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Borghi, Gabriela da Silveira Pereira
Santos, Gabriela Fernandes dos
Araújo, Laura Barrionuevo
Silva, Samuel Oliveira
Santos, Gabriela Fernandes dos
Araújo, Laura Barrionuevo
Silva, Samuel Oliveira
Abelha, Daniel Martins
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competência,ensino superior,liderança docente,percepção discente,competency,higher education,teacher leadership,student perception
No atual contexto educacional, a liderança docente desempenha um papel
importante no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Assim, este estudo tem como objetivo geral compreender as percepções dos graduandos e egressos do Centro Universitário FEI sobre as competências que consideram essenciais para a atuação eficaz de um professor universitário. Para atender ao objetivo geral do trabalho foi realizada uma pesquisa de caráter quantitativo. Foi recolhida uma amostra de 129 alunos e ex-alunos do Centro Universitário FEI, sendo composta por pessoas dos cursos de administração, ciências da computação e de diversos cursos de engenharia. Foi utilizada estatística multivariada para reduzir a dimensionalidade dos dados e identificar padrões de correlação entre 16 competências avaliadas pelos egressos e graduandos em relação à prática docente. Essas competências formaram quatro dimensões de habilidades docentes: (i) Competências tecnológicas e de avaliação; (ii) Competências pedagógicas personalizadas e reflexivas; (iii) Competências didáticas e de gerenciamento da aula; e (iv) Competências pedagógicas inclusivas. A dimensão avaliada pelo maior grau de importância na percepção do objeto de estudo, foi analisada por meio de estatística inferencial. Os resultados apontaram que o domínio do conteúdo lecionado exerce uma influência positiva na percepção dos egressos e graduandos sobre outras competências docentes, como a de realizar o planejamento das aulas e o de conectar a teoria à prática. Isso se reflete na capacidade dos professores de aplicarem o conhecimento em situações reais de aprendizado e na otimização do tempo em sala de aula.
In today's educational context, teacher leadership plays an important role in the teaching and learning process.Thus, the general objective of this study is to understand the perceptions of undergraduate and graduate students of the FEI University Center about the competencies they consider essential for the effective performance of a university professor. In order to meet the general objective of the study, a quantitative research was conducted. A sample of 129 students and alumni of the Unive Center was collected, comprising individuals from the fields of business administration, computer science, and various engineering courses. Multivariate statistics were used to reduce data dimensionality and identify patterns of correlation among 16 competencies evaluated by graduates and undergraduates in relation to teaching practice. These competencies formed four dimensions of teaching skills: (i) Technological and assessment competencies; (ii) Personalized and reflective pedagogical competencies; (iii) Didactic (iii) Didactic and classroom management competencies; and (iv) Inclusive pedagogical competencies. The dimension assessed with the highest degree of importance in the perception of the study object was analyzed through inferential statistics. The results indicated that mastery of the taught content positively influences the perception of graduates and undergraduates regarding other teaching competencies, such as lesson planning and the ability to connect theory to practice.This is reflected in the professors' capacity to apply knowledge in real learning situations and in the optimization of classroom time.
In today's educational context, teacher leadership plays an important role in the teaching and learning process.Thus, the general objective of this study is to understand the perceptions of undergraduate and graduate students of the FEI University Center about the competencies they consider essential for the effective performance of a university professor. In order to meet the general objective of the study, a quantitative research was conducted. A sample of 129 students and alumni of the Unive Center was collected, comprising individuals from the fields of business administration, computer science, and various engineering courses. Multivariate statistics were used to reduce data dimensionality and identify patterns of correlation among 16 competencies evaluated by graduates and undergraduates in relation to teaching practice. These competencies formed four dimensions of teaching skills: (i) Technological and assessment competencies; (ii) Personalized and reflective pedagogical competencies; (iii) Didactic (iii) Didactic and classroom management competencies; and (iv) Inclusive pedagogical competencies. The dimension assessed with the highest degree of importance in the perception of the study object was analyzed through inferential statistics. The results indicated that mastery of the taught content positively influences the perception of graduates and undergraduates regarding other teaching competencies, such as lesson planning and the ability to connect theory to practice.This is reflected in the professors' capacity to apply knowledge in real learning situations and in the optimization of classroom time.