AGOPIAN, P. G. D.MARTINO, J. A.KOBAYASHI, D.SIMOEN. E.CLAEYS. C.2022-01-122022-01-122012-01-05AGOPIAN, P. G. D.; MARTINO, J. A.; KOBAYASHI, D.; SIMOEN. E.; CLAEYS. C. Influence of 60-MeV proton-irradiation on standard and strained n-and p-Channel MuGFETs. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, v. 59, n. 4 PART 1, p. 707-713, 2012.0018-9499 this work the proton irradiation influence on Multiple Gate MOSFETs (MuGFETs) performance is investigated. This analysis was performed through basic and analog parameters considering four different splits (unstrained, uniaxial, biaxial, uniaxial+biaxial). Although the influence of radiation is more pronounced for p-channel devices, in pMuGFETs devices, the radiation promotes a higher immunity to the back interface conduction resulting in the analog performance improvement. On the other hand, the proton irradiation results in a degradation of the post-irradiated n-channel transistors behavior. The unit gain frequency showed to be strongly dependent on stress efficiency and the radiation results in an increase of the unit gain frequency for splits with high stress effectiveness for both cases p-and nMuGFETs. © 2012 IEEE.Acesso RestritoInfluence of 60-MeV proton-irradiation on standard and strained n-and p-Channel MuGFETsArtigo10.1109/TNS.2012.2187070Analog performancemultiple-gateproton-irradiation effectsSOIstrain technologies