Construção de uma rede bayesiana para diagnóstico da doença de Alzheimer a partir de neuroimagem, histórico e sintomas
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Colossetti, Adriane Paulieli
Santos, Paulo Eduardo
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COLOSSETTI, Adriane Paulieli. Construção de uma rede bayesiana para diagnóstico da doença de Alzheimer a partir de neuroimagem, histórico e sintomas. 2009. 115 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Centro Universitário da FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2009 Disponível em: . Acesso em: 8 abr. 2009.
Texto completo (DOI)
Alzheimer, Doença de,Teoria bayesiana de decisão estatística,Diagnóstico por imagem
A perda progressiva da compreensão e da memória, desorientação, ações imprevisíveis, alteração no comportamento e problemas com a linguagem são alguns dos principais sintomas da doença de Alzheimer (DA), considerada a mais comum das demências, cujo diagnóstico só pode ser confirmado após a morte, dificultando de certa forma o diagnóstico mais preciso ao paciente. Visando uma análise probabilística na análise diagnóstica referente a doenças psquiátricas, mais especificamente a DA, este trabalho tem por objetivo lidar com as incertezas através de técnicas probabilísticas no contexto de redes bayesianas (RB), investigando o uso de neuroimagem e também dados clínicos, como: histórico e sintomas apresentados pelo paciente. Esta dissertação apresenta uma comparação entre dois grupos, sendo 14 casos considerados controles (pessoas que não apresentam sinais de DA) e 14 diagnosticada com DA. Devido a flexibilidade da RB pôde-se construir a rede com base em dados captados na literatura e por meio de consulta com especialista, além dos 28 casos concedidos pela Faculdade de Medicina de São Paulo (USP). Foi apresentada uma comparação entre as imagens por meio de análises estatísticas univariada e multivariada sendo encontrado diferenças entre imagens cerebrais das pessoas previamente diagnosticadas com DA e pessoas contreoles. A partir desse resultado utilizamos os dados relevantes como filhos da variável neuroimagem. (nó). Os demais nós da rede: histórico e sintomas complementaram a rede com informações da literatura e também do especialista. foi observado que os resultados apresentaram valores coerentes e assim pode-se concluir que a rede teve o funcionamento satisfatório, embora deve-se melhorá-la com valores e pesquisas mais detalhadas sobre DA; discute-se ainda a possibilidade de usá-la em ambiente real, considerando a obtenção de valores probabilísticos mais fidedígnos, baseados por exemplo em meta-análises.
The progressive loss of memory and understanding, disorietation, unpredictable actions, changes in behavior and problems with language are some of the major symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (AD), considered the most common kind of dementia, whose diagnosis can only be confirmed after the death, making it difficult in some ways the most accurate diagnosis for the patient. Aiming a probabilistic analysis in diagnostic analysis realting to psychiatric disorders, specifically the DA, This study aims to deal with the uncertainties through probabilistic techniques in the context of Bayesian networks (BN), investigating the use of neuroimaging and clinical data; as: history and symptoms presented by the patient. this thesis presents a comparison between two groups, with 14 cases considered controls (people who do not show signs of AD) and 14 diagnosed with AD. Because of the flexibility of the RB we were able to build a network based on data collected in the literature and through consultion with specialists, in addition to the 28 cases granted by the faculty of Medicine of São Paulo (USP). It was presented a comparison of the images by means of univariate and multivariate statistical analysis and found differences between brain images of people previously diagnosed with AD and controls people. From this result it was used the relevant data as children of the variable neuroimaging (node). The other network nodes: histpry and symptoms complemented the network with information from literature and also of Specialist. It was observed that the results shown consistent values and so it can be concluded that the network had the satisfactory functioning, although it shoud be improving it with values and more detailed research on AD; It also discusses the possibility of using it in real environment, considering the acquisition of probabilistic values more reliable, for example based on meta-analysis.
The progressive loss of memory and understanding, disorietation, unpredictable actions, changes in behavior and problems with language are some of the major symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (AD), considered the most common kind of dementia, whose diagnosis can only be confirmed after the death, making it difficult in some ways the most accurate diagnosis for the patient. Aiming a probabilistic analysis in diagnostic analysis realting to psychiatric disorders, specifically the DA, This study aims to deal with the uncertainties through probabilistic techniques in the context of Bayesian networks (BN), investigating the use of neuroimaging and clinical data; as: history and symptoms presented by the patient. this thesis presents a comparison between two groups, with 14 cases considered controls (people who do not show signs of AD) and 14 diagnosed with AD. Because of the flexibility of the RB we were able to build a network based on data collected in the literature and through consultion with specialists, in addition to the 28 cases granted by the faculty of Medicine of São Paulo (USP). It was presented a comparison of the images by means of univariate and multivariate statistical analysis and found differences between brain images of people previously diagnosed with AD and controls people. From this result it was used the relevant data as children of the variable neuroimaging (node). The other network nodes: histpry and symptoms complemented the network with information from literature and also of Specialist. It was observed that the results shown consistent values and so it can be concluded that the network had the satisfactory functioning, although it shoud be improving it with values and more detailed research on AD; It also discusses the possibility of using it in real environment, considering the acquisition of probabilistic values more reliable, for example based on meta-analysis.