ASSALTI, R.DORIA, RODRIGO T.FLANDRE, DenisSOUZA, Michelly de2019-08-192019-08-192017ASSALTI, R.; DORIA, RODRIGO T.; FLANDRE, Denis; SOUZA, Michelly de. Origin of the Low-Frequency Noise in the Asymmetric Self-Cascode Structure Composed by Fully Depleted SOI nMOSFETs. JICS. JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS (ED. PORTUGUÊS), v. 12, n. 2, p. 62-70, 2017.1807-1953 RestritoOrigin of the Low-Frequency Noise in the Asymmetric Self-Cascode Structure Composed by Fully Depleted SOI nMOSFETsArtigo