NOVO, C.; GIACOMINI, R. DORIA, R.; AFZALIAN, A.; FLANDRE. D.Temperature and back-gate bias influence on the operation of lateral SOI PIN photodiodes. 2014 29th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology and Devices: Chip in Aracaju, SBMicro 2014,Renato GiacominiRodrigo DoriaAFZALIAN, A.FLANDRE. D.2022-01-122022-01-122014-09-05© 2014 IEEE.This paper presents a study of back-gate bias and temperature influence on the operation of lateral SOI PIN photodiodes. Experimental results showed that the operation mode of the photodiodes is affected by back-gate bias, modifying the photogenerated current, which has a strong influence on the illuminated to dark ratio, as well as, on the quantum efficiency. At lower temperatures, the results showed that the quantum efficiency can be improved by biasing the device in inversion mode, while at higher temperatures, the accumulation mode showed a higher illuminated to dark ratio.Acesso RestritoTemperature and back-gate bias influence on the operation of lateral SOI PIN photodiodesArtigo de evento10.1109/SBMicro.2014.6940097