Processo de produção de um bioplástico a partir da quitosana obtida através de resíduos do exoesqueleto de crustáceo
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Fernandes, Giovanna Lippert
Silva, Lara Helena Llanas
Correia, Raffaella Grotteria
Silva, Lara Helena Llanas
Correia, Raffaella Grotteria
Giannetti, Andreia de Araújo Morandim
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Texto completo (DOI)
bioplástico,meio ambiente,quitosana,bioplastic,environment,chitosan
O crescimento populacional vem impulsionando um aumento expressivo na geração de resíduos sólidos. À medida que a população mundial aumenta, a quantidade de resíduos gerados por dia também aumenta e, o aumento da geração de resíduos, é capaz de trazer sérias consequências tanto para o meio ambiente quanto para a saúde humana se não for gerenciado adequadamente. Os resíduos sólidos quando não gerenciados corretamente podem contaminar o ar, a água e o solo e, dessa forma, pode afetar a qualidade de vida das pessoas e a biodiversidade do meio ambiente. O descarte inadequado de embalagens plásticas pode trazer danos significativos, uma vez que são materiais altamente resistentes e levam centenas de anos para se decompor no meio ambiente. Levando-se em consideração os pontos destacados, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um bioplástico a partir da quitina extraída de um crustáceo, e o escolhido foi a lagosta, uma vez que não foram feitos muitos estudos utilizando este tipo de crustáceo, o que representa um âmbito inovativo no presente trabalho. Essa quitina foi obtida através dos processos de desmineralização e desproteinização, e convertida por meio da desacetilação em quitosana, que é um polímero biodegradável e não tóxico e, através dela, obteve-se um material com propriedades semelhantes aos plásticos convencionais, como resistência e flexibilidade, contudo mais sustentável e ecológico. Para isso, foi avaliada a utilização do glicerol como plastificante, assim como foram feitas caracterizações FTIR, DRX e análise mecânica, e finalmente a comparação com o biofilme produzido a partir da quitosana artificial. Esse bioplástico além de ser benéfico ao meio ambiente, quando comparado com o plástico tradicional, ajudará a reduzir as quantidades de resíduos gerados uma vez que se degrada rapidamente na natureza e não traz danos ao meio ambiente. Através deste estudo, foi possível obter resultados satisfatórios ao produzir o bioplástico a partir da quitosana extraída da casca de lagosta, e do produzido a partir da quitosana artificial. A viabilidade da produção do bioplástico foi analisada, demonstrando-se positiva.
Population growth has led to a significant increase in the generation of solid waste. As the world's population increases, so does the amount of waste generated each day, and increased waste generation can have serious consequences for both the environment and human health if not managed properly. Solid waste, when not managed correctly, can contaminate the air, water and soil, thus affecting people's quality of life and the biodiversity of the environment. The improper disposal of plastic packaging can cause significant damage, since they are highly resistant materials and take hundreds of years to decompose in the environment. Taking these points into account, the aim of this work was to develop a bioplastic from chitin extracted from a crustacean, and the lobster was chosen, since there have not been many studies using this type of crustacean, which represents an innovative area in this work. This chitin was obtained through the processes of demineralization and deproteinization, and converted through deacetylation into chitosan, which is a biodegradable and non-toxic polymer and through which a material was obtained with properties like conventional plastics, such as resistance and flexibility, but which is more sustainable and environmentally friendly. To this end, the use of glycerol as a plasticizer was evaluated, as well as FTIR, XRD and mechanical analysis, and finally a comparison with the biofilm produced from artificial chitosan. As well as being beneficial to the environment when compared to traditional plastic, this bioplastic will help to reduce the amount of waste generated since it degrades quickly in nature and does not harm the environment. Through this study, it was possible to obtain satisfactory results when producing the bioplastic from chitosan extracted from lobster shells, and that produced from artificial chitosan. The feasibility of producing the bioplastic was analyzed and proved to be positive.
Population growth has led to a significant increase in the generation of solid waste. As the world's population increases, so does the amount of waste generated each day, and increased waste generation can have serious consequences for both the environment and human health if not managed properly. Solid waste, when not managed correctly, can contaminate the air, water and soil, thus affecting people's quality of life and the biodiversity of the environment. The improper disposal of plastic packaging can cause significant damage, since they are highly resistant materials and take hundreds of years to decompose in the environment. Taking these points into account, the aim of this work was to develop a bioplastic from chitin extracted from a crustacean, and the lobster was chosen, since there have not been many studies using this type of crustacean, which represents an innovative area in this work. This chitin was obtained through the processes of demineralization and deproteinization, and converted through deacetylation into chitosan, which is a biodegradable and non-toxic polymer and through which a material was obtained with properties like conventional plastics, such as resistance and flexibility, but which is more sustainable and environmentally friendly. To this end, the use of glycerol as a plasticizer was evaluated, as well as FTIR, XRD and mechanical analysis, and finally a comparison with the biofilm produced from artificial chitosan. As well as being beneficial to the environment when compared to traditional plastic, this bioplastic will help to reduce the amount of waste generated since it degrades quickly in nature and does not harm the environment. Through this study, it was possible to obtain satisfactory results when producing the bioplastic from chitosan extracted from lobster shells, and that produced from artificial chitosan. The feasibility of producing the bioplastic was analyzed and proved to be positive.