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8 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
- Discrete-event simulation of an irrigation system using Internet of Things(2022-06-01) GOMES ALVES, R.; Rodrigo Maia; Fabio Lima© 2003-2012 IEEE.Agricultural water consumption represents 69% of all freshwater used on the planet. In addition, it is necessary to increase food production by 50% by 2050. The use of Internet of Things platforms to carry out the sensing and monitoring of the agricultural environment is increasingly present in the literature. One of the difficulties that such platforms face is to validate the platform's operation in different irrigation systems, as it is often necessary for specialists to work in the connection of sensors and actuators that already exist on farms or that are defined in the design of such systems. Within this context, a discrete-event simulation of an irrigation system integrated into an Internet of Things platform was developed in this work. The digital manufacturing software Plant Simulation was used to perform the discrete event simulation. An OPC UA server establishes real-time communication between the Internet of Things platform and the simulation software. Thus, farmers may verify, in real-time, how a given irrigation prescription, sent by the IoT platform, takes place in the irrigation system.
- Playing and learning with gamification: An in-class concurrent and distributed programming activity(2015-10-21) Rodrigo Maia; GRAEMI, F. R.© 2015 IEEE.It seems that education is working fine, especially in several good and traditional Universities around the world. Nokia was also doing very well in a business world until clients' needs change. Are we academics really offering what the students and the labor market need and demand? We have offered the same product for decades, but we haven't realize that the client is different and is demanding another product. Sometimes, we may have the feeling that our students are beyond this world when they are connected in the internet. Some say that the new generation is not using technology in a properly way to study; however are academics using it better? We are not using the new generation's language to communicate with students and to transfer knowledge. Games and competitions is the 'language of the new generation' and it may promote a desired long-term learning experience we academics always wished. This paper describes the use of gamification as a tool to support the lectures of concurrent and distributed subjects, for undergraduate students of computer science course. In the game students should create and optimize the production line of a specific product. In the programming class, students should create and balance the same production line to beat competitors. Students have to use concepts of distributed programming and concurrency, and create strategies to organize the threads (production line) in order to be more efficient than the other competitors. The best production lines sell more and get more benefits. This paper discusses the preliminary results obtained from a survey of learning inhibits, which were applied before and after doing the course activity. The study compares the results obtained in both surveys and indicate that with the use of gamification to support class activities the learning inhibits tend to reduce at same time that transversal competences are stimulate on students. The discussion conducted after each round of the game indicated the interest and motivation of the students with this type of class.
- A novel deployment of smart Cold Chain system using 2G-RFID-Sys temperature monitoring in medicine Cold Chain based on Internet of Things(2017-11-27) MONTELEONE, S.; Mauro Sampaio; Rodrigo Maia© 2017 IEEE.Temperature monitoring of medicines is essential for product quality and patient safety. Product quality is influenced by temperature perturbations and time delays in interventions. Thanks to Internet of Things (IoT) considerable progress has been made in recent years in the improvement of temperature monitoring devices. However, temperature monitoring in medicine Cold Chain remains challenging. In this paper it is presented a conceptual model aiming at overcoming challenges of medicine Cold Chain related to temperature monitoring. The major particularity of our model is that it considers the complete Cold Chain according to two perspectives of pharmaceutical and healthcare industries in a single study. Besides this model can be applied also in vaccine Cold Chain and in temperature-controlled logistics of laboratory medicine. Our conceptual model supports the development of a smart Cold Chain system for temperature monitoring based on IoT. Our smart Cold Chain system can be used to improve Cold Chain responsiveness by studying weaknesses and deciding what Cold Chain characteristics to improve.
- Learning by teaching strategy to improve learning outcomes from undergraduate students(2017-12-12) Rodrigo Maia; TERCETE, G. M.© 2017 IEEE.This paper describes the use of learning by teaching (LBT) as an instructional strategy to promote standards education in an undergraduate computer science course. The main objective of this instructional strategy is to make students understand how standards and computer network technologies are fundamental resources to create and use both internet infrastructure and services in a multitude of devices presented in daily activities. Such instructional strategy involves a distance learning platform with a sort of resources such videos, animations, class materials, online books and other resources, a set of equipment such as routers and switches to students make experiments, as well as librarian collaboration to provide access to technical standards and digital libraries. Preliminary results and observations indicate that learning by teaching is an effective approach to introduce technical standards in a computer science course compared to a traditional approach.
- Precision agriculture using remote monitoring systems in Brazil(2017) Rodrigo Maia; NETTO, I.; TRAN, A. L. H.© 2017 IEEE.Soil and nutrient depletion from intensive use of land is a critical issue for food production. An understanding of whether the soil is adequately treated with appropriate crop management practices in real-time during production cycles could prevent soil erosion and the overuse of natural or artificial resources to keep the soil healthy and suitable for planting. Precision agriculture traditionally uses expensive techniques to monitor the health of soil and crops including images from satellites and airplanes. Recently there are several studies using drones and a multitude of sensors connected to farm machinery to observe and measure the health of soil and crops during planting and harvesting. This paper describes a real-time, in-situ agricultural internet of things (IoT) device designed to monitor the state of the soil and the environment. This device was designed to be compatible with open hardware and it is composed of temperature and humidity sensors (soil and environment), electrical conductivity of the soil and luminosity, Global Positioning System (GPS) and a ZigBee radio for data communication. The field trial involved soil testing and measurements of the local climate in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The measurements of soil temperature, humidity and conductivity are used to monitor soil conditions. The local climate data could be used to support decisions about irrigation and other activities related to crop health. On-going research includes methods to reduce the consumption of energy and increase the number of sensors. Future applications include the use of the IoT device to detect fire in crops, a common problem in sugar cane crops and the integration of the IoT device with irrigation management systems to improve water usage.
- SWAMP: Smart Water Management Platform Overview and Security Challenges(2018-07-19) KAMIENSKI, C.; KLEINSCHMIDT, J. H.; SOININEN, J-P.; KOLEHMAINEN, K.; ROFFIA, L.; VISOLI, M.; Rodrigo Maia; Fernandes S.© 2018 IEEE.The intensive use of technology in precision irrigation for agriculture is getting momentum in order to optimize the use of water, reduce the energy consumption and improve the quality of crops. Internet of Things (IoT) and other technologies are the natural choices for smart water management applications, and the SWAMP project is expected to prove the appropriateness of IoT in real settings with the deployment of on-site pilots. At the same time, the more intense the use of technology is, agriculture turns new security risks, which may affect both crop development and the commodities market. A security breach may irreversibly compromise a crop and data eavesdropping may compromise price and contracts exposing sensitive data such crop quality, development or management. This paper discusses security challenges and technologies for the application of IoT in agriculture and indicates that one of the most relevant challenges to be handled in SWAMP project is dealing with the multitude of behaviors from IoT application and what would be considered as normal and what would be considered as a threat.
- SWAMP: An IoT-based smart water management platform for precision irrigation in agriculture(2018-11-13) KAMIENSKI, C.; SOININEN, J. - P.; TAUMBERGER, M.; FERNANDES, S.; TOSCANO, A.; CINOTTI, T. S.; Rodrigo Maia; TORRE NETO, A.© 2018 IEEE.Irrigation for agriculture is the biggest consumer of freshwater in the world, which makes a case for the intensive use of technology to optimize the use of water, reduce the consumption of energy and improve the quality of crops. While the Internet of Things (IoT) and other associated technologies are the natural choice for smart water management applications, their appropriateness is still to be proven in real settings with the deployment of on-site pilots. Also, IoT-based application development platforms should be generic enough to be adapted to different crops, climates, and countries. The SWAMP project develops IoT based methods and approaches for smart water management in precision irrigation domain and pilots them in Italy, Spain, and Brazil. In this paper, we present the SWAMP view, architecture, pilots and the scenario-based development process adopted in the project.
- Water leaks detection based on thermal images(2019-08-28) PENTEADO, C.; OLIVATTI, Y.; LOPES, G.; RODRIGUES, P.; Rodrigo Maia; Plinio Thomaz Aquino Junior© 2018 IEEE.In this paper, a digital image processing methodology based on thermal images to detect and locate water leak in underground pipes will be presented. With the advent of smart cities, some countries began to face this problem with technologies, such as Smart Water Grids. However, with this proposal it is intended to contribute with the smart cities context but with a nondestructive and less complex system. Also, it is proposed in this paper the use of the q-sigmoid function that is an alternative to pre-processing step to digital image processing. The potential of this function will be validated as method to contrast enhancement and to highlight regions of interest. The proposal was applied in thermal images captured from the soil surface with an underground water leak. Such conditions were proposed into a laboratory, using an ideal model with sandy soil. The results obtained from this experiment were promising, since it was able to detect leaks at early stages of the experiment, which suggest a potential use of the methodology and the proposed preprocessing technique to detect water leaks.