Teorias de inovação na educação superior: determinantes do comportamento do professor na adoção de tecnologias, métodos e práticas de ensino
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SOUZA, Maria Tereza Saraiva de
HERNANDEZ, José Mauro da Costa
SOUZA, Maria Tereza Saraiva de
HERNANDEZ, José Mauro da Costa
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ALANO, ELSI DO ROCIO CARDOSO; SOUZA, SOUZA, Maria Tereza Saraiva de; HERNANDEZ, José Mauro da Costa. Teorias de inovação na educação superior: determinantes do comportamento do professor na adoção de tecnologias, métodos e práticas de ensino. ADMINISTRAÇÃO: ENSINO E PESQUISA (RAEP), v. 20, n. 3, p. 609-639, 2019.
Texto completo (DOI)
Comportamento do Professor,Teoria do Comportamento Planejado,Teoria da Difusão da Inovação,Modelo de Aceitação de Tecnologia,Teoria do Comportamento Planejado Decomposto,Professor’s Behavio,Theory of Planned Behavior,Theory of Diffusion of Innovation.,Technology of Acceptance Model,Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior
O comportamento do professor é ainda um tema incipiente com poucos estudos quantitativos. As escolhas de tecnologias, metodologias e práticas de ensino do professor afetam tanto os docentes quanto a aprendiza-gem dos discentes, tornando um tema de interesse crescente de pesquisas em diversas áreas da educação. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar como as teorias de inovação podem ser aplicadas para identificar os deter-minantes do comportamento do professor na adoção de tecnologias, métodos e práticas de ensino, buscando identificar novas variáveis e construtos, para o desenvolvimento e ampliação de modelos teóricos. O artigo inicia com a apresentação das teorias de bases amplamente difundidas em outras áreas do conhecimento: a Teoria do Comportamento Planejado (TPB); a Teoria da Difusão da Inovação (IDT); o Modelo de Aceitação da Tecnologia (TAM); e a Teoria do Comportamento Planejado Decomposto (DTPB), para o entendimento da aplicação em estudos sobre o comportamento do professor. Na sequência, são apresentados alguns estudos quantitativos realizados em diversos países, cursos e níveis de ensino, para ilustrar essa aplicação. Estas teorias e modelos podem ser usados para se prever a adoção de novas tecnologias como uma plataforma de educação à distância, métodos e práticas de ensino como as metodologias ativas de ensino e temas transversais como a Sustentabilidade
The professor's behavior is still an emerging issue with few quantitative studies. The choices of technologies, methodologies and teaching practices of a professor affect both professors and learning of students, turning out to be an increasing interest in researches in many areas of education. The main objetive of this research is to analyze how innovation theories can be applied to identify the determinants of professor’s behavior in the adoption of teaching technologies, methods and practices, seeking to identify new variables and constructs, for the development and expansion of theoretical models. This article begins with an explanation of base theories widespread in other areas of knowledge, Theory of Planned behavior (TPB), Theory of Diffusion of Innovation (IDT), the Technology of Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior (DTPB), to understand the application in studies on professor’s behavior. There are some researches in various courses and levels of education to illustrate the application of these theories to identify the determinants of the use of technologies, methodologies and teaching practice by professors. These theories and models can be used to predict the adoption of new technologies as a platform for e-learning, teaching methods and practices such as active teaching methodologies and cross-cutting themes such as Sustainability.
The professor's behavior is still an emerging issue with few quantitative studies. The choices of technologies, methodologies and teaching practices of a professor affect both professors and learning of students, turning out to be an increasing interest in researches in many areas of education. The main objetive of this research is to analyze how innovation theories can be applied to identify the determinants of professor’s behavior in the adoption of teaching technologies, methods and practices, seeking to identify new variables and constructs, for the development and expansion of theoretical models. This article begins with an explanation of base theories widespread in other areas of knowledge, Theory of Planned behavior (TPB), Theory of Diffusion of Innovation (IDT), the Technology of Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior (DTPB), to understand the application in studies on professor’s behavior. There are some researches in various courses and levels of education to illustrate the application of these theories to identify the determinants of the use of technologies, methodologies and teaching practice by professors. These theories and models can be used to predict the adoption of new technologies as a platform for e-learning, teaching methods and practices such as active teaching methodologies and cross-cutting themes such as Sustainability.