Edson Coutinho da SilvaMazzon J.A. MAZZON, J. A.2022-01-122022-01-122016-06-05SILVA, E. C. DA; MAZZON, J. A. Social marketing plan for health promotion: Developing public health policies customer-oriented Plano de marketing social para a promoção da saúde: Desenvolvimento de políticas de saúde pública orientada ao “cliente”. Revista Brasileira de Marketing, v. 15, n. 2, p. 164-176, jun. 2016.2177-5184https://repositorio.fei.edu.br/handle/FEI/3900© 2016 Universidade Nove de Julho-UNINOVE. All right reserved.This article aims to introduce and explain a guideline (or model) to plan and perform health campaigns through Social Marketing plan. The model is based on the Social Marketing principles in order to help professional develop an action plan setting step-by-step around the processes to produce health campaigns to achieve the ultimate goal, i.e. the behaviour change. The Social Marketing plan is an option to introduce customer orientation backed by integrated Marketing in order to promote consumer satisfaction through behaviour change in the public health. On the one hand, Health promotion and prevention is cheaper for the State; on the other hand it is more difficult. These researchers set three levels: (i) diagnosing the social problem; (ii) designing the benefits of changing behaviour; and (iii) setting the Marketing mix. This Social Marketing plan is an option to introduce customer orientation backed by integrated Marketing in health campaigns. Therefore, Social Marketing arises as an appropriate approach tool for public sector and health promotion.Acesso AbertoSocial marketing plan for health promotion: Developing public health policies customer-oriented Plano de marketing social para a promoção da saúde: Desenvolvimento de políticas de saúde pública orientada ao “cliente”Artigo10.5585/remark.v15i2.2907Health PromotionPublic HealthSocial ChangeSocial Marketing