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Macarrão, Isabelle Monfrinatti
Dutra, Julio Cesar Dutra
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óxido de zinco,auditoria ecológica,caracterização,sustentabilidade,zinc oxide,eco-audit,sustainability
O setor da agricultura e agronegócio evoluiu, de forma global, para um patamar altamente diversificado, variando suas operações entre pequenas fazendas de subsistência a grandes explorações multinacionais. Embora as taxas de urbanização ainda estejam em uma escala ascendente, milhões de empreendedores rurais se dedicam ao cultivo, criação e preservação dos recursos naturais. Além disso, as perspectivas para esse setor são positivas devido às características e diversidades do Brasil, tanto no quesito clima quanto solo, possuindo ainda áreas agriculturáveis altamente férteis e inexploradas. Dentre as principais atividades econômicas atreladas ao agronegócio se encontra o mercado de fertilizantes. Esses produtos são compostos de diversos macro e micronutrientes essenciais à vida de todos os seres vivos, seja nas plantas, na alimentação dos animais e dos seres humanos. O zinco é um desses micronutrientes essenciais e uma das formas dele ser incorporado nos fertilizantes é como óxido de zinco. O presente trabalho se justifica nesse contexto, pois se preocupa em caracterizar, do ponto de vista do desenvolvimento sustentável, toda a cadeia de produção e transporte do óxido de zinco no setor do agronegócio. Pretendeu-se classificar e estabelecer uma auditoria ecológica desse composto e ainda explorar os cinco passos de Michael Ashby envolvendo a discussão sobre o tema da sustentabilidade com o recorte dos dias atuais. O programa utilizado para realização da auditoria ecológica foi o CES EduPack®; assim, foi feita uma simulação preliminar a fim de reunir todas as informações necessárias. Em seguida foi realizada uma visita técnica à planta de uma das principais empresas produtoras de óxido de zinco no Brasil, a Nexa Recursos Minerais S.A., localizada na cidade de Três Marias em Minas Gerais, para coleta das informações faltantes. De acordo com as possibilidades produtivas percebeu-se a necessidade de realizar a simulação final considerando seis cenários distintos. Percebeu-se que o cenário composto apenas por material reciclado (borra de zinco) para alimentação dos fornos foi o que
gastou menos energia de todos e emitiu a menor quantidade em geral de pegada de carbono. Já
o cenário composto apenas por zinco puro (SHG) na alimentação dos fornos foi o que mais gastou energia e mais emitiu pegada de carbono. Por outro lado, observou-se que em todas as simulações a coluna de gasto/emissão com transporte foi a maior e a coluna de manufatura e uso (que no caso do presente trabalho lê-se como processamento) se mantiveram estáveis.
Agriculture and agribusiness sectors have evolved, globally, to a highly diversified level, varying their operations from small subsistence farms to large multinational ones. Although urbanization rates are still increasing, millions of rural entrepreneurs are dedicated to cultivation, creation, and preservation of natural resources. In addition, the prospects for this sector are positive due to the characteristics and diversities of Brazil, both in terms of climate and soil, in which there are still highly fertile and unexplored agricultural areas. Among the main economic activities linked to agribusiness is the fertilizer market. These products are composed of several macronutrients and micro ones essential to life of all living beings, whether in plants or feeding animals and humans. Zinc is one of those essential micronutrients and one of the ways in which it is incorporated into fertilizers as zinc oxide. The present work is justified in this context, as it is concerned with characterizing, from the sustainable development viewpoint, the entire chain of production and transportation of zinc oxide on the agribusiness sector. It is intended to classify and establish an ecological audit of this compound and explores Michael Ashby’s five steps concerning discussions about sustainable development to the present day. CES EduPack® software was used to audit ecologically the whole process, but a preliminary simulation was carried out to gather all the required information. Then, a technical visit took place in one of the main zinc oxide producers in Brazil, Nexa Recursos Minerais S.A., which is in the city of Três Marias in Minas Gerais to collect the needed information. According to production possibilities, simulation was investigated with six different scenarios. On the one hand, it was noticed that the scenario composed only of recycled material (zinc sludge) for furnace feeding was the one that spent the least energy of all and had the lowest carbon footprint. On the other hand, a scenario composed only of pure zinc (SHG) was the one that spent more energy and generated the highest carbon footprint. It was also observed that in all simulations transport was the highest consumer of energy and carbon footprint and use (which in our case must be read as processing) remained stable.
Agriculture and agribusiness sectors have evolved, globally, to a highly diversified level, varying their operations from small subsistence farms to large multinational ones. Although urbanization rates are still increasing, millions of rural entrepreneurs are dedicated to cultivation, creation, and preservation of natural resources. In addition, the prospects for this sector are positive due to the characteristics and diversities of Brazil, both in terms of climate and soil, in which there are still highly fertile and unexplored agricultural areas. Among the main economic activities linked to agribusiness is the fertilizer market. These products are composed of several macronutrients and micro ones essential to life of all living beings, whether in plants or feeding animals and humans. Zinc is one of those essential micronutrients and one of the ways in which it is incorporated into fertilizers as zinc oxide. The present work is justified in this context, as it is concerned with characterizing, from the sustainable development viewpoint, the entire chain of production and transportation of zinc oxide on the agribusiness sector. It is intended to classify and establish an ecological audit of this compound and explores Michael Ashby’s five steps concerning discussions about sustainable development to the present day. CES EduPack® software was used to audit ecologically the whole process, but a preliminary simulation was carried out to gather all the required information. Then, a technical visit took place in one of the main zinc oxide producers in Brazil, Nexa Recursos Minerais S.A., which is in the city of Três Marias in Minas Gerais to collect the needed information. According to production possibilities, simulation was investigated with six different scenarios. On the one hand, it was noticed that the scenario composed only of recycled material (zinc sludge) for furnace feeding was the one that spent the least energy of all and had the lowest carbon footprint. On the other hand, a scenario composed only of pure zinc (SHG) was the one that spent more energy and generated the highest carbon footprint. It was also observed that in all simulations transport was the highest consumer of energy and carbon footprint and use (which in our case must be read as processing) remained stable.