Otimização do consumo de combustível em comboio de veículos sujeito a percursos envolvendo relevo e curvas
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Oliveira, Rafael Velho de
Leonardi, Fabrizio
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OLIVEIRA, Rafael Velho de. Otimização do consumo de combustível em comboio de veículos sujeito a percursos envolvendo relevo e curvas. 2024. 161 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica) - Centro Universitário FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, 2024. Disponível em: https://pergamum.fei.edu.br/pergamumweb/downloadArquivo?vinculo=NzA1MUIyQ1kyOWtSVzF3Y21WellUMHhNekltWVdObGNuWnZQVEV6TVRnM05TWnpaWEZRWVhKaFozSmhabTg5TVNaelpYRlRaV05oYnowNEptdGhjbVJsZUQxT0pteHZZMkZzUVhKeGRXbDJiejFEVDAxUVFWSlVTVXhJUVUxRlRsUlBKbTV2YldWRFlXMXB.
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Controle ótimo,Perfil de velocidade,Aceleração lateral
Segundo as projeções de órgãos internacionais, como as Nações Unidas (UN), e sites de dados estatísticos, como STATISTA, a tendência é que a população mundial cresça, e com isso ocorra também o crescimento da frota mundial de veículos. Dessa forma, a consequência desse crescimento é o aumento da produção dos gases de efeito estufa, principalmente no segmento de transporte, que utiliza veículos pesados. Com isso, faz-se necessário buscar formas alternativas para reduzir essa produção de gases de efeito estufa e melhorar a eficiência do sistema atual, uma vez que não é possível expandir a malha rodoviária. Para alcançar esse objetivo, diversos estudos estão sendo desenvolvidos. Uma das soluções é a adoção da estratégia de comboio, um método de otimização do perfil de velocidade que funciona de forma colaborativa, na qual veículos trafegam em pequenas distâncias entre si promovendo uma redução no consumo, uma vez que diminui a resistência do ar para o caminhão seguidor. No presente trabalho foi considerado a inclusão de veículos que não possuem a tecnologia necessária para formar comboios de forma autônoma, e por isso esses veículos recebem sugestões de velocidades baseadas no cálculo utilizando uma estratégia de controle ótimo. Além disso, o comportamento preditivo do motorista também pode auxiliar na redução do consumo, e por isso foi incluído a dinâmica lateral considerando dois fenômenos comuns em veículos pesados: escorregamento e tombamento. Dessa forma, o motorista tem que se adaptar a elevações e a um trecho em curva que possui uma aceleração máxima lateral considerando o tombamento de um caminhão. Pelos resultados obtidos foi possível concluir que a estratégia proposta influencia o comportamento dinâmico lateral do veículo e seu consumo, reduzindo-o principalmente em percursos com alta variação de inclinação e com curvas. Além disso, em consequência da redução do consumo, é reduzido a emissão dos gases poluentes
According to projections from international bodies, such as the United Nations (UN), and statistical data sites, such as STATISTA, the tendency is for the world population to grow, and with this also the growth of the global vehicle fleet. Therefore, the consequence of this growth is the increase in the production of greenhouse gases, mainly in the transport segment, which prominently uses heavy duty vehicles. Therefore, it is necessary to look for alternative ways to reduce the production of greenhouse gases and improve the efficiency of the current system, since it is not possible to expand the road network. To achieve this objective, several studies are being developed. One of the solutions is the adoption of the convoy strategy, a method of optimizing the speed profile that works collaboratively, in which vehicles travel with short inter-vehicle distance, promoting a reduction in consumption, as it reduces air resistance to the following truck. In the present work, the inclusion of vehicles that do not have the necessary technology to form convoys autonomously was considered, and therefore these vehicles receive speed suggestions based on calculations using an optimal control strategy. Furthermore, the driver's predictive behavior can also help reduce consumption, which is why lateral dynamics were included considering two common phenomena in heavy vehicles: skidding and rollover. Therefore, the driver has to adapt to elevations and to a curved section with a maximum lateral acceleration considering rollover. From the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that the proposed strategy influences the lateral dynamic behavior of the vehicle and its consumption, reducing it mainly in routes where the variation in elevation is high and including turns. Furthermore, because of the reduction in consumption, the emission of greenhouse gases is also reduced.
According to projections from international bodies, such as the United Nations (UN), and statistical data sites, such as STATISTA, the tendency is for the world population to grow, and with this also the growth of the global vehicle fleet. Therefore, the consequence of this growth is the increase in the production of greenhouse gases, mainly in the transport segment, which prominently uses heavy duty vehicles. Therefore, it is necessary to look for alternative ways to reduce the production of greenhouse gases and improve the efficiency of the current system, since it is not possible to expand the road network. To achieve this objective, several studies are being developed. One of the solutions is the adoption of the convoy strategy, a method of optimizing the speed profile that works collaboratively, in which vehicles travel with short inter-vehicle distance, promoting a reduction in consumption, as it reduces air resistance to the following truck. In the present work, the inclusion of vehicles that do not have the necessary technology to form convoys autonomously was considered, and therefore these vehicles receive speed suggestions based on calculations using an optimal control strategy. Furthermore, the driver's predictive behavior can also help reduce consumption, which is why lateral dynamics were included considering two common phenomena in heavy vehicles: skidding and rollover. Therefore, the driver has to adapt to elevations and to a curved section with a maximum lateral acceleration considering rollover. From the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that the proposed strategy influences the lateral dynamic behavior of the vehicle and its consumption, reducing it mainly in routes where the variation in elevation is high and including turns. Furthermore, because of the reduction in consumption, the emission of greenhouse gases is also reduced.