Engenharia Elétrica
URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://repositorio.fei.edu.br/handle/FEI/21
3 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
- Harmonic distortion analysis of triple gate SOI nanowire MOSFETS down to 100 K(2017) Paz B.C.; Doria R.T.; Casse M.; Barraud S.; Reimbold G.; Vinet M.; Faynot O.; Pavanello M.A.© 2017 Elsevier LtdThe linearity of triple gate nanowire transistors (NWs) implemented on a Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) substrate is investigated in this work considering temperature (T) influence. The analysis is performed in long channel nanowire MOSFETs with different fin width (WFIN), from quasi-planar structures (WFIN = 10 μm) to narrow devices (9.5 nm), operating as single-transistor amplifiers from room temperature down to 100 K. The total, second and third order harmonic distortions (THD, HD2 and HD3, respectively) are extracted using the Integral Function Method (IFM). The analysis is divided in two parts. First, a fixed input signal is applied at the gate of the single-transistor amplifiers and, then, the output signal is fixed. Transport parameters such as effective mobility (μeff), mobility degradation coefficient (θ) and series resistance (RS) have been extracted down to 100 K and correlated to the distortion to explain linearity peaks behavior with temperature and fin width. Narrow transistors have shown improved linearity mainly due to higher intrinsic voltage gain (AV) considering the entire temperature range. Low temperature operation has shown to degrade the linearity characteristics of both wide and narrow NW MOSFETs.
- Drain current model for short-channel triple gate junctionless nanowire transistors(2016) Paz B.C.; Casse M.; Barraud S.; Reimbold G.; Faynot O.; Avila-Herrera F.; Cerdeira A.; Pavanello M.A.© 2016 Elsevier LtdThis work proposes a numerical charge-based new model to describe the drain current for triple gate junctionless nanowire transistors (3G JNT). The drain current is obtained through a numerical integration of a single expression that physically describes the junctionless charge density in both accumulation and depletion regimes of operation, leading to a continuous model in all operational regions. The triple gate structure is modeled from an evolution of a previous model designed for double gate junctionless nanowire transistors (2G JNT). Improvements concerning the capacitance coupling, the internal potential changing while reducing the fin height in nanowire transistors and higher immunity to short-channel effects (SCE) are considered. The model validation is performed through both tridimensional numerical simulation and experimental measurements for long and short-channel devices. Through simulated results, it is verified the agreement of the modeled curves for junctionless transistors with different values of fin height. Comparison between the proposed model and experimental data is performed for 3G JNT advanced structures with channel length down to 15 nm and fin height of 8 nm. Results for 3G JNTs with different values of doping concentration and channel width are also displayed showing a good agreement as well. Moreover, 3G JNT performance is also analyzed and compared in the studied structures by extracting the threshold voltage (VTH), subthreshold slope (S), DIBL and model parameters.
- An analytic method to compute the stress dependence on the dimensions and its influence in the characteristics of triple gate devices(2012) Trevisoli R.D.; Martino J.A.; Simoen E.; Claeys C.; Pavanello M.A.Triple-gate devices are considered a promising solution for sub-20 nm era. Strain engineering has also been recognized as an alternative due to the increase in the carriers mobility it propitiates. The simulation of strained devices has the major drawback of the stress non-uniformity, which cannot be easily considered in a device TCAD simulation without the coupled process simulation that is time consuming and cumbersome task. However, it is mandatory to have accurate device simulation, with good correlation with experimental results of strained devices, allowing for in-depth physical insight as well as prediction on the stress impact on the device electrical characteristics. This work proposes the use of an analytic function, based on the literature, to describe accurately the strain dependence on both channel length and fin width in order to simulate adequately strained triple-gate devices. The maximum transconductance and the threshold voltage are used as the key parameters to compare simulated and experimental data. The results show the agreement of the proposed analytic function with the experimental results. Also, an analysis on the threshold voltage variation is carried out, showing that the stress affects the dependence of the threshold voltage on the temperature. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.