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12 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Artigo de evento 11 Citação(ões) na Scopus On the use of UML.P for modeling a real application as a planning problem(2006) VAQUERO, T. S.; Flavio Tonidandel; BARROS, L. N. DE; SILVA, J. R.There is a great interest in the planning community to apply all developments already achieved in the area to real applications. Such scenario makes the community focus on Knowledge Engineering (KE) applied in modeling of planning problems and domains. In this paper, we propose the use of UML for Planning Approach, denominated UML.P, during planning domain modeling process. We also discuss the exposure of UML.P to a real application, e.g., the sequencing car problems in an assembly line. This modeling experience, using a classical manufacturing problem, provides some insights and considerations that can contribute to a general KE process for planning. Copyright © 2006, American Association for Artificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved.Artigo de evento 38 Citação(ões) na Scopus itSIMPLE2.0: An integrated tool for designing planning domains(2007-09-26) VAQUERO, T. S.; ROMERO, V.; Flavio Tonidandel; SILVA, J. R.A great effort has been made today in the area of Artificial Intelligence for defining reliable automated planning systems that can be applied in real life applications. That leads to the need of a systematic design process, in which the initial phases are not neglected and where Knowledge and Requirement Engineering tools have a fundamental role for supporting designers. Following this principle, this paper presents the evolution of the tool itSIMPLE which implements a KE integrated environment where designers can perform knowledge acquisition, domain modeling, domain model analysis, model testing, maintenance and plan analysis processes by using different well-known languages such as UML, Petri Nets, PDDL and XML, each one of them with its best contribution. The tool supports users in an organized object-oriented domain design process with a friendly and easy-to-use interface. Copyright © 2007, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved.- Case adaptation by segment replanning for case-based planning systems(2005-08-26) Flavio Tonidandel; RILLO, M.An adaptation phase is crucial for a good and reasonable Case-Based Planning (CBP) system. The adaptation phase is responsible for finding a solution in order to solve a new problem. If the phase is not well designed, the CBP system may not solve the desirable range of problems or the solutions will not have appropriate quality. In this paper, a method called CASER - Case Adaptation by Segment Replanning - is presented as an adaptation rule for case-based planning system. The method has two phases: the first one completes a retrieved case as an easy-to-generate solution method. The second phase improves the quality of the solution by using a generic heuristic in a recursive algorithm to determine segments of the plan to be replanned. The CASER method does not use any additional knowledge, and it can find as good solutions as those found by the best generative planners. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.
- Patterns de interface em PDA: Aplicação em coleta de dados de usabilidade(2005-10-23) Plinio Thomaz Aquino Junior; FILGUEIRAS, L. V. L.; DE OLIVEIRA, E. C.; BELLO, T. R.This poster describes interface patterns for PDA defined from usability studies at application developed from Usability Engineering Laboratory. The applications usability studies generated 15 interface patterns for PDA, with propose to create reliability during usability tests in Laboratory. When using defined patterns, it was gotten efficiency during the execution of the application.
- Reading PDDL, writing an object-oriented model(2006-10-27) Flavio Tonidandel; VAQUERO, T. S.; SILVA, J. R.There are many efforts towards a combination of planning systems and real world applications. Although the PDDL is in constant evolution, which improves its capability to describe real domains, it is still a declarative language that is not so simple to be used by the non-planning community. This paper describes a translation process that reads a domain specification in PDDL and transforms it into an object-oriented model, more specifically into a version of UML for planning approaches. This translation process can let a designer read PDDL domains and verify it with some powerful tool like itSIMPLE or GIPO, or it can allow a planning system that only reads object-oriented models to run in domains described in PDDL originally. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
- Computing the q-index for tsallis nonextensive image segmentation(2009-10-11) Paulo Rodrigues; GIRALDI, G. A.The concept of entropy based on Shannon Theory of Information has been applied in the field of image processing and analysis since the work of T. Pun [1]. This concept is based on the traditional Boltzaman-Gibbs entropy, proposed under the classical thermodynamic. On the other hand, it is well known that this old formalism fails to explain some physical system if they have complex behavior such as long rang interactions and long time memories. Recently, studies in mechanical statistics have proposed a new kind of entropy, called Tsallis entropy (or non-extensive entropy), which has been considered with promising results on several applications in order to explain such phenomena. The main feature of Tsallis entropy is the q-index parameter, which is close related to the degree of system nonextensivity. In 2004 was proposed [2] the first algorithm for image segmentation based on Tsallis entropy. However, the computation of the q-index was already an open problem. On the other hand, in the field of image segmentation it is not an easy task to compare the quality of segmentation results. This is mainly due to the lack of an image ground truth based on human reasoning. In this paper, we propose the first methodology in the field of image segmentation for q-index computation and compare it with other similar approaches using a human based segmentation ground truth. The results suggest that our approach is a forward step for image segmentation algorithms based on Information Theory. © 2009 IEEE.
Artigo Futebol de Robôs: mais que um projeto, uma paixão tecnológica(2004-10-05) TONIDANDEL, F.; BIANCHI, A. C. B.; DESTRO, R. DE C.Artigo Planejamento de Ações para Automação Inteligente da Manufatura(2002-12-05) TONIDANDEL, FLÁVIO; RILLO, MARCIOEste artigo investiga o uso do sistema FAR-OFF na área da Automação da Manufatura. O sistema FAR-OFF possui característica similar aos sistemas de planejamento baseado em busca heurística, os quais têm apresentado excelentes resultados nos últimos anos na área de planejamento. Entretanto, em vez de ser um sistema generativo, o FAR-OFF é um sistema de planejamento baseado em casos que garante estabilidade para solucionar problemas em tempo aceitável. Os resultados apresentados pelo sistema no domínio de logística mostram que este é um sistema promissor para automação inteligente.Artigo Anti-patterns apoiando a documentação dos problemas de usabilidade(2008) MASIERO, A. A.; LOPES, G.; GONÇALVES, M. H.; AQUINO JUNIOR, Plinio ThomazEste artigo descreve uma metodologia para documentação de barreiras encontradas em interfaces. A partir de uma avaliação realizada em qualquer interface é possível documentar estas barreiras utilizando o conceito de anti-patterns, gerando uma base de conhecimento para evitar re-trabalhos futuros e auxiliar no design de interfaces- Dimensionality reduction, classification and reconstruction problems in statistical learning approaches(2008) GIRALDI, G. A.; RODRIGUES, Paulo; KITANI, E. C.; THOMAZ, C.