatro dimensões: tutor, curso, tecnologia e interação que impactam na aprendizagem e satisfação do aluno que cursa disciplinas online em um curso presencial e alunos dos cursos totalmente online. Além das dimensões, analisou-se também o impacto da percepção dos resultados de aprendizagem na satisfação do aluno. Ademais, foi analisado o impacto de cinco tipos de variáveis dentre as quatro dimensões: o tutor, o conteúdo do curso, design do curso, qualidade da tecnologia e o nível de interação. Para testar as hipóteses propostas, realizou-se uma pesquisa de abordagem quantitativa, que possui concepção pós-positivista, de estratégia de investigação. O tipo adotado de pesquisa neste estudo foi o descritivo, pois tem como objetivo observar, registrar, analisar e relacionar fatos ou fenômenos, nos quais procura-se saber com precisão possível qual a frequência do fenômeno e suas possíveis relações com outros. A amostra analisada foi composta por 799 questionários aplicados a estudantes universitários. A técnica estatística utilizada foi a de modelagem de equações estruturais, devido às características da pesquisa. Concluiu-se que o conteúdo do curso impacta positivamente na satisfação do aluno e a aprendizagem é impactada positivamente pelo conteúdo do curso, tecnologia e interatividade, bem como a satisfação é impactada positivamente pela aprendizagem. A contribuição teórica do trabalho se deu a partir de estudos anteriores que propuseram a análise das variáveis dependentes e independentes de forma isolada e em contextos diferentes, uma vez que foram realizados no exterior. Sendo assim, este trabalho buscou integrar as variáveis dependentes satisfação e aprendizagem e os fatores, conforme a realidade brasileira no que diz respeito à educação a distância
Whereas distance education is emerging as the new paradigm of modern education worldwide, and previously performed research on this educational modality suggested a variety of factors, that affect the perception of learning outcomes and student satisfaction with this theme, this paper has developed an integrated model with four dimensions: tutor, course, technology and interaction that impact on learning and student satisfaction which courses online courses in a classroom course and students from fully courses online. In addition to the dimensions, it is also analyzed the impact of perceptions of learning outcomes in student satisfaction. In addition, it analyzed the impact of five types of variables among the four dimensions: the tutor, course content, course design, quality of technology and the level of interaction. To test the hypotheses, we carried out a quantitative approach to research, which has post-positivist conception of research strategy. The type of research adopted in this study was descriptive, it aims to observe, record, analyze and relate facts or phenomena, in which we seek to know as accurately as possible what is the phenomenon of frequency and their possible relationships with others. The sample consisted of 799 questionnaires given to university students. The statistical technique used was the structural equation modeling, due to the characteristics of research. It was concluded that the course content impacts positively on student satisfaction and learning is positively impacted by the course content, technology and interactivity as well as the satisfaction is positively impacted by learning. The theoretical contribution of this work is given from previous studies that suggested the analysis of the dependent and independent variables in isolation and in different contexts, since they were conducted outside. Thus, this study sought to integrate the dependent variables satisfaction and learning and the factors, according to the Brazilian reality with regard to distance education
Whereas distance education is emerging as the new paradigm of modern education worldwide, and previously performed research on this educational modality suggested a variety of factors, that affect the perception of learning outcomes and student satisfaction with this theme, this paper has developed an integrated model with four dimensions: tutor, course, technology and interaction that impact on learning and student satisfaction which courses online courses in a classroom course and students from fully courses online. In addition to the dimensions, it is also analyzed the impact of perceptions of learning outcomes in student satisfaction. In addition, it analyzed the impact of five types of variables among the four dimensions: the tutor, course content, course design, quality of technology and the level of interaction. To test the hypotheses, we carried out a quantitative approach to research, which has post-positivist conception of research strategy. The type of research adopted in this study was descriptive, it aims to observe, record, analyze and relate facts or phenomena, in which we seek to know as accurately as possible what is the phenomenon of frequency and their possible relationships with others. The sample consisted of 799 questionnaires given to university students. The statistical technique used was the structural equation modeling, due to the characteristics of research. It was concluded that the course content impacts positively on student satisfaction and learning is positively impacted by the course content, technology and interactivity as well as the satisfaction is positively impacted by learning. The theoretical contribution of this work is given from previous studies that suggested the analysis of the dependent and independent variables in isolation and in different contexts, since they were conducted outside. Thus, this study sought to integrate the dependent variables satisfaction and learning and the factors, according to the Brazilian reality with regard to distance education