Engenharia de Materiais
URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://repositorio.fei.edu.br/handle/FEI/17
4 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Artigo de evento 1 Citação(ões) na Scopus Pit morphology and its microstructure relation in 850°C aged UNS S31803 (SAP 2205) duplex stainless steel(2003-07-24) Rodrigo Magnabosco; ALONSO-FALLEIROS, N.This work described the relationship between microstructure of UNS S 31803 (SAP 2205) aged at 850°C and pitting morphology after cyclic polarization in chloride aqueous solution. The initial material, solution treated for 30 minutes at 1120°C and water quenched, was aged at 850°C for periods up to 100 hours. Cyclic polarization in 3,5% NaCl aqueous solution was conducted on #600 grounded sample surfaces. After polarization, the samples were sectioned transversal and perpendicular to polarized surface to allow the inner view of pitting corrosion using scanning electron microscope. It was found that sigma phase formation after 850°C aging treatment reduced pitting potential, and pitting corrosion occurred as selective corrosion of chromium and molybdenum impoverished regions, like interfaces between sigma phase and metallic matrix.- Fracture toughness of the eutectic alloy Al3Nb-Nb2Al(2003-08-05) TRIVENO RIOS, C.; FERRANDINI, P.; CARAM, R.Presenting high fracture toughness is a decisive condition to any structural material, and when considering brittle alloys, the Vickers indentation method to determine fracture toughness is an interesting alternative. Like many other intermetallics, the Al3Nb-Nb2Al eutectic alloy shows high strength at high temperatures and low fracture toughness at room temperature. Al3Nb-Nb2Al samples, both in the as-solidified condition and in the directionally solidified condition, had their hardness and fracture toughness determined by the Vickers indentation method. Lower values of hardness were found when higher loads were used, and fracture toughness was found to be about 2.0 MPa m1/2. The as-solidified condition is harder and less tough, and when fracture occurs, cracks always develop by cleavage. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
- Sintering of AISI M2 High Speed Steel with the Addition of NbC(2012-08-05) WENTZCOVITCH, A.; AMBROZIO FILHO, F.; SILVA, L. C. E.; Mauricio NevesThe influence of adding 6 wt% (NbC) niobium carbide on the sintering temperature and microstructure of high speed steel - AISI M2 (0.87% C, 5.00% Mo, 6.00% W, 4,00% Cr, 2.00% V and Fe bal.) powder was studied. The starting material was obtained by vacuum melting followed by atomization in water. The samples were axially cold compacted in a cylindrical matrix and then vacuum sintered at 1250 and 1350 °C. Dilatometry and differential scanning calorimetry measurements indicated an increase in sintering temperature with addition of niobium to the AISI M2 steel. Optical and scanning electron microscope observations revealed a microstructure with uniformly distributed niobium carbides.
- Sigma phase formation and polarization response of UNS S31803 in sulfuric acid(2005) Magnabosco R.; Alonso-Falleiros N.For a better understanding of the relationship between the microstructure of UNS S31803 duplex stainless steel (DSS) and the shape of the polarization curves, this study evaluated the influence of the microstructure on the potentiodynamic polarization of the 850°C isothermal-aged UNS S31803 DSS in 0.5 M sulfuric acid (H2SO4). In the transpassive region, selective corrosion of chromium- and molybdenum-rich phases occurred. In the solution-treated sample, ferrite was selectively corroded, and in all aged samples, the sigma phase was the selectively corroded phase. Five current density maxima in the passive region were found during potentiodynamic polarization, and they can be related to the microstructures formed. The current density maximum at 564 mV us. saturated calomel electrode (SCE) can be related to secondary ferrite, impoverished in chromium and molybdenum, that was formed during direct precipitation of sigma phase from the original ferrite. Secondary austenite, impoverished in chromium and molybdenum and formed together with the sigma phase during eutectoid decomposition of the original ferrite, can be related to the current density maxima at -85 mVSCE and -40 mVSCE. The austenite phase, present in all heat-treatment conditions, can be related to the current density maxima at -155 mVSCE and 111 mVSCE. © 2005, NACE International.