Propriedades de combustíveis obtidos por fracionamento do bio-óleo de pirólise
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Martinez, Felipe Campagnolo
Silva, Jessika Oliveira
Lourenço, Laura Cristina Barreto
Raimundo, Pedro Henrique Maciel
Silva, Jessika Oliveira
Lourenço, Laura Cristina Barreto
Raimundo, Pedro Henrique Maciel
Santos, Ronaldo Gonçalves dos
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biomassa,bio-óleo,fracionamento,material orgânico,pirólise,socioambiental,biomass,bio-oil,fractionation,organic material,pyrolysis,socio-environmental,simulation
Diante da necessidade socioambiental por novas fontes de energia, e da carência industrial por novas oportunidades de uso de seu material residual, o uso da biomassa como matéria prima para a produção de combustíveis surge de maneira relevante para entregar eficiência energética e oportunidades de amenizar graves problemas ambientais em relação a poluição do ar e do solo, e esgotamento de recursos naturais fósseis. O processo de pirólise é uma promissora rota para obtenção de combustíveis a partir da degradação termoquímica da biomassa, qual resulta em um bio-óleo com propriedades combustíveis. Dentre os produtos obtidos no processo de degradação da biomassa, um que tem ganhado espaço de mercado é o produto líquido conhecido como bio-óleo, promissor concorrente de combustíveis convencionais, se sintetizado com o sequenciamento adequado das operações unitárias que englobam o procedimento deste tipo de projeto. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo do processo de fracionamento do bio-óleo de pirólise através de operações extrativas líquido-vapor (flash) e líquido-líquido (extração com solvente) para obtenção de frações com propriedades melhoradas. Essas propriedades foram analisadas experimentalmente em diferentes frentes (densidade, viscosidade, pressão de saturação e propriedades combustíveis) para tornar mais robusto o parecer sobre a viabilidade de uso dessa matéria prima em detrimento das fontes fósseis. Outra ferramenta de análise importante para fortalecer o estudo, foi o software computacional Aspen Plus, utilizado como plataforma para simulação de processos. Com ele, pudemos esquematizar as etapas realizadas experiementalmente e, através da simulação, otimizou-se parâmetros usados/obtidos (temperatura, pressão, volume, etc) e detalhou-se as informações sobre as correntes envolvidas no processo, obtendo uma melhora contínua nos rendimentos e na produtividade do sistema. Em síntese, o presente estudo visa a identificação e extração de produtos do bio-óleo da pirólise de biomassa, de modo a obter produtos de alto valor agregado e com propriedades combustíveis, em alternativa aos chamados “combustíveis pesados”, sendo estes consumidos em abrangência ainda nos dias atuais em alinhamento com as pautas de sustentabilidade e meio ambiente.
Faced with the socio-environmental need for new sources of energy, and the industrial shortage of new opportunities to use its residual material, the use of biomass as a raw material to produce fuels has emerged as a relevant way to deliver energy efficiency and opportunities to alleviate serious environmental problems in relation to air and soil pollution, and the depletion of fossil natural resources. The pyrolysis process is a promising route for obtaining fuels from the thermochemical degradation of biomass, which results in a bio-oil with combustible properties. Among the products obtained in the biomass degradation process, one that has been gaining market share is the liquid product known as bio-oil, a promising competitor to conventional fuels, if synthesized with the proper sequencing of the unit operations that comprise the procedure for this type of project. This work presents a study of the fractionation process of pyrolysis bio-oil through liquid-vapor (flash) and liquid-liquid (solvent extraction) extraction operations to obtain fractions with improved properties. These properties were analyzed experimentally on different fronts (density, viscosity, saturated pressure, and combustible properties) to provide a more robust opinion on the feasibility of using this raw material instead of fossil sources. Another important analytical tool to strengthen the study was the computer software Aspen Plus, used as a platform for process simulation. With it, we were able to schematize the steps carried out experimentally and, through simulation, optimize the parameters used/obtained (temperature, pressure, volume, etc.) and detail the information on the streams involved in the process, obtaining a continuous improvement in the yields and productivity of the system. In summary, this study aims to identify and extract bio-oil products from biomass pyrolysis, in order to obtain high added value products with combustible properties, as an alternative to the so-called "heavy fuels", which are still widely consumed today in line with sustainability and environmental guidelines.
Faced with the socio-environmental need for new sources of energy, and the industrial shortage of new opportunities to use its residual material, the use of biomass as a raw material to produce fuels has emerged as a relevant way to deliver energy efficiency and opportunities to alleviate serious environmental problems in relation to air and soil pollution, and the depletion of fossil natural resources. The pyrolysis process is a promising route for obtaining fuels from the thermochemical degradation of biomass, which results in a bio-oil with combustible properties. Among the products obtained in the biomass degradation process, one that has been gaining market share is the liquid product known as bio-oil, a promising competitor to conventional fuels, if synthesized with the proper sequencing of the unit operations that comprise the procedure for this type of project. This work presents a study of the fractionation process of pyrolysis bio-oil through liquid-vapor (flash) and liquid-liquid (solvent extraction) extraction operations to obtain fractions with improved properties. These properties were analyzed experimentally on different fronts (density, viscosity, saturated pressure, and combustible properties) to provide a more robust opinion on the feasibility of using this raw material instead of fossil sources. Another important analytical tool to strengthen the study was the computer software Aspen Plus, used as a platform for process simulation. With it, we were able to schematize the steps carried out experimentally and, through simulation, optimize the parameters used/obtained (temperature, pressure, volume, etc.) and detail the information on the streams involved in the process, obtaining a continuous improvement in the yields and productivity of the system. In summary, this study aims to identify and extract bio-oil products from biomass pyrolysis, in order to obtain high added value products with combustible properties, as an alternative to the so-called "heavy fuels", which are still widely consumed today in line with sustainability and environmental guidelines.