Citações na Scopus
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Lino, Carla Sertório
Ruiz, Gabriel Luca de Oliveira
Paiva, Luiz Fernando Boldrin
Silva, Renata Roque da
Gonçalves, Renato Marinho
Ruiz, Gabriel Luca de Oliveira
Paiva, Luiz Fernando Boldrin
Silva, Renata Roque da
Gonçalves, Renato Marinho
Cozza, Ronaldo Câmara
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Texto completo (DOI)
Fresadora,CNC,Odontologia,Micro-usinagem,milling machine,dentistry,micro-machining
Dados do ministério de Saúde mostram que o brasileiro cada vez mais tem se preocupado com a saúde dos dentes. Atualmente, o Brasil é um dos destaques no tratamento dentário em âmbito mundial, segundo uma pesquisa do IBGE. Estes números têm impulsionado o mercado nacional de odontologia, onde cada vez mais surgem oportunidades para se empreender no setor. Em contrapartida, muitos tratamentos ainda são dependentes de tecnologias e equipamentos importados, o que encarece, principalmente quando é necessário confecção de próteses, coroas e restaurações. Com base nisso, desenvolveu-se o projeto de uma máquina nacional, a USIODONT, uma fresadora CNC para micro-usinagem voltada ao mercado odontológico, que através da nacionalização do produto trará oportunidades para novas empresas, considerando sua fabricação e necessidade de assistência técnica. A partir de um bloco de zircônia e um modelo escaneado da prótese, a máquina utiliza ferramentas com dimensões na ordem de micrômetros para confeccionar peças protéticas de alta precisão em um curto espaço de tempo. A USIODONT dá autonomia ao dentista por permitir a confecção da prótese sem a necessidade de laboratório, reduzindo o custo do tratamento e possibilitando que em alguns casos o paciente já saia com a restauração em apenas uma consulta. Para desenvolvimento desse projeto, foram considerados parâmetros de usinagem da zircônia, com base em artigos e catálogos de fabricantes. Foram priorizados os componentes compactos que suprissem as necessidades técnicas e que também contribuíssem para o outro objetivo deste projeto, que é obter uma máquina com dimensões reduzidas, sendo de fácil manuseio para o cliente final. O projeto não abrange apenas o espaço da nacionalização da tecnologia, mas, também, proporciona resultados sociais, como o aumento da autoestima do paciente, visto que o projeto tornará o tratamento mais acessível.
Data from the Ministry of Health show that Brazilians are increasingly concerned about the health of their teeth. Currently, Brazil is one of the highlights in dental treatment worldwide, according to a survey by the IBGE. These numbers have boosted the national dental market, where more and more opportunities to undertake in the sector arise. On the other hand, many treatments are still dependent on imported technologies and equipment, which becomes more expensive, especially when it is necessary to make prostheses, crowns, and restorations. Based on this, a national machine project was developed, the USIODONT, a CNC milling machine for micro machining aimed at the dental market, which with the nationalization of the product will bring opportunities for new companies based on its manufacture and technical assistance. Starting from a zirconia block and a scanned model of the prosthesis, the machine uses tools with dimensions in the order of micrometers to manufacture high-precision prosthetic parts in a short period of time. USIODONT gives autonomy to the dentist by allowing the manufacture of the prosthesis without the need for a laboratory, reducing the cost of treatment and allowing the patient to leave with the restoration in just one consultation in some cases. For the development of this project, zirconia machining parameters were defined, based on articles and manufacturers' catalogues. Priority was given to small-sized components that would meet the technical needs, but also that would contribute to the other objective of this project, which was to obtain a machine with reduced dimensions, being easy to handle for the end customer. The project not only covers the space of nationalization of technology, but also provides social results, such as increasing the patient's self-esteem, since the project will make treatment more accessible.
Data from the Ministry of Health show that Brazilians are increasingly concerned about the health of their teeth. Currently, Brazil is one of the highlights in dental treatment worldwide, according to a survey by the IBGE. These numbers have boosted the national dental market, where more and more opportunities to undertake in the sector arise. On the other hand, many treatments are still dependent on imported technologies and equipment, which becomes more expensive, especially when it is necessary to make prostheses, crowns, and restorations. Based on this, a national machine project was developed, the USIODONT, a CNC milling machine for micro machining aimed at the dental market, which with the nationalization of the product will bring opportunities for new companies based on its manufacture and technical assistance. Starting from a zirconia block and a scanned model of the prosthesis, the machine uses tools with dimensions in the order of micrometers to manufacture high-precision prosthetic parts in a short period of time. USIODONT gives autonomy to the dentist by allowing the manufacture of the prosthesis without the need for a laboratory, reducing the cost of treatment and allowing the patient to leave with the restoration in just one consultation in some cases. For the development of this project, zirconia machining parameters were defined, based on articles and manufacturers' catalogues. Priority was given to small-sized components that would meet the technical needs, but also that would contribute to the other objective of this project, which was to obtain a machine with reduced dimensions, being easy to handle for the end customer. The project not only covers the space of nationalization of technology, but also provides social results, such as increasing the patient's self-esteem, since the project will make treatment more accessible.