Dinâmica de sistemas:uma análise bibliométrica da "System Dynamics Review"
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Orefice, R. M.
Moraes, Edmilson Alves de
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OREFICE, R. M. Dinâmica de sistemas: uma análise bibliométrica da "System Dynamics Review". 2014. 60 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração de Empresas) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Paulo, 2014 Disponível em: <http://sofia.fei.edu.br:8080/pergamumweb/vinculos/000035/0000353d.pdf>. Acesso em: 13 ago. 2018.
Texto completo (DOI)
Bibliometria,System Dynamics Review,Dinâmica de sistemas
A Dinâmica de Sistemas surgiu em 1956 a partir das ideias e do inconformismo prático de seu criador Jay Wright Forrester quanto à resolução de problemas e quando ela foi associada de modo estruturado ao pensamento social recebeu um impulso rumo ao desenvolvimento. Foi criada a System Dynamics Society e nela um veículo de transmissão de conhecimento o System Dynamics Review. Esta pesquisa analisou as publicações deste periódico em seus trinta anos de existência no intuito de realizar uma bibliometria acompanhada de análise de rede social, para formar um "mapa" inicial deste campo científico. Foram analisadas as principais autorias e coautorias; os autores e suas obras mais influentes; as instituições às quais esses autores se vinculavam; a origem geográfica de autores e instituições; as parcerias entre esses autores e suas posições na rede de relacionamento. A pesquisa sugere a concentração do tema nos Estados Unidos, em torno de um número reduzido de pesquisadores e lenta disseminação, restando a realização de outras avaliações em periódicos significativos para o tema no intuito de completar o mapeamento possibilitando o fornecimento de um conjunto de dados e informações mais apuradas àqueles que delas necessitarem
System Dynamics emerged in 1956 from the ideas and practical solving problems nonconformity of its creator Jay Wright Forrester and when it had a structured association with social Science, it received a boost towards its development. System Dynamics Society was created and with its operation came a vehicle for transmitting knowledge, a journal, System Dynamics Review. This research analyzed publications of this journal in its thirty years of existence in order to implement a bibliometrical and a social network analysis to form a initial "map" of this scientific field. The main authorship and co-authorships were analyzed; authors and their most influential works; the institutions to which the authors were linked; the geographical origin of authors and institutions; partnerships between these authors and their positions in the social network. The research suggests the concentration of the subject in United States around a small number of researchers and slow spread, pointing the other significant reviews research necessity in order to complete the "mapping" enabling the provision of a set of data and more accurate information to those who need them
System Dynamics emerged in 1956 from the ideas and practical solving problems nonconformity of its creator Jay Wright Forrester and when it had a structured association with social Science, it received a boost towards its development. System Dynamics Society was created and with its operation came a vehicle for transmitting knowledge, a journal, System Dynamics Review. This research analyzed publications of this journal in its thirty years of existence in order to implement a bibliometrical and a social network analysis to form a initial "map" of this scientific field. The main authorship and co-authorships were analyzed; authors and their most influential works; the institutions to which the authors were linked; the geographical origin of authors and institutions; partnerships between these authors and their positions in the social network. The research suggests the concentration of the subject in United States around a small number of researchers and slow spread, pointing the other significant reviews research necessity in order to complete the "mapping" enabling the provision of a set of data and more accurate information to those who need them