A influência das altas temperaturas no comportamento da corrente de fuga do dreno em transistores Cynthia SOI NMosfets
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Swerts, Alysson Augusto Silva
Bellodi, Marcello
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SWERTS, Alysson Augusto Silva. A influência das altas temperaturas no comportamento da corrente de fuga do dreno em transistores Cynthia SOI NMosfets. 2012. 121 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Centro Universitário da FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2012
Texto completo (DOI)
Transistores,Altas temperaturas,Transistor de efeito de campo de metal-óxido semicondutor
Neste trabalho de mestrado foi realizada a investigacao do comportamento da corrente de fuga do dreno (IDLEAK) em dispositivos Cynthia SOI nMOSFETs operando em altas temperaturas, atraves de simulacoes numericas tridimensionais, atraves da variacao das dimensoes geometricas como o comprimento do canal (L) e o diametro do canal (D), por se tratar de um dispositivo com secao transversal circular. Para o desenvolvimento desta investigacao, assumiu-se o valor de entre D=50nm e 150nm e o comprimento do canal de L=100nm ate 1 Êm. Os dispositivos avaliados tem ainda a largura da fonte/dreno de Ldreno=25nm ou Lfonte=25nm, bem como, os contatos definidos como Lmetal=25nm para as seguintes espessuras: oxido de porta toxido=2nm e porta tporta=5nm. As concentracoes de dopagem do silicio sao consideradas NA=5.5x1017cm-3 para o canal e as regioes de dreno e fonte foram dopadas com ND=1x1020cm-3. Os materiais de contatos foram considerados em aluminio tanto para a porta, como para os contatos de fonte e dreno. Para a extracao de IDLEAK foi necessario obter inicialmente a curva da corrente de dreno (IDS) em funcao da tensao de porta (VGS), para todos os dispositivos estudados com a tensao de dreno/fonte VDS=100mV, para toda a faixa de temperatura avaliada. Apos uma analise criteriosa das caracteristicas IDSxVGS, estipulou-se que IDLEAK deve ser extraido para VGS =-0.5V para toda a faixa de temperatura avaliada, regiao esta denominada de regiao de fuga, pois nesta condicao de operacao IDS e praticamente constante e independente da temperatura de operacao. Alem disto, tambem foi notado que, quando o diametro ou comprimento de canal tornam-se menor, IDLEAK permanece composta principalmente por eletrons, com IDLEAK mais intenso para L menores e D maiores; e menor intensidade para D menores e L maiores. IDLEAK flui principalmente na regiao intermediaria do canal do transistor, independentemente da temperatura de operacao, bem como do comprimento e diametro do canal. O aumento observado em IDLEAK foi detectado devido ao aumento da temperatura de operacao, aumento das areas de juncao de fonte e dreno e tambem pela reducao do comprimento de canal dos dispositivos avaliados ao longo deste trabalho.
The aim of this investigation is to study the drain leakage current performance in Transistors Cynthia SOI nMOSFETs operating in high temperatures, using three dimensional numeric simulations with change of physical characteristics, such as the channel length (L) and diameter (D), due the device has a circular cross section area. To develop this investigation it was assumed the diameter between D=50nm and 150nm and the channel length from L=100nm up to 1ìm. The device analyzed had the source/drain width of Ldrain=25nm or Lsource=25nm, as well, the contacts are defined as Lmetal=25nm and the following thickness: silicon gate oxide toxide=2nm and the silicon film of tgate=5nm. The silicon doping concentration are consider NA=5.5x1017cm-3 and the drain and source regions doped with ND=1x1020cm-3. The contact materials were aluminum for the gate, source and the drain. To extract the junction drain leakage current (IDLeak) it was necessary to obtain first the drain current (IDS) versus the gate voltage (VGS) curves, for all devices biased with the drain voltage VDS=100mV to all operating temperatures studies. After a careful analyzing of the IDS vs. VGS characteristics, it was stipulated IDLeak was extracted for VGS=-0.5V, for the whole temperature range under evaluation. This bias was chosen since the IDS current is almost constant independent of the operating temperatures conditioning. Besides that, also it was noticed that as the channel diameter or length gets smaller, IDLEAK remains composed mainly by electrons and its largest intensity with smaller L and smaller intensity with smaller D. IDLEAK flows mainly in the middle of the silicon film volume, independently of the temperature of operation, such as, the channel length or diameter. The analyzed increment of the IDLEAK was detect due the increase of the temperature; increase of drain and source junction s area and for the reduction of the channel length for all devices investigated in this study.
The aim of this investigation is to study the drain leakage current performance in Transistors Cynthia SOI nMOSFETs operating in high temperatures, using three dimensional numeric simulations with change of physical characteristics, such as the channel length (L) and diameter (D), due the device has a circular cross section area. To develop this investigation it was assumed the diameter between D=50nm and 150nm and the channel length from L=100nm up to 1ìm. The device analyzed had the source/drain width of Ldrain=25nm or Lsource=25nm, as well, the contacts are defined as Lmetal=25nm and the following thickness: silicon gate oxide toxide=2nm and the silicon film of tgate=5nm. The silicon doping concentration are consider NA=5.5x1017cm-3 and the drain and source regions doped with ND=1x1020cm-3. The contact materials were aluminum for the gate, source and the drain. To extract the junction drain leakage current (IDLeak) it was necessary to obtain first the drain current (IDS) versus the gate voltage (VGS) curves, for all devices biased with the drain voltage VDS=100mV to all operating temperatures studies. After a careful analyzing of the IDS vs. VGS characteristics, it was stipulated IDLeak was extracted for VGS=-0.5V, for the whole temperature range under evaluation. This bias was chosen since the IDS current is almost constant independent of the operating temperatures conditioning. Besides that, also it was noticed that as the channel diameter or length gets smaller, IDLEAK remains composed mainly by electrons and its largest intensity with smaller L and smaller intensity with smaller D. IDLEAK flows mainly in the middle of the silicon film volume, independently of the temperature of operation, such as, the channel length or diameter. The analyzed increment of the IDLEAK was detect due the increase of the temperature; increase of drain and source junction s area and for the reduction of the channel length for all devices investigated in this study.