Análise da cadeia de suprimentos de circuito fechado de baterias de chumbo-ácido
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Armelin, M. P.
Hilsdorf, Wilson de Castro
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ARMELIN, M. P. Análise da cadeia de suprimentos de circuito fechado de baterias de chumbo-ácido. 2020. 142 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica) - Centro universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2020. Disponível em:
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Logística empresarial,Cadeia de suprimentos (gerenciamento)
A cada ano aumenta a importância atribuída pelos pesquisadores e profissionais a questões referentes a sustentabilidade, seja pela degradação ambiental, consumo exacerbado, riscos à saúde, custos envolvidos na recuperação do meio ambiente, entre outros. A
sustentabilidade deixou de ser vista apenas pelo prisma do meio ambiente e passou a agregar também a preocupação com aspectos sociais e econômicos, formando assim o tripé da sustentabilidade ou triple bottom line (TBL). Nesse contexto, um processo de cadeia de
suprimento fechada - closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) - é fundamental para garantir o fluxo logístico desde a aquisição da matéria-prima até o destino adequado do produto após o término da sua vida útil, de modo a comprometer minimamente o meio ambiente e os recursos naturais.
Em particular, essa preocupação é ampliada em situações que envolvem produtos perigosos que podem contaminar o meio ambiente, bem como as pessoas envolvidas em seus processos de produção, como o chumbo. Partindo de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre conceitos de sustentabilidade (TBL), cadeia logística sustentável (sustainable supply chain management - SSCM), cadeia de fornecimento
de circuito fechado (CLSC), logística reversa (LR) e reciclagem de baterias de chumbo-ácido, foi avaliada, por meio de um estudo de múltiplos casos de caráter exploratório, uma cadeia automotiva brasileira envolvendo a fabricação, o fornecimento, a recuperação e a reciclagem de baterias de chumbo-ácido, focando principalmente na recuperação e reciclagem do chumbo. O resultado foi uma analise sobre a participação e responsabilidade dos fabricantes, revendedores e empresas de reciclagem no gerenciamento do triple bottom line, destacando as barreiras e motivadores inerentes a sua prática e como os incentivos, financeiros ou não, afetam a taxa de coleta das baterias exauridas
Each year increased importance and attention are given by researchers and professionals to topics related to sustainability, whether due to environmental degradation, exacerbated consumption, health-related risks, costs involved in the recovery of the environment, or other causes. Sustainability is no longer seen only from an environmental standpoint, with concomitant consideration being given to social and economic aspects, thus constituting the triple bottom line (TBL). In this regard, a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) process is fundamental to ensure the logistic flow from the acquisition of the raw material up to the suitable disposal of the product after the end of its lifespan, so as to minimize the impact on the environment and on natural resources. In particular, this concern is magnified in situations involving dangerous products which may contaminate the environment as well as the people involved in their production processes, such as lead. Starting from a literature review of concepts of sustainability (TBL), sustainable supply chain management (SSCM), closed-loop supply chain (CLSC), reverse logistic (LR) and leadacid battery recycling, was evaluated, through a multiple and exploratory case study, a Brazilian automotive chain, involving the manufacture, supply, recovery and recycling of lead-acid batteries, with special focus given to the recovery and recycling of lead. The result was an analysis of the individual participation and responsibility of manufacturers, retailers and recycling companies in the management of the triple bottom line, highlighting the barriers and motivators inherent in their practice and how the incentives, financial or not, affect the rate of collection of batteries energetically exhausted
Each year increased importance and attention are given by researchers and professionals to topics related to sustainability, whether due to environmental degradation, exacerbated consumption, health-related risks, costs involved in the recovery of the environment, or other causes. Sustainability is no longer seen only from an environmental standpoint, with concomitant consideration being given to social and economic aspects, thus constituting the triple bottom line (TBL). In this regard, a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) process is fundamental to ensure the logistic flow from the acquisition of the raw material up to the suitable disposal of the product after the end of its lifespan, so as to minimize the impact on the environment and on natural resources. In particular, this concern is magnified in situations involving dangerous products which may contaminate the environment as well as the people involved in their production processes, such as lead. Starting from a literature review of concepts of sustainability (TBL), sustainable supply chain management (SSCM), closed-loop supply chain (CLSC), reverse logistic (LR) and leadacid battery recycling, was evaluated, through a multiple and exploratory case study, a Brazilian automotive chain, involving the manufacture, supply, recovery and recycling of lead-acid batteries, with special focus given to the recovery and recycling of lead. The result was an analysis of the individual participation and responsibility of manufacturers, retailers and recycling companies in the management of the triple bottom line, highlighting the barriers and motivators inherent in their practice and how the incentives, financial or not, affect the rate of collection of batteries energetically exhausted