Acoplamento da desoxigenação de óleos vegetais com a reforma de glicerol em reator multifuncional
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Conca, Lucas Rodrigues
Novazzi, L. F.
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CONCA, Lucas Rodrigues. Acoplamento da desoxigenação de óleos vegetais com a reforma de glicerol em reator multifuncional. 2023. 80 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2023. Disponível em:
Texto completo (DOI)
Acoplamentos,Reator multifuncional,Desoxigenação de óleo vegetal
Um dos equipamentos estudados na intensificação de processos é o reator multifuncional. Nele,
é possível acoplar em um único equipamento uma reação exotérmica, que cede calor, e uma
endotérmica, reação que recebe energia, reduzindo ou eventualmente dispensando a
necessidade de utilidades. Neste trabalho foram estudadas as reações de desoxigenação de óleos
vegetais, de caráter exotérmico, e a reforma do glicerol em fase aquosa, de caráter endotérmico.
Ambas as reações individualmente são capazes de produzir combustíveis renováveis, que
devem ocupar cada vez mais espaço na matriz energética brasileira e mundial. No caso da
desoxigenação, a produção de um biodiesel de alta qualidade pode permitir um aumento da sua
composição no diesel comercializado. Já a reação de reforma do glicerol permite a produção do
hidrogênio, que pode ser consumido como combustível diretamente em células a combustível
e também ser usado como matéria prima na reação de desoxigenação, além de utilizar o glicerol,
que é um subproduto excedente no mercado nacional e internacional. O estudo foi realizado por
meio da simulação do reator multifuncional, considerando os balanços materiais e de energia.
A cinética de cada um dos meios reacionais foi tomada da literatura. As equações diferenciais
ordinárias resultantes dos balanços foram resolvidas com o software Matlab. Foram simuladas
diferentes condições operacionais, considerando um reator duplo tubo em escoamento cocorrente.
Fez-se também uma análise para a compatibilização dos dois meios reacionais e,
definindo-se uma função objetivo de natureza econômica, foi realizada a otimização das
condições de projeto e de operação. A partir desta análise, foi possível obter altas conversões
tanto no meio endotérmico quanto no exotérmico, acima de 95%. Os resultados da otimização
demostraram que existe a possibilidade de se aumentar em mais de 2,7 vezes o lucro potencial
da operação
One of the equipment studied in process intensification is the multifunctional reactor. In it, it is possible to couple in a single piece of equipment an exothermic reaction, which gives off heat, and an endothermic reaction, which receives energy, reducing or eventually eliminating the need for utilities. In this work, the exothermic deoxygenation reactions of vegetable oils and the endothermic reform of glycerol in aqueous phase were studied. Both reactions individually can produce renewable fuels, which should occupy more and more space in the Brazilian and world energy matrix. In the case of deoxygenation, the production of a high-quality biodiesel can allow an increase in its composition in commercialized diesel. The glycerol reforming reaction allows the production of hydrogen, which can be consumed as fuel directly in fuel cells and be used as raw material in the deoxygenation reaction, in addition to using glycerol, which is by-product of biodiesel production wit surplus in the domestic and international market. The study was carried out through the simulation of the multifunctional reactor, considering the material and energy balances. The kinetics of each reaction medium was taken from the literature. The ordinary differential equations resulting from the balances were solved using Matlab software. Different operational conditions were simulated considering a double-tube reactor in parallel flow. An analysis was also made to make the reactions compatible for coupling and, by defining an objective function of an economic nature, the design and operating conditions were optimized. From this analysis, it was possible to obtain high conversions both in endothermic and exothermic environments, above 95%. The optimization results showed that there is the possibility of increasing the potential profit of the operation by more than 2.7 times
One of the equipment studied in process intensification is the multifunctional reactor. In it, it is possible to couple in a single piece of equipment an exothermic reaction, which gives off heat, and an endothermic reaction, which receives energy, reducing or eventually eliminating the need for utilities. In this work, the exothermic deoxygenation reactions of vegetable oils and the endothermic reform of glycerol in aqueous phase were studied. Both reactions individually can produce renewable fuels, which should occupy more and more space in the Brazilian and world energy matrix. In the case of deoxygenation, the production of a high-quality biodiesel can allow an increase in its composition in commercialized diesel. The glycerol reforming reaction allows the production of hydrogen, which can be consumed as fuel directly in fuel cells and be used as raw material in the deoxygenation reaction, in addition to using glycerol, which is by-product of biodiesel production wit surplus in the domestic and international market. The study was carried out through the simulation of the multifunctional reactor, considering the material and energy balances. The kinetics of each reaction medium was taken from the literature. The ordinary differential equations resulting from the balances were solved using Matlab software. Different operational conditions were simulated considering a double-tube reactor in parallel flow. An analysis was also made to make the reactions compatible for coupling and, by defining an objective function of an economic nature, the design and operating conditions were optimized. From this analysis, it was possible to obtain high conversions both in endothermic and exothermic environments, above 95%. The optimization results showed that there is the possibility of increasing the potential profit of the operation by more than 2.7 times