A virtude da fortaleza entre espartanos e hobbits
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KLAUTAU, Diego. A virtude da fortaleza entre espartanos e hobbits. Teoliterária: revista brasileira de literaturas e teologias, v. 9, n. 18, p. 46-82, 2019.
Texto completo (DOI)
Esparta,Hobbit,Virtude,Fortaleza,Tomás de Aquino,Sparta,Hobbit,Virtue,Fortitude,Thomas Aquinas
Este artigo trata da virtude cardeal da fortaleza, conforme entendida na perspecti-va da Suma Teológica de Tomás de Aquino, remontando sua permanência histórica a par-tir de Platão, Aristóteles e Agostinho. Como método comparativo, investigamos a presen-ça da virtude em duas obras de Histórias em Quadrinhos (HQ), sendo a primeira a minis-série Os 300 de Esparta (1999), de Frank Miller, publicada no Brasil em cinco edições, que apresenta uma versão da batalha das Termópilas (480 a.C.), liderada pelo rei es-partano Leônidas contra os invasores persas, conforme o relato do grego Hesíodo em sua obra História (V a.C.). A segunda publicação é o volume único Bilbo o Hobbit (1990), com a adaptação do texto para HQ de Charles Dixon e Sean Deming e arte de David Wenzel, ba-seada no romance O Hobbit (1937), do es-critor britânico J.R.R. Tolkien, que narra as aventuras de Bilbo Bolseiro na Terra-Média, onde enfrenta o dragão Smaug com a ajuda dos anões da comitiva de Thorin Escudo-de Carvalho e do mago Gandalf, o Cinzento. Por fim, é possível inferir que a virtude da forta-leza, em seus cinco aspectos na perspectiva tomista (fortaleza, magnanimidade, magni-ficência, paciência e perseverança), é ponto fundamental na narrativa de ambas as HQ ́s
This article deals with the cardinal virtue of the fortitude, as understood in the perspective of the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas, tracing its his-torical permanence from Plato, Aristotle and Augustine. As a comparative me-thod, we investigated the presence of virtue in two Comic books, the first being Frank Miller’s The 300 of Sparta (1999), published in Brazil in five editions, which presents a version of the battle of Thermopylae (480 BC), led by the Spartan King Leônidas against the Persian invaders, according to the report of Hesiod in his Historia (V BC). The second publication is Bilbo the Hobbit (1990), adapted from the text for HQ by Charles Dixon and Sean Deming and David Wenzel’s art, based on the novel The Hobbit (1937) by the british writer JRR Tolkien, which narrates the adventures of Bilbo Baggins in Middle-earth, where he con-fronts the dragon Smaug with the help of the dwarves of the entourage of Thorin Oakenshield and the wizard Gandalf the Gray. Finally, it is possible to infer that the virtue of fortitude, in its five aspects in the thomistic perspective (fortitude, magnanimity, magnificence, patience and perseverance), is a fundamental point in the narrative of both comics.
This article deals with the cardinal virtue of the fortitude, as understood in the perspective of the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas, tracing its his-torical permanence from Plato, Aristotle and Augustine. As a comparative me-thod, we investigated the presence of virtue in two Comic books, the first being Frank Miller’s The 300 of Sparta (1999), published in Brazil in five editions, which presents a version of the battle of Thermopylae (480 BC), led by the Spartan King Leônidas against the Persian invaders, according to the report of Hesiod in his Historia (V BC). The second publication is Bilbo the Hobbit (1990), adapted from the text for HQ by Charles Dixon and Sean Deming and David Wenzel’s art, based on the novel The Hobbit (1937) by the british writer JRR Tolkien, which narrates the adventures of Bilbo Baggins in Middle-earth, where he con-fronts the dragon Smaug with the help of the dwarves of the entourage of Thorin Oakenshield and the wizard Gandalf the Gray. Finally, it is possible to infer that the virtue of fortitude, in its five aspects in the thomistic perspective (fortitude, magnanimity, magnificence, patience and perseverance), is a fundamental point in the narrative of both comics.