DE SOUZA, R. N.Marcilei Aparecida GuazzelliSalvador Gimenez2022-01-122022-01-122013-09-27DE SOUZA, R. N.; GUAZZELLI, M. A.; GIMENEZ, S. Total ionizing dose radiation effects between the Wave layout style and its conventional counterpart focusing on the digital IC applications. Proceedings of the European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems, RADECSS, Sept. 2013.© 2013 IEEE.This paper performs an experimental comparative study of the X-ray radiation effects between the Wave layout style (S-shaped gate geometry) and the Conventional (rectangular gate geometry) counterpart, focusing on the digital integrated circuits (IC) applications. Wave layout style demonstrates to be more tolerant regarding the total ionizing radiation (TID) effects for digital IC. By working with Wave layout style instead of the Conventional counterpart, it can significantly improve the device performance in terms of the threshold voltage (VTH), subthreshold slope (S), the on-state drain current (ION), the off-state drain current (IOFF), the ION/IOFF ratio, and the on- state drain to source series resistance (RON) and consequently the digital IC operating in radioactive environment.Acesso RestritoTotal ionizing dose radiation effects between the Wave layout style and its conventional counterpart focusing on the digital IC applicationsArtigo de evento10.1109/RADECS.2013.6937374radiation robustnessradiation toleranceTIDtotal ionizing doseWave layout styleX-ray radiation