Estudo de SOI MOSFETs com estilos de leiaute não convencionais el altas temperaturas
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Galembeck, E. H. S.
Gimenez, S. P.
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GALEMBECK, E. H. S. Estudo de SOI MOSFETs com estilos de leiaute não convencionais el altas temperaturas. 2015. 263 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Centro Universitário da FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2015. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 4 nov. 2015.
Texto completo (DOI)
Transistor de efeito de campo de metal-óxido semicondutor-,Altas temperaturas
Neste trabalho, o impacto dos efeitos das altas temperaturas são experimentalmente investigado ao longo de uma grande faixa de temperatura (300 K a 573 K) considerando os estilos de leiaute hexagonal e octogonal usados para implementar Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) intitulados de SOI MOSFET do tipo Diamante (Diamond SOI MOSFET, DSM) e SOI MOSFET do tipo OCTO (OCTO SOI MOSFET, OSM), respectivamente, em comparação aos seus respectivos SOI MOSFETs do tipo convencional equivalente (Conventional SOI MOSFET, CSM), ou seja, com estilo de leiaute de porta retangular. Os transistores foram fabricados no Laboratório de Microeletrônica da Universidade Católica de Louvain (Microelectronics Laboratory of the Université Catholique de Louvain - UCL) na Bélgica, usando a tecnologia Complementary MOS (CMOS) SOI totalmente depletado de 1 µm. Os resultados experimentais demonstram que os DSMs e os OSMs são capazes de manter ativo o efeito de canto longitudinal (Longitudinal Corner Effect -LCE) e o efeito de associação paralela de SOI MOSFETs com a mesma largura de canal e diferentes comprimentos de canal (PArallel Connection of Different Channel Lenghts Effects - PAMDLE) na sua estrutura em condições de altas temperaturas, mostrando excelentes resultados nos principais parâmetros analógicos e digitais em comparação aos seus respectivos CSMs equivalentes, como por exemplo: a corrente entre dreno e fonte (IDS), onde os ganhos podem chegar a 208% no caso do DSM e 179% para o OSM; para a razão da transcondutância (gm) em função de IDS (gm/IDS) em regime de inversão moderada o DSM apresentou ganhos de até 30% e para o OSM o ganho pode chegar a 24%, e a frequência de ganho de tensão unitário (fT) apresentou ganhos de até 157% e 175% para o DSM e o OSM, respectivamente. Além disso, o DSM e o OSM são capazes de reduzir a resistência de dreno de estado ligado (RON) em até 60% e 59%, respectivamente. E um importante resultado que o OSM apresentou, quando ele está submetido em altas temperaturas, foi a redução da corrente de fuga de dreno (ILEAK) em até 86% em relação ao seu CSM equivalente. Portanto, os estilos de leiaute hexagonal e octogonal podem ser considerados uma técnica alternativa para potencializar o desempenho elétrico dos SOI MOSFETs para operar em ambientes hostis de altas temperaturas, sem qualquer custo adicional para o atual e estabelecido processo de fabricação SOI CMOS de circuitos integrados (ou seja, apenas mudança de leiaute).
In this work, the impact of the high temperature effects are experimentally investigate over a wide range of temperatures (300 K to 573 K) regarding the hexagonal and octagonal layout styles to implement Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs), named Diamond SOI MOSFET type (DSM) and OCTO SOI MOSFET type (OSM), respectively, in comparison to the their respective Conventional SOI MOSFETs type counterparts (CSM), i.e., with layout style rectangular gate. The transistors were fabricated in the Microelectronics Laboratory of the Université Catholique de Louvain – UCL, in Belgium, using the Complementary MOS (CMOS) fully depleted SOI of 1 µm. The experimental results demonstrate that DSMs and OSMs are capable to keep active the Longitudinal Corner Effect (LCE) and the PArallel Connection of MOSFET with Different Channel Lengths Effect (PAMDLE) in their structure at high temperature conditions, showing excellent results in the main analog and digital parameters in comparison to their respective CSMs counterparts, for example: the drain current (IDS), where the gains can reach 208% in the case of DSM and 179% for OSM; to the transconductance (gm) over the IDS ratio (gm/IDS) in moderate inversion the DSM has shown gains of up to 30% and to the OSM the can reach 24%, and the unity voltage gain frequency (fT) has shown gains of up to 157% and 175% for DSM and OSM, respectively. Besides that, the OSM and OSM are capable to reduce the on-state resistance (RON) up to 60% and 59%, respectively. An important result that OSM has presented, when it is subjected to high temperatures, is the reduction of drain leakage current (ILEAK) up to 86% over its CSM equivalent. Therefore, the hexagonal and octagonal layout styles can be considered an alternative technique to boost the electrical performance of SOI MOSFETs to operate in harsh environments of high temperatures, without any additional cost for current and established manufacturing process SOI CMOS integrated circuit (i.e. only layout changing).
In this work, the impact of the high temperature effects are experimentally investigate over a wide range of temperatures (300 K to 573 K) regarding the hexagonal and octagonal layout styles to implement Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs), named Diamond SOI MOSFET type (DSM) and OCTO SOI MOSFET type (OSM), respectively, in comparison to the their respective Conventional SOI MOSFETs type counterparts (CSM), i.e., with layout style rectangular gate. The transistors were fabricated in the Microelectronics Laboratory of the Université Catholique de Louvain – UCL, in Belgium, using the Complementary MOS (CMOS) fully depleted SOI of 1 µm. The experimental results demonstrate that DSMs and OSMs are capable to keep active the Longitudinal Corner Effect (LCE) and the PArallel Connection of MOSFET with Different Channel Lengths Effect (PAMDLE) in their structure at high temperature conditions, showing excellent results in the main analog and digital parameters in comparison to their respective CSMs counterparts, for example: the drain current (IDS), where the gains can reach 208% in the case of DSM and 179% for OSM; to the transconductance (gm) over the IDS ratio (gm/IDS) in moderate inversion the DSM has shown gains of up to 30% and to the OSM the can reach 24%, and the unity voltage gain frequency (fT) has shown gains of up to 157% and 175% for DSM and OSM, respectively. Besides that, the OSM and OSM are capable to reduce the on-state resistance (RON) up to 60% and 59%, respectively. An important result that OSM has presented, when it is subjected to high temperatures, is the reduction of drain leakage current (ILEAK) up to 86% over its CSM equivalent. Therefore, the hexagonal and octagonal layout styles can be considered an alternative technique to boost the electrical performance of SOI MOSFETs to operate in harsh environments of high temperatures, without any additional cost for current and established manufacturing process SOI CMOS integrated circuit (i.e. only layout changing).