Os efeitos de ordem de valência de comentários online sobre as atitudes e intenções de compra do consumidor
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Mendes, T. dos S.
Hernandez, José Mauro da Costa
Huertas, Melby K. Z.
Huertas, Melby K. Z.
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MENDES, T. dos S. Os efeitos de ordem de valência de comentários online sobre as atitudes e intenções de compra do consumidor. 2022. 68 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração de Empresas) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Paulo, 2022. Disponível em: https://doi.org/10.31414/ADM.2022.D.131563.
Texto completo (DOI)
O boca a boca online influencia a tomada de decisão do consumidor e, nesse sentido, o viés negativo - o maior impacto que a informação negativa tem em comparação com a informação positiva de mesma intensidade - pode distorcer o julgamento do leitor sobre produtos a partir de avaliações de comentários online em plataformas de webcommerce . Esta pesquisa busca entender se a ordem em que os comentários são apresentados (negativos primeiro e positivos depois ou vice-versa) influencia o julgamento e a tomada de decisão, bem como se a formação intermediária de uma atitude durante a leitura de avaliações podem impactar as intenções de compra, atitudes e certeza de atitude dos consumidores. Para isso, foram realizados dois experimentos. No primeiro, a ordem de apresentação dos comentários foi manipulada e os resultados sugerem que os comentários negativos têm um impacto maior no consumidor do que os comentários positivos e que a ordem em que as valências dos comentários são apresentados altera a atitude e intenção de compra final do consumidor, e que na ordem negativo-positivo, além de atitudes e intenções mais elevadas, a certeza de atitude também aumenta. No segundo estudo, a ordem de apresentação dos comentários foi novamente manipulada, e os participantes foram expostos a uma formação intermediária de atitudevs sem formação intermediária de atitude. Descobrimos que em condições com formação intermediária de atitude, um efeito de recencia está presente, e em condições sem formação intermediária de atitude, o que vigora é um efeito de primazia. Os resultados contribuem para a literatura sobre formação de atitude e certeza de atitude, e mostramos que as avaliações apresentadas na ordem negativa-positiva com formação intermediária de atitude são mais positivas do que quando as avaliações são apresentadas na ordem positivo-negativo
Online word of mouth influences consumer decision making and, in this sense, negative bias - the greater impact that negative information has compared to positive information of the same intensity - can distort the reader's judgment about products from online review ratings on webcommerce platforms. This research seeks to understand whether the order in which the comments are presented (negative first and positive later or vice versa) influences judgment and decision making, as well as whether the intermediate formation of an attitude during the reading of evaluations can impact the purchase intentions, attitudes and attitude certainty of consumers. For this, two experiments were carried out. In the first one, the order in which the comments are presented was manipulated and the results suggest that negative comments have a greater impact on the consumer than positive comments and that the order in which the valences of the comments are presented changes the attitude and final purchase intention. of the consumer, and that in the negative-positive order, in addition to higher attitudes and intentions, attitude certainty also increases. In the second study, the order of presentation of the comments was again manipulated, and the participants were exposed to an intermediate attitude formation vs. no intermediate attitude formation. We found that in conditions with intermediate attitude formation, a recency effect is present, and in conditions without intermediate attitude formation, what prevails is a primacy effect. The results contribute to the literature on attitude formation and attitude certainty, and we show that evaluations presented in negative-positive order with intermediate attitude formation are more positive than when evaluations are presented in positive-negative order
Online word of mouth influences consumer decision making and, in this sense, negative bias - the greater impact that negative information has compared to positive information of the same intensity - can distort the reader's judgment about products from online review ratings on webcommerce platforms. This research seeks to understand whether the order in which the comments are presented (negative first and positive later or vice versa) influences judgment and decision making, as well as whether the intermediate formation of an attitude during the reading of evaluations can impact the purchase intentions, attitudes and attitude certainty of consumers. For this, two experiments were carried out. In the first one, the order in which the comments are presented was manipulated and the results suggest that negative comments have a greater impact on the consumer than positive comments and that the order in which the valences of the comments are presented changes the attitude and final purchase intention. of the consumer, and that in the negative-positive order, in addition to higher attitudes and intentions, attitude certainty also increases. In the second study, the order of presentation of the comments was again manipulated, and the participants were exposed to an intermediate attitude formation vs. no intermediate attitude formation. We found that in conditions with intermediate attitude formation, a recency effect is present, and in conditions without intermediate attitude formation, what prevails is a primacy effect. The results contribute to the literature on attitude formation and attitude certainty, and we show that evaluations presented in negative-positive order with intermediate attitude formation are more positive than when evaluations are presented in positive-negative order