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Julio, Bruno Bonagurio
Silveira, Felipe
Medeiros, Gabriel Pulhez Gonçalves de
Uwai, Gustavo Seity
Santos, João Pedro da Rocha
Fernandes, Lucca Dalla Dea
Mortari, Mateus Riquieri
Ferreira, Rafael Lopes Batista
Hirae, Rodrigo Brandão
Ramos, Thais Seno
Silveira, Felipe
Medeiros, Gabriel Pulhez Gonçalves de
Uwai, Gustavo Seity
Santos, João Pedro da Rocha
Fernandes, Lucca Dalla Dea
Mortari, Mateus Riquieri
Ferreira, Rafael Lopes Batista
Hirae, Rodrigo Brandão
Ramos, Thais Seno
Lameiras Júnior, Francisco
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Texto completo (DOI)
iluminação,gravidade,conversão de energia,lighting,gravit,energy conversion
Um dos temas mais abordados no mundo atualmente é a energia renovável, e com ela, muitos outros vem em conjunto, como acessibilidade e eficiência energética. Como a energia elétrica é utilizada em qualquer tipo de aplicação industrial ou residencial, são nítidos os impactos econômicos e ecológicos positivos provenientes de avanços tecnológicos. No Brasil, mais de 2 milhões de pessoas não possuem acesso à energia elétrica, e consequentemente, desproveem de todos os recursos essenciais da mesma (acesso à internet, meios de comunicação, educação, acessibilidade, etc.). Esta carência social, em conjunto com o gigantesco mercado energético, impulsionou o desenvolvimento de um dispositivo para geração
de energia elétrica através de uma fonte limpa e inesgotável em qualquer região, a gravidade. O GraviTech consiste em um dispositivo que transforma energia potencial gravitacional em energia cinética e posteriormente em energia elétrica, de maneira eficiente, com baixa necessidade de interação humana e com impacto ambiental mínimo.
One of the most talked about topics in the world today is renewable energy, and with it, many others come together, such as affordability and energy efficiency. As electric power is used in any type of industrial or residential application, the positive economic a nd ecological impacts from technological advances are clear. In Brazil, more than 2 million people do not have access to electric energy, and consequently are deprived of all its essential resources (access to the internet, means of communication, education, accessibility, etc.). This social deprivation, in conjunction with the gigantic energy market, drove the development of a device for generating electricity through a clean and inexhaustible source in any region, gravity. GraviTech consists of a device t hat transforms gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy, and later into electric energy, in an efficient way, with low need for human interaction and with minimal environmental impact. GraviTech consists of a device that transforms gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy, and later into electric energy, in an efficient efficiently, with low need for human interaction and with minimal environmental impact. minimal environmental impact. Besides the isolated mode (proposed for people without access to electricity), the GraviTech can be used in conjunction with the conventional electric grid, increasing its efficiency. increasing the efficiency of the grid. Some of its benefits are the reduction of costs and environmental impacts if compared to conventional energy sources.
One of the most talked about topics in the world today is renewable energy, and with it, many others come together, such as affordability and energy efficiency. As electric power is used in any type of industrial or residential application, the positive economic a nd ecological impacts from technological advances are clear. In Brazil, more than 2 million people do not have access to electric energy, and consequently are deprived of all its essential resources (access to the internet, means of communication, education, accessibility, etc.). This social deprivation, in conjunction with the gigantic energy market, drove the development of a device for generating electricity through a clean and inexhaustible source in any region, gravity. GraviTech consists of a device t hat transforms gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy, and later into electric energy, in an efficient way, with low need for human interaction and with minimal environmental impact. GraviTech consists of a device that transforms gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy, and later into electric energy, in an efficient efficiently, with low need for human interaction and with minimal environmental impact. minimal environmental impact. Besides the isolated mode (proposed for people without access to electricity), the GraviTech can be used in conjunction with the conventional electric grid, increasing its efficiency. increasing the efficiency of the grid. Some of its benefits are the reduction of costs and environmental impacts if compared to conventional energy sources.