Effects of plasticity on the elastic unloading compliance of C(T), Se(B) and clamped SE(T) specimens

dc.contributor.authorGustavo Donato
dc.contributor.authorANDRADE, L. G. F.
dc.description.abstract© 2017 Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. All Rights Reserved.This paper investigates how plasticity affects instantaneous crack size predictions based on the elastic unloading compliance technique applicable to SE(B), C(T) and clamped SE(T) fracture mechanics specimens. Since this method assumes linear-elastic constitutive model, plasticity ahead of the crack may alter crack-size predictions due to residual stresses, local deformations, among other reasons. In order to better understand such effects and develop corrections, three materials were modeled with different hardening and same elastic modulus to represent modern high strength steels. Specimens were loaded, unloaded and reloaded considering large geometry change for varying CMOD values in order to induce varying levels of plasticity. Results show that for all specimens, specially for clamped SE(T), compliance will increase for larger CMOD values, showing that plasticity may affect crack size predictions and deserve further attention. A trend was found for the three geometries under investigation, being SE(T) the most affected.
dc.identifier.citationDONATO, G.; ANDRADE, L. G. F. Effects of plasticity on the elastic unloading compliance of C(T), Se(B) and clamped SE(T) specimens. ICF 2017 - 14th International Conference on Fracture, v. 2, p. 538-539, jun. 2017.
dc.relation.ispartofICF 2017 - 14th International Conference on Fracture
dc.rightsAcesso Restrito
dc.titleEffects of plasticity on the elastic unloading compliance of C(T), Se(B) and clamped SE(T) specimens
dc.typeArtigo de evento
fei.scopus.subjectCrack sizes
fei.scopus.subjectGeometry change
fei.scopus.subjectLinear elastic
fei.scopus.subjectLocal deformations
fei.scopus.subjectUnloading compliance