Análise do impacto do aumento da temperatura devido às mudanças climáticas na resiliência de pavimentos asfálticos no Brasil
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Sampaio, Bruna Bival
Silva, Davi de Oliveira
Martiniano, Erik Thadeu
Lopes, Jéssica Cristina Ferreira
França, Lucas Andrade
Silva, Davi de Oliveira
Martiniano, Erik Thadeu
Lopes, Jéssica Cristina Ferreira
França, Lucas Andrade
Cava, Felipe Hernandes
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Texto completo (DOI)
temperatura,pavimento asfáltico,desempenho estrutural,temperature,asphalt pavement,structural performance
O aumento contínuo nas temperaturas médias e máximas globais ao longo dos anos
despertou a preocupação, a necessidade de manter a integridade e, consequentemente, de garantir
a vida útil de projeto das estruturas dimensionadas para a infraestrutura de transportes. Neste
trabalho serão abordadas questões como a influência do calor nos meios de transporte atuais e como
as altas temperaturas, como projeções estudadas para os anos de 2030 e 2050, irão afetá-los. Isso
especificamente em três misturas de pavimentos asfálticos, que utilizam o tradicional ligante
Cimento Asfáltico de Petróleo sem incrementos (CAP 30/45) e outros dois modificados por
polímero (CAP 60/85 A e B). As projeções de temperatura foram realizadas por meio do método
de Holt-Winters, utilizando os dados climáticos históricos de 50 anos da cidade de São Paulo. As
temperaturas médias anuais de 2030 e 2050 calculadas foram 27,4°C e 29,7°C, respectivamente.
Com o resultado de ensaios de módulo dinâmico das misturas asfálticas foi possível realizar uma
análise mecânica da estrutura no software FlexPAVE 1.1 Alpha. Dessa forma, foi capaz de analisar
como as misturas se comportam quando expostas às temperaturas propostas com base nos critérios
de confiabilidade estabelecidos pelo DNIT. Os resultados mostraram que o aumento da temperatura
do ar diminui a vida útil da estrutura quanto à deformação permanente, porém, o mesmo não se
repete quanto à área trincada devido a fadiga. A estrutura com melhor desempenho na deformação
permanente total foi a que contém o ligante de CAP 30/45. Além disso, foi proposto estudar
estruturas que continham duas das três misturas analisadas individualmente. Neste caso, a camada
de revestimento inteira com asfalto modificado por polímero, mas com uma camada inferior com
o CAP 60/85 A e uma camada superior com o CAP 60/85 B, apresentou o melhor desempenho
entre as estruturas mistas e até mesmo que o CAP 30/45 individual. A dosagem e especificação da
mistura asfáltica se mostra relevante quando resultou em diferentes comportamentos entre as
misturas asfálticas ao longo do tempo de projeto nas temperaturas analisadas.
The continuous increase in average and maximum global temperatures over the years has raised concerns regarding the need to maintain the integrity and ensure the design life of structures designed for transportation infrastructure. This study addresses issues such as the influence of heat on current means of transportation and how high temperatures, projected for the years 2030 and 2050, will affect them. Specifically, three asphalt pavement mixtures are considered, one using the traditional Petroleum Asphalt Cement (CAP) binder without modifications (CAP 30/45), and two others modified with polymer (CAP 60/85 A and B). Temperature projections were carried out using the Holt-Winters method, using 50 years of historical climate data from the city of São Paulo. The calculated annual average temperatures for 2030 and 2050 were 27.4°C and 29.7°C, respectively. The dynamic modulus test results of the asphalt mixtures allowed for a mechanistic analysis of the structure using the FlexPAVE 1.1 Alpha software. This analysis determined how the mixtures behave when exposed to the proposed temperatures based on reliability criteria established by the Brazilian National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT). The results showed that the increase in air temperature reduces the structure's service life in terms of permanent deformation, but this effect does not hold true for fatigue cracking. The mixture containing the CAP 30/45 binder exhibited the best performance in terms of total permanent deformation. Furthermore, it was proposed to study structures that contained two of the three analyzed mixtures individually. In this case, the entire overlay layer using polymer-modified asphalt, with the CAP 60/85 A as the lower layer and the CAP 60/85 B as the upper layer, demonstrated the best performance among the mixed structures, even surpassing the individual CAP 30/45 mixture. The asphalt mixture's dosage and specifications proved to be relevant as they resulted in different behaviors among the asphalt mixtures over the project's lifespan at the analyzed temperatures.
The continuous increase in average and maximum global temperatures over the years has raised concerns regarding the need to maintain the integrity and ensure the design life of structures designed for transportation infrastructure. This study addresses issues such as the influence of heat on current means of transportation and how high temperatures, projected for the years 2030 and 2050, will affect them. Specifically, three asphalt pavement mixtures are considered, one using the traditional Petroleum Asphalt Cement (CAP) binder without modifications (CAP 30/45), and two others modified with polymer (CAP 60/85 A and B). Temperature projections were carried out using the Holt-Winters method, using 50 years of historical climate data from the city of São Paulo. The calculated annual average temperatures for 2030 and 2050 were 27.4°C and 29.7°C, respectively. The dynamic modulus test results of the asphalt mixtures allowed for a mechanistic analysis of the structure using the FlexPAVE 1.1 Alpha software. This analysis determined how the mixtures behave when exposed to the proposed temperatures based on reliability criteria established by the Brazilian National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT). The results showed that the increase in air temperature reduces the structure's service life in terms of permanent deformation, but this effect does not hold true for fatigue cracking. The mixture containing the CAP 30/45 binder exhibited the best performance in terms of total permanent deformation. Furthermore, it was proposed to study structures that contained two of the three analyzed mixtures individually. In this case, the entire overlay layer using polymer-modified asphalt, with the CAP 60/85 A as the lower layer and the CAP 60/85 B as the upper layer, demonstrated the best performance among the mixed structures, even surpassing the individual CAP 30/45 mixture. The asphalt mixture's dosage and specifications proved to be relevant as they resulted in different behaviors among the asphalt mixtures over the project's lifespan at the analyzed temperatures.