Residual compressive stresses applied due to shot peening process in the Ti 6al 4v alloy

dc.contributor.authorLAVOR, P. R. U.
dc.contributor.authorMOURA-NETO, C. DE
dc.contributor.authorSergio Delijaicov
dc.contributor.authorDE CAMPOS, V. S.
dc.description.abstractThe objective is to measure the residual stresses in the Ti 6Al 4V alloy due the shot peening process. The specimens were manufactured in the conditions: 1st machined without Shot Peening; 2nd machined and submitted to Shot Peening in the range: 0,13 N(mm) - 0,46 N(mm); 3rd Machined and submitted to Shot Peening in the range: 0,15 A(mm) - 0,25 A(mm). The residual stresses were measured through the incremental hole drilling technique and the data obtained in a graphic form and are important for stress analysis in order to verify the influence of the residual stresses in the fatigue life. The graphics show the curves of the compressive tensions through the thickness of the three conditions studied and herein follows an idea of the obtained measurements: 1st Machined test specimens without shot peening application: residual compressive stresses of 200 MPa. 2 ndMachined test specimens and submitted to Shot Peening application in the range: 0.13 N(mm) - 0.46 N(mm): Residual Compressive Stresses of 500 MPa. 3rd: Machined test specimens and submitted Shot Peening application in the range: 0.15 A(mm) - 0.25 A(mm): Residual Compressive Stresses of 1000 MPa.
dc.identifier.citationLAVOR, P. R. U.; MOURA-NETO, C. DE; DELIJAICOV, S.; DE CAMPOS, V.S. Residual compressive stresses applied due to shot peening process in the Ti 6al 4v alloy. 65th ABM International Congress, 18th IFHTSE Congress and 1st TMS/ABM International Materials Congress 2010, p. 3564-3572, jul. 2010.
dc.relation.ispartof65th ABM International Congress, 18th IFHTSE Congress and 1st TMS/ABM International Materials Congress 2010
dc.rightsAcesso Restrito
dc.subject.otherlanguageResidual stresses
dc.subject.otherlanguageShot peening
dc.titleResidual compressive stresses applied due to shot peening process in the Ti 6al 4v alloy
dc.typeArtigo de evento
fei.scopus.subjectIncremental hole drilling technique
fei.scopus.subjectResidual compressive stress
fei.scopus.subjectTest specimens
fei.scopus.subjectTi-6Al-4V alloy