O uso da inteligência artificial (I.A.) na tomada de decisão
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Massicano, Douglas
Santana, Fabio
Czusz, Samuel
Trindade, Vitor
Santana, Fabio
Czusz, Samuel
Trindade, Vitor
Mezzarano, Fabio
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Inteligência Artificial,Tomada de decisão,Estruturação Empresarial,Gestão,Empresas digitais,Artificial intelligence,Business structuring,Management
As novas tecnologias alteram a maneira como as empresas tomam suas decisões e se estruturam. Com a inserção de novas ferramentas de inteligência artificial (I.A), os processos são alterados. Atualmente, pessoas e sistemas tomam as decisões em conjunto.
Neste novo cenário, como as grandes empresas instaladas no Brasil se estruturam para implementar a I.A.? É a principal questão estudada neste trabalho.
Foi realizada pesquisa com grandes empresas que se enquadram no escopo definido para este estudo. Por meio da análise qualitativa dos dados coletados via formulários e entrevistas foi possível responder as perguntas propostas. Formulou-se, assim, um estudo de casos múltiplos, com empresas de diferentes atuações, mas com convergência nas respostas e práticas adotadas.
A estruturação ideal vem com a implantação de equipes pequenas e multifuncionais,
visão de longo prazo pela alta gerência e colaboradores, cultura digital fortemente disseminada, além de se implantar tal tecnologia o mais breve possível. Dessa forma, há tempo suficiente para aprimorar os sistemas e suas relações com as pessoas que trabalham com eles. No âmbito da tecnologia, as empresas estão investindo fortemente na inteligência artificial e processamento e armazenamento multicloud, seguindo rígidas diretivas de uma gestão de dados eficiente.
É notória a necessidade das empresas em tratarem e gerirem os seus dados tendo em vista que um insight defeituoso pode ocasionar toda uma cadeia de decisão futura errônea.
Todas essas praticas em conjunto respondem a maneira como as grandes empresas digitais instaladas no Brasil se estruturam para implementar o uso da I.A.
New technologies change the way companies make their decisions and structure themselves. Once the company has inserted new tools of artificial intelligence (A.I.), the workflows are changed as well. Nowadays, people and systems make decisions together.In this new scenario, how the large digital companies installed in Brazil are structured to implement A.I.? It’s the mainly question studied in this job.The research was made with large companies that match a specific scope of a digital company. Through interviews and forms allied to a qualitative analysis, the study was able to answer and understand the question object. Thus, a multiple case study was formulated, with companies acting in different activities but with convergence in their responses and practices adopted. The ideal structure comes within small and multifunctional teams, managers and associates with long-term mindset, digital culture highly disseminated over the company, and implementing such structure as soon as possible. This last step guarantees time enough to improve systems and how people and A.I. works together. Companies are also investing in artificial intelligence and storage and multicloud processing, following strict guidelines for an efficient data management. There is a clear need for companies to be careful about their process and data management. A bad data leads to a bad insight, and this can result in an entire bad decision chain. All these practices answers how the digital large companies installed in Brazil are structured to implement A.I.
New technologies change the way companies make their decisions and structure themselves. Once the company has inserted new tools of artificial intelligence (A.I.), the workflows are changed as well. Nowadays, people and systems make decisions together.In this new scenario, how the large digital companies installed in Brazil are structured to implement A.I.? It’s the mainly question studied in this job.The research was made with large companies that match a specific scope of a digital company. Through interviews and forms allied to a qualitative analysis, the study was able to answer and understand the question object. Thus, a multiple case study was formulated, with companies acting in different activities but with convergence in their responses and practices adopted. The ideal structure comes within small and multifunctional teams, managers and associates with long-term mindset, digital culture highly disseminated over the company, and implementing such structure as soon as possible. This last step guarantees time enough to improve systems and how people and A.I. works together. Companies are also investing in artificial intelligence and storage and multicloud processing, following strict guidelines for an efficient data management. There is a clear need for companies to be careful about their process and data management. A bad data leads to a bad insight, and this can result in an entire bad decision chain. All these practices answers how the digital large companies installed in Brazil are structured to implement A.I.