Surface reconstruction for generating digital models of prosthesis

dc.contributor.authorDE AQUINO, L. C. M.
dc.contributor.authorLEITE, D. A. T. Q.
dc.contributor.authorGIRALDI, G. A.
dc.contributor.authorCARDOSO, J. S.
dc.contributor.authorPaulo Rodrigues
dc.contributor.authorNEVES, L. A. P.
dc.description.abstractThe restoration and recovery of a defective skull can be performed through operative techniques to implant a customized prosthesis. Recently, image processing and surface reconstruction methods have been used for digital prosthesis design. In this paper we present a framework for prosthesis modeling. Firstly, we take the computed tomography (CT) of the skull and perform bone segmentation by thresholding. The obtained binary volume is processed by morphological operators, frame-by-frame, to get the inner and outer boundaries of the bone. These curves are used to initialize a 2D deformable model that generates the prosthesis boundary in each CT frame. In this way, we can fill the prosthesis volume which is the input for a marching cubes technique that computes the digital model of the target geometry. In the experimental results we demonstrate the potential of our technique and compare it with a related one.
dc.identifier.citationDE AQUINO, L. C. M.; LEITE, D. A. T. Q.; GIRALDI, G. A.; CARDOSO, J. S.; RODRIGUES, P.; NEVES, L. A. P. Surface reconstruction for generating digital models of prosthesis. VISAPP 2011 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Application, p. 137-142, mar. 2011.
dc.relation.ispartofVISAPP 2011 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Application
dc.rightsAcesso Restrito
dc.subject.otherlanguageDeformable model
dc.subject.otherlanguageDigital prosthesis design
dc.subject.otherlanguageShape recovery
dc.titleSurface reconstruction for generating digital models of prosthesis
dc.typeArtigo de evento
fei.scopus.subjectBone segmentation
fei.scopus.subjectComputed Tomography
fei.scopus.subjectDeformable models
fei.scopus.subjectDigital model
fei.scopus.subjectMarching cube
fei.scopus.subjectMorphological operator
fei.scopus.subjectProsthesis design
fei.scopus.subjectShape recovery