Simulação do processo de solda por fricção e mistura (FSW) utilizando o método dos volumes finitos
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Corteze, Matheus Rodrigues
Bortolussi, R.
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CORTEZE, Matheus Rodrigues. Simulação do processo de solda por fricção e mistura (FSW) utilizando o método dos volumes finitos. São Bernardo do Campo, 2021. 87 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2021 Disponível em:
Texto completo (DOI)
transferência de calor,método dos volumes,soldagem
Este trabalho traz a simulação do processo de soldagem FSW para validação de análise computacional de dados. Os processos de soldagem auxiliam na fabricação de qualquer componente, independente do tamanho e tipo de estrutura final. Dentre esses processos, tem-se a Soldagem por Atrito e Mistura Linear, que foi desenvolvida na Inglaterra pelo TWI, em 1991. Esse processo consiste na união de juntas em seu estado sólido, sendo largamente utilizado na indústria aeronáutica, para substituição de rebites da fuselagem. Já que as ligas de alumínio apresentam melhor desempenho para esta indústria, utilizou-se neste trabalho as ligas de alumínio da serie AA7050-T7451, em placas de 8 mm de espessura para realização dos ensaios que serviram de base de dados para preenchimento do software SIMCENTER STAR-CCM+. Na simulação computacional as geometrias foram modeladas e foi criada uma malha numérica, atraves da análise de volumes finitos, fiel aos modelos físicos do experimento, calibrando o modelo. Com o objetivo de capturar todos os detalhes dimensionais dos componentes utilizou-se malha do tipo poliédrica para as geometrias de análise. Ao final da simulação, foram coletados os dados de temperatura e analisado a discrepância entre os dados experimentais e os computacionais. Os valores encontrados virtualmente para a quantidade de calor gerado e as temperaturas das peças durante o processo de soldagem foram validados e apresentaram uma excelente precisão, já que o erro para os valores obtidos pelo equacionamento é menor que 0,1% quando comparados aos obtidos pela simulação. Portanto, foi possível encontrar uma relação entre as variáveis de processo (rotação e avanço), tendo sua relação equacionada com uma ótima precisão, sendo possível estimar a quantidade de calor gerado para outros valores destes parâmetros de processo sem necessariamente realizar um ensaio físico; permitindo o entendimento dos fenômenos físicos e auxiliando no desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias, identificando, isolando e testando variações virtualmente com baixo custo e tempo, resultando em parâmetros precisos para otimização do processo.
This work presents the simulation of the FSW welding process for validation of computational data analysis. Welding processes help in the manufacture of any component, regardless of the size and type of final structure. Among these processes, there is Friction Welding and Linear Mixing, which was developed in England by TWI, in 1991. This process consists of joining joints in their solid state, being widely used in the aeronautical industry, to replace rivets in the fuselage. Since aluminum alloys present the best performance for this industry, the aluminum alloys of the AA7050-T7451 series were used in this work, in 8 mm thick plates to carry out the tests that served as a database for filling the SIMCENTER software STAR-CCM+. In the computational simulation, the geometries were modeled and a numerical mesh was created, through the analysis of finite volumes, faithful to the physical models of the experiment, calibrating the model. In order to capture all the dimensional details of the components, a polyhedral mesh was used for the analysis geometries. At the end of the simulation, temperature data were collected and the discrepancy between experimental and computational data was analyzed. The values virtually found for the amount of heat generated and the temperatures of the parts during the welding process were validated and presented excellent accuracy, since the error for the values obtained by the equation is less than 0.1% when compared to those obtained by the simulation. Therefore, it was possible to find a relationship between the process variables (rotation and feed), having its relationship equated with great precision, being possible to estimate the amount of heat generated for other values of these process parameters without necessarily performing a physical test; allowing the understanding of physical phenomena and assisting in the development of new technologies, identifying, isolating and testing variations virtually with low cost and time, resulting in precise parameters for process optimization.
This work presents the simulation of the FSW welding process for validation of computational data analysis. Welding processes help in the manufacture of any component, regardless of the size and type of final structure. Among these processes, there is Friction Welding and Linear Mixing, which was developed in England by TWI, in 1991. This process consists of joining joints in their solid state, being widely used in the aeronautical industry, to replace rivets in the fuselage. Since aluminum alloys present the best performance for this industry, the aluminum alloys of the AA7050-T7451 series were used in this work, in 8 mm thick plates to carry out the tests that served as a database for filling the SIMCENTER software STAR-CCM+. In the computational simulation, the geometries were modeled and a numerical mesh was created, through the analysis of finite volumes, faithful to the physical models of the experiment, calibrating the model. In order to capture all the dimensional details of the components, a polyhedral mesh was used for the analysis geometries. At the end of the simulation, temperature data were collected and the discrepancy between experimental and computational data was analyzed. The values virtually found for the amount of heat generated and the temperatures of the parts during the welding process were validated and presented excellent accuracy, since the error for the values obtained by the equation is less than 0.1% when compared to those obtained by the simulation. Therefore, it was possible to find a relationship between the process variables (rotation and feed), having its relationship equated with great precision, being possible to estimate the amount of heat generated for other values of these process parameters without necessarily performing a physical test; allowing the understanding of physical phenomena and assisting in the development of new technologies, identifying, isolating and testing variations virtually with low cost and time, resulting in precise parameters for process optimization.