Pavanello, M. A. (Org.)2019-03-202019-03-202018-04 volume contains the papers presented at SEMINATEC 2018: XIII Workshop on Semicon­ductors and Micro & Nano Technology held on April 19-20, 2018 at the Centro Universitario FEI, campus Sao Bernardo do Campo, Brazil. There were 46 submissions selected for presentation at SEMINATEC 2018, as well as the presentations of invited Distinguished Lecturers of the IEEE Electron Devices Society: Dr. Durda Misra, from New Jersey Intitute of Technology, USA, giving the talk "How Reliable the Next Generation Nanoelectronic Devices: FinFETs to Ge Devices"; Dr. Lluis Marsal, from University Rovira e Virgili, Spain, giving the talk "Polymeric Solar Cells"; Dr. Gilson Wirth, from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, giving the talk "Charge Trapping Phenomena in MOSFETS: From Noise to Bias Temperature Instability. Reliability ofNanoscale Semiconductor Devices". Additionally to these previously mentioned presentations, two national wide projects pre­sented their results, The NAMITEC Network and The CITAR Project.enOptoelectronic devicesOpticsFabrication of micro & nano-structuresMicrosystemsDevices modeling and characterizationIntegrated circuitsXIII Workshop on semiconductors and micro & nano technologySEMINATEC 2018Livro