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Oliveira, Pablo Lima de
Fantine, Lucas Kerr
Rocha, Lucas Viana da
Gomes, Nathalia Mourão
Jesus, Yasmin Santana de
Souza, Rui Barbosa de
Este presente trabalho aborda a dificuldade que o concreto enfrenta quando é exposto a meios muito agressivos e fica sujeito a ataques químicos de cloretos, nitratos, sulfatos e ácidos. Esses ataques podem acontecer em diferentes ambientes, como por exemplo: ao ar livre com a presença de gás carbônico e humidade, próximo ou sob a água do mar e em ambientes industriais. E, especificamente em tubos de esgoto, onde ocorre o ataque por ácido sulfúrico. Baseado nessas informações e na ideia de inibir ou diminuir a degradação de concreto nesse ambiente específico, notou-se que outro problema que tem ficado cada vez maior é a geração e o descarte inadequado de resíduos sólidos gerados pela produção industrial. Então alinhando os dois problemas, a deterioração do concreto e o impacto ambiental gerado pelos resíduos sólidos industriais, a proposta é dar um destino útil para os resíduos de aciaria e bauxita (lama vermelha) que por ficarem estocados em aterros ou bota-foras, e seu inadequado cuidado e manuseio pode causar a contaminação do meio ambiente. Esta pesquisa tem como finalidade avaliar a viabilidade de utilizar escória de aciaria e lama vermelha para os tubos de concreto armado em esgotos, já que estudos mostram que as propriedades químicas de material mineral com produtos cimentícios podem melhorar o desempenho do concreto, tanto na passividade da armadura metálica, devido ao seu pH elevado, quanto na melhora da absorção por capilaridade do elemento devido ao reduzido tamanho das partículas do resíduo (promove o empacotamento de partículas).
This work addresses the difficulty that concrete faces when exposed to very aggressive environmentsand is subject to chemical attacks of chlorides, nitrates, sulfatesand acids. These attacks can happen in different environments, such as: outdoors with the presence of carbon dioxide and humidity, near or under sea water and in industrial environments. And, specifically in sewage pipes, where the attack by sulfuric acidoccurs. Based on this information and on the idea of inhibiting or reducing concrete degradation in this specific environment, it was noted that another problem has become increasingly greater:the generation and inadequate disposal of solid waste by industrial production. So, aligning the two problems, the deterioration of the concrete and the environmental impact ofsolid industrial waste, the proposal is to give a useful destination for the steel and bauxite residues (red mud) that are stored in landfills or dumpsand their inadequate care and handling can cause contaminatio of the environment. This research aims to evaluate the feasibility of using steel slag and red mud for reinforced concrete pipes in sewers, since studies show that the chemical properties of mineral material with cement products can improve the performance of concrete, both in the passivity ofthe concrete,metallic reinforcement, due to its high pH, as well as improve capillarity absorption of the element due to the small size of theparticles of the residue (promotes the packaging of particles).
This work addresses the difficulty that concrete faces when exposed to very aggressive environmentsand is subject to chemical attacks of chlorides, nitrates, sulfatesand acids. These attacks can happen in different environments, such as: outdoors with the presence of carbon dioxide and humidity, near or under sea water and in industrial environments. And, specifically in sewage pipes, where the attack by sulfuric acidoccurs. Based on this information and on the idea of inhibiting or reducing concrete degradation in this specific environment, it was noted that another problem has become increasingly greater:the generation and inadequate disposal of solid waste by industrial production. So, aligning the two problems, the deterioration of the concrete and the environmental impact ofsolid industrial waste, the proposal is to give a useful destination for the steel and bauxite residues (red mud) that are stored in landfills or dumpsand their inadequate care and handling can cause contaminatio of the environment. This research aims to evaluate the feasibility of using steel slag and red mud for reinforced concrete pipes in sewers, since studies show that the chemical properties of mineral material with cement products can improve the performance of concrete, both in the passivity ofthe concrete,metallic reinforcement, due to its high pH, as well as improve capillarity absorption of the element due to the small size of theparticles of the residue (promotes the packaging of particles).
deterioração do concreto; tubos de esgoto; resíduos de bauxita; lama vermelha; Deterioration of concrete; Sewer pipes; Bauxite waste; Red mud