Obtenção de ácido levulínico e outros produtos a partir de açúcares usando catalisadores heterogêneos
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Joao Guilherme Rocha Poco
Joao Guilherme Rocha Poco
Brazilian Journal of Development
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KIMURA, V. T.; POCO J. G. R. ; MATSUBARA, R. M. S.; DERENZO, S.; GOMES, D. Z.; MARCANTE, A. Obtenção de ácido levulínico e outros produtos a partir de açúcares usando catalisadores heterogêneos. Brazilian Journal of Development, v. 5, n. 9, p. 14804-14813, 2019.
Texto completo (DOI)
Ác. levulínico,5-HMF,Hidrólise de açúcares,Catalisadores heterogêneos,Acid. levulinic,5-HMF,Sugar hydrolysis,Heterogeneous catalysts
futuro como fonte de substâncias químicas para substituir aquelas derivadas de fontes minerais
para criar novas plataformas de bioprodutos como alternativa de redução das emissões de CO2.
Nesse aspecto, o ácido levulínico tem um papel importante nesse segmento (é uma das
substâncias-chave - top twelve entre as de maior potencial) a ter o seu processo de fabricação
desenvolvido devido à sua versatilidade como matéria-prima para produção de diversos
produtos. Entretanto, o uso de catalisadores homogêneos e pouco seletivos na produção desse
composto causa baixo rendimento e dificuldades de separação, elevando seu custo de
produção. No presente trabalho foi estudada a hidrólise catalítica de sacarose, glicose, frutose,
manose e xilose na presença de catalisadores heterogêneos ácidos (resinas estirenodivinilbenzeno sulfonadas, zeólita HZSM-5 e ácido nióbico) usando um reator Parr a 120 oC
por tempo de 3 horas e os produtos foram quantificados por HPLC. Verificou-se que a
seletividade depende do tipo de açúcar e do catalisador, sendo o ácido levulínico formado
preferencialmente a partir da frutose usando resinas protônicas, seguido da sacarose. Ele
praticamente não é formado a partir da glicose, manose e xilose com os catalisadores testados.
A sacarose sofre inversão durante o processo. O 5-HMF é um subproduto sempre presente
pois é um intermediário e o ácido fórmico um co-pruduto paralelo. Obtém-se alto rendimento
de furfural partindo-se de xilose. Para a obtenção de um alto rendimento de ácido levulínico
é necessário maximizar a obtenção de 5-HMF anteriormente.
The use of unused biomass in food production will play a major role in the future as a source of chemicals to replace those derived from mineral sources to create new bioproduct platforms as an alternative to reducing CO2 emissions. In this respect, levulinic acid plays an important role in this segment (one of the key substances - top twelve among the most potential) to have its manufacturing process developed due to its versatility as a raw material for the production of various products. However, the use of homogeneous and poorly selective catalysts in the production of this compound causes low yield and separation difficulties, increasing its production cost. In the present work the catalytic hydrolysis of sucrose, glucose, fructose, mannose and xylose was studied in the presence of heterogeneous acid catalysts (sulfonated styrene divinylbenzene resins, HZSM-5 zeolite and niobic acid) using a Parr reactor at 120 oC for 3 hours and the products were quantified by HPLC. Selectivity was found to depend on the type of sugar and the catalyst, with levulinic acid formed preferentially from fructose using proton resins, followed by sucrose. It is practically not formed from glucose, mannose and xylose with the tested catalysts. Sucrose undergoes inversion during the process. 5-HMF is an ever-present byproduct as it is an intermediate and formic acid a parallel co-product. High yield of furfural is obtained starting from xylose. To obtain a high yield of levulinic acid it is necessary to maximize the obtaining of 5-HMF previously
The use of unused biomass in food production will play a major role in the future as a source of chemicals to replace those derived from mineral sources to create new bioproduct platforms as an alternative to reducing CO2 emissions. In this respect, levulinic acid plays an important role in this segment (one of the key substances - top twelve among the most potential) to have its manufacturing process developed due to its versatility as a raw material for the production of various products. However, the use of homogeneous and poorly selective catalysts in the production of this compound causes low yield and separation difficulties, increasing its production cost. In the present work the catalytic hydrolysis of sucrose, glucose, fructose, mannose and xylose was studied in the presence of heterogeneous acid catalysts (sulfonated styrene divinylbenzene resins, HZSM-5 zeolite and niobic acid) using a Parr reactor at 120 oC for 3 hours and the products were quantified by HPLC. Selectivity was found to depend on the type of sugar and the catalyst, with levulinic acid formed preferentially from fructose using proton resins, followed by sucrose. It is practically not formed from glucose, mannose and xylose with the tested catalysts. Sucrose undergoes inversion during the process. 5-HMF is an ever-present byproduct as it is an intermediate and formic acid a parallel co-product. High yield of furfural is obtained starting from xylose. To obtain a high yield of levulinic acid it is necessary to maximize the obtaining of 5-HMF previously