Gabriela ScurGARCIA R.CASTRO ARAÚJO, V.2022-01-122022-01-122015-10-05SCUR, G.; GARCIA R.; CASTRO ARAÚJO, V. University-firm interaction in the Brazilian ceramic industry: Patterns, formats, and implications. InterCeram: International Ceramic Review, v. 64, n. 6, p. 258-265, October, 2015.0020-5214 paper aims to study the interactions of universities/research centers with the Brazilian ceramic sector. We adopted the regional/local innovation systems literature, which assumes that geographical, social, and cultural proximity is an important element for linkages between agents. The text highlights the importance of the machine, frits, and glaze suppliers as diffusers of innovation among ceramic tile manufacturers. The participation of universities and technological institutes is limited to testing, technical assistance, and product certification. The Brazilian Technological Center of Ceramic is important because the products meet international standards. In any case, partnerships between universities/research centers and firms have become routine in the region. On the one hand, universities were able to understand problems concerning the production process and on the other hand, the ceramic tile firms realized the need to add value to products and to achieve this goal it is necessary to invest in knowledge and innovation.Acesso RestritoUniversity-firm interaction in the Brazilian ceramic industry: Patterns, formats, and implicationsArtigo de revisão10.1007/bf03401130Ceramic tileClustersUniversity-industry interaction