Departamento de Física
URI permanente desta comunidade
12 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
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- A focus on selected perspectives of the NUMEN project(2022-11-09) CAVALLARO, M.; AGODI, C.; BELLONE, J. I.; BRASOLIN, S.; BRISCHETTO, G. A.; BUSSA, M. P.; CALABRESE, S.; CALVO, D.; CAMPAJOLA, L.; CAPIROSSI, V.; CAPPUZZELLO, F.; CARBONE, D.; CIRALDO, I.; COLONNA, M.; DE BENEDICTIS, C.; DE GREGORIO, G.; DELAUNAY, F.; DUMITRACHE, F.; FERRARESI, C.; FINOCCHIARO, P.; FISICHELLA, M.; GALLIAN, S.; GAMBACURTA, D.; GANDOLFO, E. M.; GARGANO, A.; GIOVANNINI, M.; IAZZI, F.; LANZALONE, G.; LAVAGNO, A.; MEREU, P.; NERI, L.; PANDOLA, L.; PANERO, R.; PERSIANI, R.; PINNA, F.; RUSSO, A. D.; RUSSO, G.; SANTOPINTO, E.; SARTIRANA, D.; SGOUROS, O.; SHAR,A, V. R.; SOUKERAS, V.; SPATAFORA, A.; TORRESI, D.; TUDISCO, S.; AVANZI, L. H.; CARDOZO, E. N.; CHINAGLIA, E. F.; COSTA, K. M.; FERREIRA, J. L.; LINARES, R.; LUBIAN, J.; MASUNAGA, S. H.; MEDINA, N. H.; MORALLES, M.; OLIVEIRA, J. R. B.; SANTARELLI, T. M.; Roberto Santos; Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli; ZAGATTO, V. A. B.; KOULOURIS, S.; PAKOU, A.; SOULIOTIS, G.; ACOSTA, L.; AMADOR-VALENZUELA, P.; BIJKER, R.; CHAVEZ LOMELI, E. R.; GARCIA-TECOCOATZI, H.; HUERTA HERNANDEZ, A.; MARIN-LAMBARRI, D. J.; VARGA HERNANDEZ, H.; VILLAGRAN, R. G.; BOZTOSUN, I.; DAPO, H.; EKE, C.; FIRAT, S.; HACISALIHOGU, A.; KUCUK, Y.; SOLAKCI, S. O.; YILDIRIM, A.; AUERBACH, N.; BURRELLO, S.; LENSKE, H.; ISSAK, J.; PIETRALLA, N.; WERNER, V.; LAY, J. A.; PETRASCU, H.; FERRETTI, J.; KOTILA, J.; DONALDSON, L. M.; KHUMALO, T.; NEVELING. R.; PELLEGRI, L.© 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.The use of double charge exchange reactions is discussed in view of their application to extract information that may be helpful to determinate the nuclear matrix elements entering in the expression of neutrinoless double beta decay half-life. The strategy adopted in the experimental campaigns performed at INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud and in the analysis methods within the NUMEN project is briefly described, emphasizing the advantages of the multi-channel approach to nuclear reaction data analysis. An overview on the research and development activities on the MAGNEX magnetic spectrometer is also given, with a focus on the chosen technological solutions for the focal plane detector which will guarantee the performances at high-rate conditions.
- Banana and its nutrients: the power of the heart(2022-11-09) PALMA, M. S.; CURADO, J. F.; RIZZUTTO, M.; MEDINA, N. H.; Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli© 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.Macro and micronutrients are essential minerals for the development of living beings, and this separation is given in quantitative reason, that is, while macronutrients, such as potassium and calcium, are required in larger amounts, micronutrients such as iron and zinc, are required in small quantities. For humans, potassium (K) is an essential macronutrient. In the human body, potassium has the function of regulating osmotic pressure, transmitting nerve impulses and carrying out muscle contraction. Its existence is found in high concentration in bananas. The heart banana plant is a little-known part among the by-products generated by banana cultivation, and is commonly discarded in the soil in order to increase its organic content, due to its high content of minerals such as potassium, calcium and zinc. Thus, this research work aimed to explore the nutritional potential of unconventional parts of banana for human consumption, through Energy Dispersion X-Ray Fluorescence technique, with which it is possible to identify and quantify the main constituent elements. The species were studied Musa Acuminata 'Dwarf/Cavendish', Musa Acuminata x M. Balbisiana 'Apple/Manzano', Musa Ornata 'Ornamental' and Musa Acuminata 'Fig'. The quantity of potassium and of other elements such as Ca, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Rb in the banana heart samples were studied superior to the findings in the literature.
- Ingestion doses and elemental composition of herbal plants and fish(2022-11-09) PIEDADE, F. G.; NASCIMENTO, N. B.; SCIANI, W.; CURADO, J. F.; Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli© 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.It is known that the determination of ingestion doses of radioactive elements is a complex problem due to the different metabolic behaviours of the human beings. To contribute to this topic, this work presents the analysis of the ingestion doses of 40K, 232Th and 238U in some species of herbal plants and fish. These analyses were done using technique of gamma ray spectrometry and applying the estimation models for ingestion dose of ICRP and IAEA. Furthermore, in this article was applied the analytic technique of Energy Dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) in the analysis of elementary composition and concentrations of components in those same species of herbal plants and fish.
- Ingestion dose and elemental composition in coffee by x-ray fluorescence and gamma-ray spectrometry(2022-11-09) Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli; CURADO. J. F.; LOUREIRO, K. P.; MEDINA, N. H.; RIZZUTTO, M. A.© 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.The study proposed in this paper aims to analyze macro and micronutrients in coffee powder samples from Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia, in two different stages of coffee preparation: before and after coffee filtering. In the analyzed samples, presence of K, Rb, Ca, Cl, S, Sr and Fe elements in coffee powder and coffee grounds using Energy Dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) was quantified. The presence of 40K and the radionuclides from the uranium and thorium series decays were verified using gamma-ray spectrometry analyses. With the results obtained using these two techniques, it was possible to estimate the ingestion index for natural radioisotopes. The results show that the annual dose due to coffee ingestion reaches 1.96(4) mSv, depending on the origin of the coffee and considering the annual coffee consumption in Brazil. Elemental Composition analysis of coffee grounds indicates that it can be reused as a product with a high concentration of nutrients.
- COTS Tolerant to Total Ionizing Dose (TID): AlGaN/GaNbased transistor 10 KeV X-ray Analysis(2022-11-09) BOAS, A. C.V.; ALBERTON, S. G.; DE MELO, M. A. A.; Roberto Santos; Renato Giacomini; MEDINA, N. H.; SEIXAS, L. E.; FINCO, S.; PALOMO, F. R.; Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli© 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.Gallium nitride commercial transistors (GaN FET) are great candidates as power devices tolerant to the effects of Total ionizing dose (TID). Therefore, we have evaluated its robustness by analysing parameters in its characteristic parameters. Devices were exposed to a 10 keV X-ray source accumulating a total of 350 krad(Si). However, results indicate that the tested components are more tolerant to the effects of TID when in on-state mode rather than the off-mode, that is, when the device is working, which is good news for COTS applications in environments subject to the effects of ionizing radiation.
- Neutron-Induced Radiation Effects in UMOS Transistor(2022-01-05) ALBERTON. S. G.; BOAS, A. C. V.; MEDINA, N. H.; Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli; AGUIAR, V. A. P.; ADDED, N.; FEDERICO, C. A.; GONZALEZ, O. L.; CAVALCANTE, T. C.; PEREIRA, E. C. F.; VAZ, R. G.© 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.Ground level electronics and avionics systems may suffer from radiation effects induced by neutrons. Neutrons can induce radiation effects in electronic devices via fusion-evaporation nuclear reactions, but few studies have been reported for technologies such as UMOSFET. In this work, estimates and experimental studies on neutron-induced radiation effects via nuclear reactions in a Si-based UMOSFET are presented. Methods for probability estimates of neutron-induced Single-Event Effects (SEEs) in Si-based power transistors and neutron beam energy measurement is presented. The energy spectrum of a UMOSFET subject to fast neutron irradiation was then compared to that of a high charge collection efficiency silicon particle detector.
- Using TRIM-SRIM code simulations to determine defect density produced in HOPG irradiated with high energy heavy ions(2022) AVANZI, L. H.; AGUIAR, V. A. P.; COSTA, K. M.; SANTARELLI, T. O.; MEDINA, N. H.; OLIVEIRA, J. R. B.; CAPPUZZELLO, F.; IAZZI, F.; CAPIROSSI, V.; PINNA, F.; CAVALLARO, M.; Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli© 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.This work is part of the NUMEN Project (NUclear Matrix Elements for Neutrinoless double beta decay), which, among other goals, aims to measure cross-section of double charge exchange reactions (DCE). In the experiments to be carried out at the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, in Catania, Italy, a target deposited on a carefully chosen backing (substrate) will be irradiated with a high energy ion beam and, importantly, neither the target nor the substrate will be allowed to overheat as this would affect their structures and its properties, which are special for the experiment. Within this context, highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) was chosen as a substrate for the deposition of target elements that will be irradiated by ions such as 12C, 18O and 20Ne, with energies ranging from 15 MeV/u to 60 MeV/u. HOPG is considered a semimetal structured in layers, being composed of a stack of graphene sheets with a small and very subtle disorientation (less than 1°), which makes it to approach to a single crystal. With its specific flat hexagonal molecular structure, consisting only of carbon atoms, HOPG has good thermal conductivity in these sheets, making it an excellent candidate as a heat sink. However, for the HOPG to act with thermal energy dissipation functionality during the experiments proposed by the NUMEN project, it is necessary to verify whether possible changes caused by exposure to the radiation beam have a direct or indirect influence on its mechanical and thermal properties. Regarding the thermal conductivity, vacancies produced during irradiation is one of the factors that considerably decrease such property. As the production of vacancies during irradiation is one of the factors that considerably decrease thermal conductivity, in this work it was used the SRIM/TRIM code simulations to investigate the mechanisms of vacancy production in the target plus HOPG backing system. In the simulations, it was considered different types and doses of incident ion beams as well as different target thickness. From the results it was possible to estimated how long a target-HOPG system can be irradiated before the HOPG high heat conductivity property is lost.
- Isomeric state in the odd-odd 68Ga nucleus(2022-01-05) ESCUDEIRO, R.; VASCONCELOS, C. E. C; ALLEGRO, P. R. P.; MEDINA, N. H.; TUFEN, D. L.; ADDED, N.; AGUIAR, V. A. P.; ALBERTON. S. G. P. N.; ALCANTARA-NUNEZ, J.; Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli; MACCHIONE. E. L. A.; OLIVEIRA, J. R. B.; RIBAS, R. V.; SCARDUELLI, V. B.© 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.The half life of the 7− isomeric state of the odd-odd 68Ga nucleus was measured using a particle-γ delayed coincidence technique. The 68Ga nuclei were produced using the fusion-evaporation reaction 55Mn(16O, 2pn)68Ga at 55 MeV incident beam energy. The beam was produced by the 8 MV Pelletron accelerator of the Nuclear Physics Open Laboratory of the University of São Paulo. The half life was measured using the Isomeric State Measurement System (SISMEI). The obtained value was 60.83(25) ns, compatible with previous measurements. The 68Ga excited states were well described with the Large Scale Shell Model using the JUN45 residual interaction.
- XLIV Brazilian Workshop on Nuclear Physics(2022-01-05) Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli; ALVES, C. C. R.; MALHEIRO, M.; MEDINA, N. H.
- A proposal to study long-lived isotopes produced by thermal neutron irradiation of digital devices(2019-08-05) ZAHN, G. S.; GENEZINI, F. A; MORALLES, M.; SIQUEIRA, P. T. D.; MEDINA, N. H.; AGUIAR, V. A. P.; MACCHIONE, E. L. A.; ADDED, N.; Marcilei Aparecida Guazzelli© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.In this work, we present a facility to study errors in digital devices exposed to thermal neutrons from a beam hole in the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor, as well as the long-lived isotopes produced in the irradiation of digital electronic devices under a slow neutron field. Preliminary results obtained with the analysis of a 28nm SRAM-based Xilinx Zynq-7000 FPGA are presented.