Departamento de Física
URI permanente desta comunidade
4 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
- Natural radiation from soil using gamma-ray spectrometry(2009-05-12) Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli; MOREIRA, R. H.; DE PAULA, A. L. C.; MEDINA, N. H.We have studied the distribution of natural radioactivity in the soil of Interlagos, in São Paulo city and Billings Reservoir, in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil. The main contribution of the effective radiation dose is due to the elements of the 238Th decay series, with smaller contributions from 40K and the elements of the series of 238U. The results indicate the dose in all of the studied areas is around the average international dose due to external exposure to gamma rays (0.48 mSv/yr) proceeding from natural terrestrial elements. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.
- Absorbed gamma-ray doses due to natural radionuclides in building materials(2010-09-05) AGUIAR, V. A. P.; MEDINA, N. H.; MOREIRA, R. H.; Marcilei Aparecida GuazzelliThis work is devoted to the application of high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry in the study of the effective dose coming from naturally occurring radionuclides, namely 40K, 232Th and 238U, present in building materials such as sand, cement, and granitic gravel. Four models were applied to estimate the effective dose and the hazard indices. The maximum estimated effective dose coming from the three reference rooms considered is 0.90(45) mSv/yr, and maximum internal hazard index is 0.77(24), both for the compact clay brick reference room. The principal gamma radiation sources are cement, sand and bricks. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
- Effective gamma-ray doses due to natural radiation from soils of southeastern Brazil(2010-12-05) Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli; MEDINA, N. H.; MOREIRA, R. H.; BELLINI, B. S.; AGUIAR, V. A. P.We have used gamma-ray spectrometry to study the distribution of natural radiation from soils of southeastern Brazil: Billings reservoir, São Bernardo do Campo Parks, Diadema Parks, Interlagos region, São Paulo, and soil from São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro beaches. In most of the regions studied we have found that the dose due the external exposure to gamma-rays, proceeding from natural terrestrial elements, are between the values 0.3 and 0.6 mSv/year, established by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
Artigo Effective gamma-ray doses due to natural radiation from soil of southeastern Brazil(2010) SILVEIRA, M. A. G.; Guazzelli, Marcilei A.; MEDINA, N. H.; MOREIRA, R. H.; AGUIAR, V. A. P.; BELLINI, B. S.