Sistema de mobilidade urbana para deficientes visuais
Citações na Scopus
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Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso
Botelho, Carlos Henrique
Bellemo, Guilherme Scarpelli
Correa, Renata
Menolli, Rodrigo Piccoli
Bellemo, Guilherme Scarpelli
Correa, Renata
Menolli, Rodrigo Piccoli
Buhler, Rudolf Theoderich
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Python,Raspberry Pi 4,veículo,vehicle
Considerando o dia-dia de um deficiente visual e as suas dificuldades de locomoção em zonas urbanas, foi pensado e desenvolvido um protótipo cujo intuito consiste em auxiliar na mobilidade de usuários portadores de deficiência visual. O equipamento é composto por um par de óculos com uma câmera acoplada, a qual realiza captura de imagens e as processa por meio de um Raspberry Pi 4, esse sendo também transportado pelo usuário. Seu funcionamento permite que o entorno seja representado, por meio da detecção de objetos e obstáculos, visto que a câmera envia informações ao Raspberry Pi. Esse, por sua vez, processa a imagem com base em um código em Python, responsável por detectar e identificar qual é o objeto em sua frente, sendo o presente projeto voltado a identificação de veículos, e por fim calcular se apresenta perigo ou não ao usuário. Ao identificar um objeto que apresenta perigo, o sistema informa ao indivíduo por meio de pulseiras que vibram com maior ou menor intensidade, dependendo da posição em que o veículo se encontra, variando entre casos de zona aceitável ou crítica. A pulseira da direita vibra quando o veículo vindo a direita entra no campo de visão da câmera e se encontra na região crítica ou aceitável (variando o tipo da vibração) e, a pulseira da esquerda, seguindo da mesma forma, para veículos vindos da esquerda.
Considering the day-to-day of a visually impaired person and their difficulties of locomotion in urban areas, a prototype was designed and developed whose purpose is to help visually impaired users. The equipment consists of glasses with a camera attached, which captures images and processes them through a Raspberry Pi 4, which is also transported by the user. Its operation allows the surroundings to be represented, through the detection of objects and obstacles, as the camera sends information to the Raspberry Pi, which in turn, processes the image based on a Python code that is responsible for detecting and identifying what is the object in front of you, and the present project is aimed at vehicle identification, and finally calculate whether it presents danger to the user. When identifying an object that presents danger, the system informs the individual through bracelets that vibrate with greater or lesser intensity depending on the position in which the vehicle is, varying between cases of acceptable or critical zone. The wristband on the right vibrates when the vehicle coming from the right enters the camera's field of view and is in the critical or acceptable region (with different vibration mode), and the wristband, in the same way, for vehicles coming from the left.
Considering the day-to-day of a visually impaired person and their difficulties of locomotion in urban areas, a prototype was designed and developed whose purpose is to help visually impaired users. The equipment consists of glasses with a camera attached, which captures images and processes them through a Raspberry Pi 4, which is also transported by the user. Its operation allows the surroundings to be represented, through the detection of objects and obstacles, as the camera sends information to the Raspberry Pi, which in turn, processes the image based on a Python code that is responsible for detecting and identifying what is the object in front of you, and the present project is aimed at vehicle identification, and finally calculate whether it presents danger to the user. When identifying an object that presents danger, the system informs the individual through bracelets that vibrate with greater or lesser intensity depending on the position in which the vehicle is, varying between cases of acceptable or critical zone. The wristband on the right vibrates when the vehicle coming from the right enters the camera's field of view and is in the critical or acceptable region (with different vibration mode), and the wristband, in the same way, for vehicles coming from the left.