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  • Artigo 6 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    What Facial Features Does the Pediatrician Look to Decide That a Newborn Is Feeling Pain?
    (2023-01-05) SILVA, G. V. T. D.; BARROS, M. C. M.; SOARES, J. D. C. A.; CARLINI, L. P.; HEIDERICJ, T. M.; ORSI, R. N.; BALDA, R. C. X.; Carlos E. Thomaz; GUINSBURG, R.
    Thieme. All rights reserved.OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to analyze the gaze fixation of pediatricians during the decision process regarding the presence/absence of pain in pictures of newborn infants. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental study, involving 38 pediatricians (92% females, 34.6 ± 9.0 years, 22 neonatologists) who evaluated 20 pictures (two pictures of each newborn: one at rest and one during a painful procedure), presented in random order for each participant. The Tobii-TX300 equipment tracked eye movements in four areas of interest of each picture (AOI): mouth, eyes, forehead, and nasolabial furrow. Pediatricians evaluated the intensity of pain with a verbal analogue score from 0 to 10 (0 = no pain; 10 = maximum pain). The number of pictures in which pediatricians fixed their gaze, the number of gaze fixations, and the total and average time of gaze fixations were compared among the AOI by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The visual-tracking parameters of the pictures' evaluations were also compared by ANOVA according to the pediatricians' perception of pain presence: moderate/severe (score = 6-10), mild (score = 3-5), and absent (score = 0-2). The association between the total time of gaze fixations in the AOI and pain perception was assessed by logistic regression. RESULTS: In the 20 newborn pictures, the mean number of gaze fixations was greater in the mouth, eyes, and forehead than in the nasolabial furrow. Also, the average total time of gaze fixations was greater in the mouth and forehead than in the nasolabial furrow. Controlling for the time of gaze fixation in the AOI, each additional second in the time of gaze fixation in the mouth (odds ratio [OR]: 1.26; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.08-1.46) and forehead (OR: 1.16; 95% CI: 1.02-1.33) was associated with an increase in the chance of moderate/severe pain presence in the neonatal facial picture. CONCLUSION: When challenged to say whether pain is present in pictures of newborn infants' faces, pediatricians fix their gaze preferably in the mouth. The longer duration of gaze fixation in the mouth and forehead is associated with an increase perception that moderate/severe pain is present. KEY POINTS: · Neonatal pain assessment is intrinsically subjective.. · Visual tracking identifies the focus of attention of individuals.. · Adults' gaze in neonates' mouth and forehead is associated with pain perception..
  • Artigo 7 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Phenomenological and thermodynamic model of gas exchanges in the placenta during pregnancy: A case study of intoxication of carbon monoxide
    (2019-11-05) CENZI, J. R.; Cyro Albuquerque; MADY, C. E. K.
    © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The present work simulates the transport of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide between a fetus’s circulatory system and the mother’s. The organ responsible for this exchange is the placenta. Carbon monoxide is a common air pollutant, and it impacts the physiological conditions even in low concentration. The impacts of carbon monoxide are especially dangerous for pregnant women, fetuses, and newborn babies. A model of carbon monoxide transport, from the literature, is modified to simulate a pregnant woman (original model was a male), therefore changing some parameters to express the adjusted respiratory system. It was considered the gas exchange in the placenta, to evaluate the concentration of these different gases in the fetus arterial and venous blood. Three methods of the exergy analysis are implemented for both mother and fetus respiratory systems, aiming at the comparison with the respiratory system of a male adult. The destroyed exergy of the literature did not have the same trend as the models proposed in this article, taking into consideration the hemoglobin reactions. In contrast, the entropy generation associated only with the diffusion transport phenomena was one order of magnitude lower than the other methods. The placenta destroyed exergy rate is significantly higher compared to the irreversibilities of the mother’s respiratory system. One possible explanation is the fact that the placenta has other physiological functions than gas transportation.
  • Artigo 7 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Post-analysis methods for lactate threshold depend on training intensity and aerobic capacity in runners. An experimental laboratory study Métodos de pós-análise do limiar do lactato dependem da intensidade de treinamento e da capacidade aeróbica dos corredores. Um estudo laboratorial experimental
    (2016) FERNANDES, T. L.; NUNES, R. S. S.; ABAD, C. C. C.; SILVA, A. C. B.; SOUZA, L. S.; SILVA, P. R. S.; Cyro Albuquerque; IRIGOYEN, M. C.; HERNANDEZ, A. J.
    © 2016, Associacao Paulista de Medicina. All rights reserved.CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate different mathematical post-analysis methods of determining lactate threshold in highly and lowly trained endurance runners. DESIGN AND SETTING: Experimental laboratory study, in a tertiary-level public university hospital. METHOD: Twenty-seven male endurance runners were divided into two training load groups: lowly trained (frequency < 4 times per week, < 6 consecutive months, training velocity ≥ 5.0 min/km) and highly trained (frequency ≥ 4 times per week, ≥ 6 consecutive months, training velocity < 5.0 min/km). The subjects performed an incremental treadmill protocol, with 1 km/h increases at each subsequent 4-minute stage. Fingerprint blood-lactate analysis was performed at the end of each stage. The lactate threshold (i.e. the running velocity at which blood lactate levels began to exponentially increase) was measured using three different methods: increase in blood lactate of 1 mmol/l at stages (DT1), absolute 4 mmol/l blood lactate concentration (4 mmol), and the semi-log method (semi-log). ANOVA was used to compare different lactate threshold methods and training groups. RESULTS: Highly trained athletes showed significantly greater lactate thresholds than lowly trained runners, regardless of the calculation method used. When all the subject data were combined, DT1 and semi-log were not different, while 4 mmol was significantly lower than the other two methods. These same trends were observed when comparing lactate threshold methods in the lowly trained group. However, 4 mmol was only significantly lower than DT1 in the highly trained group. CONCLUSION: The 4 mmol protocol did not show lactate threshold measurements comparable with DT1 and semi-log protocols among lowly trained athletes.
  • Artigo 27 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Searching for strategies to reduce the mechanical demands of the sit-to-stand task with a muscle-actuated optimal control model
    (2016) Bobbert M.F.; Kistemaker D.A.; Vaz M.A.; Marko Ackermann
    © 2016Background The sit-to-stand task, which involves rising unassisted from sitting on a chair to standing, is important in daily life. Many people with muscle weakness, reduced range of motion or loading-related pain in a particular joint have difficulty performing the task. How should a person suffering from such impairment best perform the sit-to-stand task and, in the case of pain in a particular joint, with reduced loading of that joint? Methods We developed a musculoskeletal model with reference parameter values based on properties of healthy strong subjects. The model's muscle stimulation-time input was optimized using direct collocation to find strategies that yielded successful sit-to-stand task performance with minimum ‘control effort’ for the reference set and modified sets of parameter values, and with constraints on tibiofemoral compression force. Findings The sit-to-stand task could be performed successfully and realistically by the reference model, by a model with isometric knee extensor forces reduced to 40% of reference, by a model with isometric forces of all muscles reduced to 45% of reference, and by the reference model with the tibiofemoral compression force constrained during optimization to 65% of the peak value in the reference condition. Interpretation The strategies found by the model in conditions other than reference could be interpreted well on the basis of cost function and task biomechanics. The question remains whether it is feasible to teach patients with musculoskeletal impairments or joint pain to perform the sit-to-stand task according to strategies that are optimal according to the simulation model.
  • Artigo 7 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Predictive simulation of diabetic gait: Individual contribution of ankle stiffness and muscle weakening
    (2017) Santos G.F.; Gomes A.A.; Sacco I.C.N.; Marko Ackermann
    © 2017 Elsevier B.V.Diabetic neuropathic individuals present massive muscle strength reduction at the ankle plantar- and dorsiflexors and increased joint stiffness. Our aim is to investigate the adaptation strategies to these musculoskeletal alterations during walking by means of predictive simulations. We used a seven segment planar musculoskeletal model actuated by eight Hill-type muscles in each leg. The effect of all passive tissue in muscles and other joint structures was modeled by net passive joint moment curves. The predictive simulations were generated by solving an optimal control problem that minimized a cost function, including effort and tracking terms, using direct collocation and a commercial optimal control package. We simulate four conditions to represent the weakening of the distal muscles triceps sural (TS) and tibialis anterior (TA), and five conditions to represent the effect of increasing nonlinear ankle stiffness in flexion. The weakening of the distal muscles leads to a delayed action of the TS and a progressive decrease of the gastrocnemius peak force in the push-off phase. This distal deficit is compensated by a larger hip flexion moment resulting from an increase in the iliopsoas muscle force in this phase, known as the hip strategy. The adaptation mechanisms observed in response to an increase in ankle stiffness include the hip strategy and the exploitation of the passive joint structures as springs, which store energy during midstance and release it during push-off, reducing TS force and power in this phase and leading to a consistent decrease in the overall muscle force levels.
  • Artigo 28 Citação(ões) na Scopus
    Muscle force distribution of the lower limbs during walking in diabetic individuals with and without polyneuropathy
    (2017) Gomes A.A.; Marko Ackermann; Ferreira J.P.; Orselli M.I.V.; Sacco I.C.N.
    © 2017 The Author(s).Background: Muscle force estimation could advance the comprehension of the neuromuscular strategies that diabetic patients adopt to preserve walking ability, which guarantees their independence as they deal with their neural and muscular impairments due to diabetes and neuropathy. In this study, the lower limb's muscle force distribution during gait was estimated and compared in diabetic patients with and without polyneuropathy. Methods: Thirty individuals were evaluated in a cross-sectional study, equally divided among controls (CG) and diabetic patients with (DNG) and without (DG) polyneuropathy. The acquired ground reaction forces and kinematic data were used as input variables for a scaled musculoskeletal model in the OpenSim software. The maximum isometric force of the ankle extensors and flexors was reduced in the model of DNG by 30% and 20%, respectively. The muscle force was calculated using static optimization, and peak forces were compared among groups (flexors and extensors of hip, knee, and ankle; ankle evertors; and hip abductors) using MANOVAs, followed by univariate ANOVAs and Newman-Keuls post-hoc tests (p < 0.05). Results: From the middle to late stance phase, DG showed a lower soleus muscle peak force compared to the CG (p=0.024) and the DNG showed lower forces in the gastrocnemius medialis compared to the DG (p=0.037). At the terminal swing phase, the semitendinosus and semimembranosus peak forces showed lower values in the DG compared to the CG and DNG. At the late stance, the DNG showed a higher peak force in the biceps short head, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus compared to the CG and DG. Conclusion: Peak forces of ankle (flexors, extensors, and evertors), knee (flexors and extensors), and hip abductors distinguished DNG from DG, and both of those from CG. Both diabetic groups showed alterations in the force production of the ankle extensors with reductions in the forces of soleus (DG) and gastrocnemius medialis (DNG) seen in both diabetic groups, but only DNG showed an increase in the hamstrings (knee flexor) at push-off. A therapeutic approach focused on preserving the functionality of the knee muscles is a promising strategy, even if the ankle dorsiflexors and plantarflexors are included in the resistance training.