DE LIMA, M. P. B.PEIXOTO, M. A. P.CORREIA, M. M.GALEMBECK, E. H. S.Salvador GimenezCAMILO, L. M.2022-11-012022-11-012022-08-22DE LIMA, M. P. B.; PEIXOTO, M. A. P.; GALEMBECK, E. H. S.; GIMENEZ, S.; CAMILO, L. M. Impact of Temperature Effects in the Zero Temperature Coefficient of the Ellipsoidal MOSFET. 36th Symposium on Microelectronics Technology, SBMICRO 2022 - Proceedings. aug. 2022.© 2022 IEEE.The zero temperature coefficient (ZTC) is investigated by the simple model and three-dimensional numerical simulations in the Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) with the ellipsoidal (EM) and conventional rectangular gate geometries (CM), considering the same channel widths (W), gate areas (AG) and bias condition (BC) technology. A simple model is used to study the behavior of the gate voltage at ZTC (VZTC) in the linear and the saturation region. The influence of the temperature mobility degradation on VZTC is analyzed for EM and CM devices. The VZTC changes in the temperature range investigated showed a temperature mobility degradation dependence and the both devices showed the same behavior. The analysis takes into account temperature dependence model parameters such as threshold voltage and mobility. The analytical predictions are in very close agreement with 3D simulations results in spite of the simplification used for the VZTC model as a function of temperature in the linear and the saturation region.Acesso RestritoImpact of Temperature Effects in the Zero Temperature Coefficient of the Ellipsoidal MOSFETArtigo de evento10.1109/SBMICRO55822.2022.9881044Ellipsoidal layout styleMobility degradationSimple modelZero temperature coefficient