Creative Commons "Este é um artigo publicado em acesso aberto sob uma licença Creative commons (CC BY 4.0). Fonte: Acesso em: 09 dez. 2022.Giselle Larizzatti AgazziRaúl Fernandes2022-11-012022-11-012022-09-04AGAZZI, G. L.; GOUVEIA, FERNADES, R. Inside fiction, there is History: a reading of Carta à Rainha Louca by Maria Valéria Rezende Entre ficção, há história: uma leitura de Carta à Rainha Louca, de Maria Valéria Rezende. Veredas, n. 37, p. 41-50, sept. 2022.0874-5102© 2022 ER(R)GO. All rights reserved.Inspired by the discovery of some letters in Portuguese archives, in which a Brazilian woman defends herself against the Portuguese Inquisition in the 18th century, Maria Valéria Rezende published, in 2019, Carta à Rainha Louca. In the novel, the narrator, Isabel, struggles to resist the violence of colonizers against women, blacks and the underprivileged, undertaking a profound analysis of social relations established in colonial Brazil. Based on the reflection on how reading and writing form the mainstay of the feminist struggle against patriarchy, which took root in Brazilian lands during colonization, this paper aims to analyze the relationship between literature and history according to the fruitful dialogue established by this book with some important themes in the work of Paulo Freire.Acesso AbertoInside fiction, there is History: a reading of Carta à Rainha Louca by Maria Valéria Rezende Entre ficção, há história: uma leitura de Carta à Rainha Louca, de Maria Valéria RezendeArtigo10.24261/2183-816x0337feminismHistoryliteratureMaria Valéria Rezende, Paulo Freire