Engenharia de Robôs
URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://repositorio.fei.edu.br/handle/FEI/339
2 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
- Comparison and analysis of the DVG+A∗ and rapidly-exploring random trees path-planners for the robocup-small size league(2019-10-23) DA SILVA COSTA, L.; Flavio Tonidandel© 2019 IEEE.This paper provides an experimental analysis between Dynamic Visibility Graph A Star (DVG+A*) and Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRT) path-planners, in order to compare which one is more adequate to the scenario presented in the Small Size League (SSL). The metrics used to compare each algorithm were established based on the characteristics of a SSL game, which demand a short path, low computational cost and a safe distance from the opponent robots. For the comparison, both algorithms were tested in static and dynamic environments. After all the tests, DVG+A∗ has shown the best results.
- Performing and blocking passes in small size league(2019-10-25) LAUREANO, M. A. P.; Flavio Tonidandel© 2019 IEEE.The changes in the Small Size League rules, like increasing the field size and inclusion of more robots in the game have brought greater possibilities of playing and strategies. With the increased complexity of soccer matches, the positioning of the robots has become important as the defense and attack mechanisms. The learning of opposing team game playing has been shown to be effective, but an SSL soccer match indicates the need for solutions that analyze the strategy of the opposing team during the game and make necessary adaptations. This paper proposes the use of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm as an option to determine the positioning for making and blocking passes during the match. A prototype has been developed to validate the configuration parameters. Experiments in a simulator and analysis of game logs have demonstrated the feasibility of applying the PSO algorithm to find the robots positions.