AGV seguro:
Citações na Scopus
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Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso
Moraes, Gabriel Passos de Miranda
Pereira, Anna Cristina Baptista
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veículo guiado automaticamente,AGV,segurança ocupacional,automatically guided vehicle,occupational safety
Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar e avaliar a aplicação da Norma Regulamentadora NR-12 regulamentada por meio da Portaria Federal N. 3214 de 1978 e normas correlatas na operação de veículos guiados automaticamente (AGV – Automatic Guided Vehicle) em ambientes industriais, buscando garantir um ambiente seguro para todos os envolvidos. A Norma Regulamentadora NR-12 não prescreve diretamente o sistema de segurança dos AGV, mas remete de forma subsidiária, à observação das normas técnicas correlatas. Por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica na perspectiva de uma pesquisa exploratória, associada a aplicação de questionário online com perguntas dirigidas à fabricantes e usuários de AGV, buscou-se compreender quais as variáveis e fatores que são considerados no projeto base para fabricação de AGV, bem como quando do seu comissionamento no local de trabalho, considerando o processo de análise preliminar de riscos ou apreciação dos riscos em AGV. Por fim, buscou-se mostrar por meio dos questionários respondidos, a quantidade de usuários que utilizam AGV nas suas operações, bem como àqueles que utilizam equipamentos de movimentação, transporte, armazenamento e manuseio de materiais tradicionais, como empilhadeiras, paleteiras e transpaleteiras, visando entender melhor, por meio de uma amostragem aleatória, de que forma o mercado se comporta frente ao uso de AGV ou outro equipamento de movimentação, transporte e armazenamento de materiais.
This work aims to analyze and evaluate the application of Regulatory Standard NR-12 regulated by Federal Ordinance N. 3214 of 1978 and related standards in the operation of automatic guided vehicles (AGV) in industrial environments, seeking to ensure a safe environment for everyone those involved. Regulatory Standard NR-12 does not directly prescribe the safety system of AGV, but refers, in a subsidiary way, to the observation of related technical standards. Through a bibliographical review from the perspective of exploratory research, associated with the application of an online questionnaire with questions addressed to manufacturers and users of AGV, we sought to understand which variables and factors are considered in the base project for manufacturing AGV, as well such as when commissioning at the workplace, considering the process of preliminary risk analysis or risk assessment in AGV. Finally, we sought to show, through the completed questionnaires, the number of users who use AGV in their operations, as well as those who use equipment for handling, transporting and storing traditional materials, such as forklifts, pallet jacks and pallet trucks, aiming to better understand , through random sampling, to understand how the market behaves when faced with the use of AGV or other equipment for handling, transporting and storing materials.
This work aims to analyze and evaluate the application of Regulatory Standard NR-12 regulated by Federal Ordinance N. 3214 of 1978 and related standards in the operation of automatic guided vehicles (AGV) in industrial environments, seeking to ensure a safe environment for everyone those involved. Regulatory Standard NR-12 does not directly prescribe the safety system of AGV, but refers, in a subsidiary way, to the observation of related technical standards. Through a bibliographical review from the perspective of exploratory research, associated with the application of an online questionnaire with questions addressed to manufacturers and users of AGV, we sought to understand which variables and factors are considered in the base project for manufacturing AGV, as well such as when commissioning at the workplace, considering the process of preliminary risk analysis or risk assessment in AGV. Finally, we sought to show, through the completed questionnaires, the number of users who use AGV in their operations, as well as those who use equipment for handling, transporting and storing traditional materials, such as forklifts, pallet jacks and pallet trucks, aiming to better understand , through random sampling, to understand how the market behaves when faced with the use of AGV or other equipment for handling, transporting and storing materials.