Impacto da radiação ionizante e temperatura no desempenho de PMOSFETS com diferentes leiautes
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Grandesi, Guilherme Inácio
Guazzelli, Marcilei Aparecida
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GRANDESI, Guilherme Inácio. Impacto da radiação ionizante e temperatura no desempenho de PMOSFETS com diferentes leiautes. 2024. 103 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2024. Disponível em: Texto na íntegra.
Texto completo (DOI)
MOSFET,Transistores de potência,Radiação ionizante
Dispositivos eletrônicos expostos à radiação ionizante podem ser danificados, alterando suas características e, consequentemente, parâmetros elétricos. Diante deste problema, o desenvolvimento e a caracterização de dispositivos eletrônicos resistentes à radiação e sua validação como mais resistentes aos efeitos da radiação ionizante requer pessoal qualificado e com conhecimento específico dos mecanismos físicos que atuam no dispositivo quando exposto à radiação. Para estudar o comportamento de um determinado dispositivo nestas condições é necessário caracterizá-lo adequadamente e obter informações sobre os danos causados por determinada dose de radiação e tipo de radiação ionizante. A forma pela qual o leiaute dos transistores é concebido nos circuitos integrados pode produzir diferentes comportamentos quando submetidos à radiação. Assim, foi realizado um estudo para verificar os efeitos da radiação em transistores de geometria retangular convencional e de geometria fechada (ELT). Acerca dos dispositivos sob teste, que serão chamados ao longo do texto de DUT (Device Under Test), o grupo de projetos do CTI (Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer, em Campinas) forneceu dois circuitos integrados (CI PPTLEXT06SOID40) cada um com 5 Transistores PMOSFET de Potência, PPT, modelo PHVE da tecnologia XFAB XT06 0,6 µm SOI-CMOS, sendo dois deles ELT e três retangulares convencionais. A comparação desses dois diferentes leiautes é importante uma vez que dispositivos ELT são considerados mais tolerante aos efeitos da radiação ionizante, e incorporar uma análise de como os dispositivos reagem aos efeitos de temperatura é enriquecedor já que é conhecido que a temperatura altera os estados de cargas aprisionadas no dispositivo, havendo sinergia com os defeitos causados pela radiação no que diz respeito a cargas aprisionadas em regiões sensíveis do transistor. Este projeto de pesquisa é de interesse do mais importante projeto Nacional nesta área de pesquisa, CITAR – Circuitos Integrados Tolerantes à Radiação, financiado pela FINEP, o qual consta com a FEI sendo uma das instituições executoras. A caracterização do dispositivo foi realizada no Laboratório de Efeitos da Radiação Ionizante (LERI) no Centro Universitário FEI, quanto a tolerância de efeitos acumulativos de radiação ionizante (TID – Total Ionizing Dose) e quanto aos efeitos de temperatura. Ao longo do trabalho, os DUTs foram submetidos a uma dose de radiação acumulada total de 600 krad(Si) de raios X de 10 keV de energia, e posteriormente testados num ensaio de temperaturas partindo de -50 ºC a +70 ºC. Nestas análises foram avaliadas as curvas características de ID X VG, bem como demais parâmetros eletrônicos que podem ser extraídos a partir delas. Por meio desta pesquisa foi possível constatar que, embora os dispositivos tenham respondido de maneira similar sob a influência da TID, a análise em função da temperatura revelou uma robustez notável do leiaute fechado ELT, especialmente quanto à insensibilidade à polarização durante a radiação
Electronic devices exposed to ionizing radiation can be damaged, altering their characteristics and, consequently, electrical parameters. Faced with this issue, the development and characterization of radiation-resistant electronic devices, along with their validation for enhanced resistance to ionizing radiation effects, require qualified personnel with specific knowledge of the physical mechanisms that act on the device when exposed to radiation. To study the behavior of a particular device under these conditions, it is necessary to characterize it properly and gather information about the damage caused by a specific dose and type of ionizing radiation. The layout of transistors in integrated circuits can lead to different behaviors when exposed to radiation. Therefore, a study was conducted to analyze the effects of radiation on transistors with conventional rectangular geometry and ELT (Enclosed Layout Transistor) geometry. The devices under test, referred to as DUTs, were provided by the design team at CTI (Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer, in Campinas) and consisted of two integrated circuits (CI PPTLEXT06SOID40), each containing 5 PMOSFET Power Transistors (PPT) of the PHVE model from XFAB XT06 0,6 µm SOI-CMOS technology, with two of them featuring ELT geometry and three with conventional rectangular geometry. The comparison of these two different layouts is important since ELT devices are considered more radiation resistant. Additionally, including an analysis of how devices respond to temperature effects is enriching, given that temperature is known to alter the states of trapped charges in the device, with synergy with defects caused by radiation in terms of charges trapped in sensitive regions of the transistor, such as the gate. This research project is of interest to the most important national project in this research area, CITAR – Circuitos Integrados Tolerantes à Radiação (Radiation-Tolerant Integrated Circuits), funded by FINEP, in which FEI is one of the participating institutions. Device characterization was conducted at the Ionizing Radiation Effects Laboratory (LERI) at the FEI University, specifically in terms of Total Ionizing Dose (TID) tolerance. As for temperature effects, tests were also performed at FEI facilities, in the Temperature Laboratory. Throughout the work, the DUTs were subjected to a total accumulated radiation dose of 600 krad(Si) at 10 keV energy X-rays, followed by temperature testing ranging from -50 °C to +70 °C. These analyses encompassed the ID X VG characteristic curves, as well as other electronic parameters that can be extracted from them. Through this research, it was found that although the devices responded similarly under the influence of TID, the temperature-dependent analysis revealed a remarkable robustness of the closed ELT layout, especially regarding insensitivity to bias during radiation
Electronic devices exposed to ionizing radiation can be damaged, altering their characteristics and, consequently, electrical parameters. Faced with this issue, the development and characterization of radiation-resistant electronic devices, along with their validation for enhanced resistance to ionizing radiation effects, require qualified personnel with specific knowledge of the physical mechanisms that act on the device when exposed to radiation. To study the behavior of a particular device under these conditions, it is necessary to characterize it properly and gather information about the damage caused by a specific dose and type of ionizing radiation. The layout of transistors in integrated circuits can lead to different behaviors when exposed to radiation. Therefore, a study was conducted to analyze the effects of radiation on transistors with conventional rectangular geometry and ELT (Enclosed Layout Transistor) geometry. The devices under test, referred to as DUTs, were provided by the design team at CTI (Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer, in Campinas) and consisted of two integrated circuits (CI PPTLEXT06SOID40), each containing 5 PMOSFET Power Transistors (PPT) of the PHVE model from XFAB XT06 0,6 µm SOI-CMOS technology, with two of them featuring ELT geometry and three with conventional rectangular geometry. The comparison of these two different layouts is important since ELT devices are considered more radiation resistant. Additionally, including an analysis of how devices respond to temperature effects is enriching, given that temperature is known to alter the states of trapped charges in the device, with synergy with defects caused by radiation in terms of charges trapped in sensitive regions of the transistor, such as the gate. This research project is of interest to the most important national project in this research area, CITAR – Circuitos Integrados Tolerantes à Radiação (Radiation-Tolerant Integrated Circuits), funded by FINEP, in which FEI is one of the participating institutions. Device characterization was conducted at the Ionizing Radiation Effects Laboratory (LERI) at the FEI University, specifically in terms of Total Ionizing Dose (TID) tolerance. As for temperature effects, tests were also performed at FEI facilities, in the Temperature Laboratory. Throughout the work, the DUTs were subjected to a total accumulated radiation dose of 600 krad(Si) at 10 keV energy X-rays, followed by temperature testing ranging from -50 °C to +70 °C. These analyses encompassed the ID X VG characteristic curves, as well as other electronic parameters that can be extracted from them. Through this research, it was found that although the devices responded similarly under the influence of TID, the temperature-dependent analysis revealed a remarkable robustness of the closed ELT layout, especially regarding insensitivity to bias during radiation