MORANO, R. S.Edmilson Moraes2022-01-122022-01-122012-10-20MORANO, R. S.; MORAES, E. Conduct, cooperation and alliances: An analysis of interaction among firms using an ABS. Proceedings - 2012 Brazilian Workshop on Social Simulation: Advances in Social Simulation II, BWSS 2012, p. 132-135, 2012. It was modeled a market where alliances are fundamental for complementing competences and abilities. The firms need those alliances to exploiting new opportunities. The strategic enterprise behavior must affect the alliances and their intensity and fragility levels. Enterprises facing market opportunities which request strategic alliances can or cannot cooperate on the others according to their strategic behavior profiles and according to the historical cooperation evaluation of their potential partners. The model of agent-based simulation proposed for such essay, uses roles based on Sugars cape, on prisoner dilemma for n-players and concepts existents about cooperation, stakeholders and shareholders theories and enterprise alliances. It has been verified that the emergence of cooperation can occur, but depends on how fierce is the competition in terms on density and internal cost structures. © 2012 IEEE.Acesso RestritoConduct, cooperation and alliances: An analysis of interaction among firms using an ABSArtigo de evento10.1109/BWSS.2012.19Agent-Based SimulationCooperationPrisoners DilemmaShareholdersStakeholders