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Paulo Sérgio Silva Rodrigues
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Risco de queda,Predição de queda,Agentes inteligentes,NLP,BERT,TensorFlow,OpenPifPaf,BlazePose
O problema de quedas em hospitais sempre foi uma preocupação recorrente, sendo a
queda responsável por uma parcela significante de internações. Paralelamente, o processamento
de linguagem natural (NLP) tem-se desenvolvido significantemente na década recente, permitindo
o surgimentos de agentes inteligentes capazes de reproduzir diálogos humanos. Como
consequência do crescimento de pacientes buscando informações médicas em redes sociais,
que não possuem necessariamente origem de agentes da saúde, este trabalho propôs implementar
uma metodologia para a construção de um agente interativo-virtual inteligente, batizado
neste trabalho de Dr. Alex, para previsão de risco de queda de pacientes e auxilia-los em ambientes
médico-hospitalar. O agente foi composto por três módulos. No primeiro módulo, são
utilizados algoritmos de detecção de pose e comparados como desempenham na tarefa de prevenção
de queda através de informações de uma câmera. Os algoritmos multilayer perceptron
(MLP), máquina de vetores de suporte (SVM) e Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) foram
utilizados para classificar os conteúdos de duas bases de dados para estimar uma probabilidade
de queda sobre as informações clínicas e não-clínicas no segundo módulo. O terceiro módulo
utilizou NLP com a rede BERT, que foi treinada com uma base de diálogos médicos, para
compreender falas do paciente e gerar diálogos de recomendações sobre os seus cuidados. A
metodologia combina esses três módulos para formar o agente inteligente Dr.Alex. Os resultados
para as informações visuais mostraram que a previsibilidade de risco de queda pode ser
melhorada em até 6.44% em casos onde o paciente sentando, observado por um ângulo frontal,
e suas informações clínicas e não clínicas estão com probabilidade alta desse risco, na faixa de
até 100%. O algoritmo XGBoost obteve 82,60% de acurácia para a base de pacientes com diabetes
e se destacou obtendo 85,86% na base de prevenção de risco de queda para idosos, o que
demonstra que é possível fornecer uma boa estimativa do risco de queda de um paciente através
do aprendizado de máquina. Da mesma forma, o modelo desenvolvido para NLP Hospitalar,
quando refinado em bases de diálogos médicos, obteve a perplexidade de 12.011 e mostrou-se
capaz de fazer recomendações médicas gerais e responder perguntas e indicações dos pacientes
The problem with hospital falls has always been a recurrent worry, being fall the main responsible for a significant part of hospitalization. In parallel, the NLP has been significantly developed in the recent decade, allowing the emergence of smart agents able to reproduce hu- man dialogs. As a consequence of the growth of patients searching for medical information on social media, that does not necessarily have a health agent origin, this work proposed to imple- ment a methodology to build a virtual-interactive smart agent, named in this work by Dr.Alex, for patient’s fall risk prevention and support them in a medical-hospital ambient. The agent is composed of three modules. In the first module, pose detection algorithms are used and com- pared their performance of them in the task of fall prevention through camera information. The algorithms MLP, SVM, and XGBoost have been used to classify the content of two datasets to estimate the fall risk from clinal and non-clinical information in the second module. The third module used NLP with a BERT network, which was trained with a medical dialogs dataset, to understand patient quotes and generate dialogs of recommendation about your care. The metho- dology combines those three modules to form the smart agent Dr. Alex. The results from visual information show that the previsibility of fall risk can be improved by 6.44% in cases where the patient is sat, observed by a frontal angle, e your clinical information e non-clinical are with a high probability of risk, from a range up to 100%. The algorithm XGBoost obtained 82.60% of accuracy from the database of patients with diabetes and stand up obtaining 85.86% from the database of fall risk prevention for elders, which demonstrates that is possible to provide a good estimative of fall risk from a patient through machine learning. In the same way, the model developed for the Hospitalar obtained a perplexity of 12.011 and showed up able to do general medical recommendations and answer questions from hospitalized patients due to the training with medical dialogs dataset.
The problem with hospital falls has always been a recurrent worry, being fall the main responsible for a significant part of hospitalization. In parallel, the NLP has been significantly developed in the recent decade, allowing the emergence of smart agents able to reproduce hu- man dialogs. As a consequence of the growth of patients searching for medical information on social media, that does not necessarily have a health agent origin, this work proposed to imple- ment a methodology to build a virtual-interactive smart agent, named in this work by Dr.Alex, for patient’s fall risk prevention and support them in a medical-hospital ambient. The agent is composed of three modules. In the first module, pose detection algorithms are used and com- pared their performance of them in the task of fall prevention through camera information. The algorithms MLP, SVM, and XGBoost have been used to classify the content of two datasets to estimate the fall risk from clinal and non-clinical information in the second module. The third module used NLP with a BERT network, which was trained with a medical dialogs dataset, to understand patient quotes and generate dialogs of recommendation about your care. The metho- dology combines those three modules to form the smart agent Dr. Alex. The results from visual information show that the previsibility of fall risk can be improved by 6.44% in cases where the patient is sat, observed by a frontal angle, e your clinical information e non-clinical are with a high probability of risk, from a range up to 100%. The algorithm XGBoost obtained 82.60% of accuracy from the database of patients with diabetes and stand up obtaining 85.86% from the database of fall risk prevention for elders, which demonstrates that is possible to provide a good estimative of fall risk from a patient through machine learning. In the same way, the model developed for the Hospitalar obtained a perplexity of 12.011 and showed up able to do general medical recommendations and answer questions from hospitalized patients due to the training with medical dialogs dataset.